The reason why the Daikoku drug of "Shoromaru" advanced to "home appliances" can the spatial eradication "Creberin" regulate?

In this season when you are worried about colds and flu, the existence of a humidifier has been talking about.It is a humidifier equipped with a spatial eradication product "Cleverin", a famous large -sized pharmaceutical, famous for the gastrointestinal drug "Shoromaru".

Doshisha, which is working on planning and manufacturing private brand products, has been released in October 2015, in October 2015, in October 2015, in October 2015, in collaboration with Daikyo drugs and has two types of humidifiers equipped with Creberin's chlorine dioxide gas generated units.

Space removal products using chlorine dioxide, which have a bactericidal effect, were previously deferred, and the mainstream products were simply releasing gas stably.Daikyo Pharmaceutical is sold under the "Crebelin" brand and boasts about 60 % of the domestic market share.

Aiming for further expansion of sales, it will be equipped with a gas generated unit "Clevelin LED" for home appliances such as humidifiers and air purifiers, and will start selling cartridges.

The target is 2 billion yen in sales within 5 years


If the LED light is irradiated to the solid part of the unit, chlorine gas is released.By switching the LED irradiation with a switch, the release of chlorine dioxide gas can be controlled.

As the first installment, a humidifier that generates chlorine dioxide gas is released.At this time when influenza trends, we are aiming to expand sales from the product first.

「正露丸」の大幸薬品が”家電”に進出した理由 空間除菌「クレベリン」は信頼を取り戻せるか

Managing Director Yoshikawa Yoshikawa, Daikyo Pharmaceutical, says, "There will be a reference for product development from 6 to 7 companies, mainly home appliance manufacturers, including Korean and Chinese companies."

In the future, we will consider the introduction of circulators (air circulatory) and lighting equipment equipped with gas generated units and cartridge following the humidifier.The company plans to develop a gas generated unit and cartridge into a business of 2 billion yen in sales within five years.

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