Before you know it, it's the cause of odors! How to clean evaporative humidifier filters

A humidifier is useful in the dry season. Evaporative humidifiers, in particular, humidify the room by exposing a filter soaked in water to the wind, so the steam does not become hot, so you can use it with peace of mind even if you live with children and pets.

However, hybrid humidifiers that also use evaporative or evaporative humidification methods have internal water filters that need to be cleaned regularly.

Let's introduce what happens if you don't clean the filter, and how to clean the filter.

What happens if you don't clean the filter of your evaporative humidifier?

The filter of an evaporative humidifier or a hybrid humidifier that uses an evaporative mechanism is always wet, depending on the model.

Therefore, if you do not clean it regularly, the amount of humidification may decrease due to the bleaching powder contained in tap water, and it may become dirty and cause odor.

In addition, there are cases where the filter itself will shrink if you do not take care of it.

How to clean the filter of an evaporative humidifier

Let's finally introduce a super-simple method to clean the filter of an evaporative humidifier. In addition, this time, Panasonic's "heaterless evaporative humidifier (small and medium capacity type) FE-KXU07" is used as an example to introduce the cleaning method.

[Reference] Heaterless evaporative humidifier (small and medium capacity type) FE-KXU07

Recommended cleaning methods may differ depending on the model, so if you want to know more details, please refer to the instruction manual or the product site of each manufacturer's official website.

What you need is lukewarm water (or water) and a bucket or bucket with a humidifying filter. The cleaning method is easy, just put the filter removed from the main unit in a container with lukewarm water and press it to wash it.

At this time, be careful not to rub it with a brush or wash it in the washing machine. Additionally, drying in the dryer can cause shrinkage. If you drive immediately after cleaning, it is okay to keep it wet.

Let's clean the filter frame at the same time as the humidifying filter. It is OK to wash the filter frame with running water.

Because of the odor without realizing it !How to clean the filter of the evaporative humidifier

If it is very dirty, please refer to the following items.

The filter of the evaporative humidifier is yellowed... If it is very dirty, use citric acid or humidifier detergent!

If the humidifying filter is very dirty, clean it with humidifier detergent or citric acid. The maintenance methods for each symptom are introduced below, but they are based on the official Panasonic website below.

Depending on the model, there are cases where the cleaning method and capacity are different, so if you are concerned, please refer to the instruction manual.

[Reference] Panasonic [Humidified air purifier/humidifier] How to clean the humidifying filter

If you are concerned about the smell of the evaporative humidifier filter

Let's soak and wash (about 30 minutes) using a humidifier detergent or a neutral kitchen detergent. . If it is heavily soiled, try soaking it for a longer time or washing it several times. In addition, after soaking and washing, please rinse thoroughly with new water.

The recommended amount of humidifier detergent is about 20ml per 2L of cold or lukewarm water.

If the filter of the evaporative humidifier is yellowed and dirty

Let's soak it in chlorine bleach and wash it (about 30 minutes). The amount to use depends on the bleach you use, so refer to the instructions. In addition, if the stain is severe, let the soaking time be longer or repeat several times.

If the filter of the evaporative humidifier is clogged with bleaching powder

Soak and wash with citric acid for about 30 minutes. If it is very dirty, try soaking it for a longer time or soaking it several times. The amount of citric acid is about 20g for 3L of cold or lukewarm water.

Can I use baking soda to clean the humidifying filter?

In addition to citric acid, you can also use baking soda to clean the humidifying filter. However, since the method of use and amount differ depending on the model, be sure to check the instruction manual and the manufacturer's official website in advance.

[Reference] Sharp Care Instructions Humidifying Filter

How often do you clean your humidifier filter?

In the case of the FE-KXU07 introduced this time, if you do this about once a month, you can prevent a decrease in the amount of humidification and the generation of odors. Again, however, the recommended frequency may vary by manufacturer and model.

What if the humidifying filter is full of mold and cannot be helped?

In some cases, the filter of the evaporative humidifier has not been cleaned for a long time and has become full of mold.

If you use it as it is, not only will it cause odors, but it may also release mold into the room. If you try the cleaning method using citric acid, etc. introduced above, but still cannot remove the mold or an unpleasant odor occurs, you may want to replace the humidifying filter.

In general, humidifying filters are sold by manufacturers, so check the official website.

* Data is based on editorial research as of early November 2021. *Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, we do not guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the content. * Please use and operate the product at your own risk.

Written by Akira Takamizawa