T.Y.HARBOR and other 6 stores issue Bergfeld Enterprises in accordance with winter practice | Daily Industrial News electronic version

Category: activity

Issuer: Tysons Ltd.

T.Y.HARBORなど6店舗で毎冬恒例のバーガーフェス 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

After eating 40 kinds of hamburgers, you can get craft beer! Tysons (Shinagawa district, chairman of Shinhiro Terada), which operates city-style restaurants in central Tokyo, will hold its annual Bargafi event at six of the group's stores (https://www.tysons.jp/) from January 7 to February 28, 2019. If you order a hamburger with the original concept of each store made for this event, you will give away a beer ticket that you can use the next time you come to the store. Be sure to enjoy the various flavor hamburgers that Tysons and the company are good at and your own craft beer. Summary launch time: Monday, January 7, 2019 to Thursday, February 28, 2019 discount: 1 order for the original hamburger, beer tickets available for the next visit, free tickets valid for Sunday, March 31, 2019 Soft drinks can also be changed menu details: https://www.tysons.jp/news/jpn/8199 to participate in stores and stores concept T.Y.HARBOR (Tianwangzhou): weekend lunch, Japanese and American sister cities of hamburgers each 3 debut IVY PLACE (Daiguanshan): every 2 weeks with the theme of the Pacific Coast Hamburg menu In the morning, hamburgers also debut crisscross (Table reference Road): change multi-material hamburgers every week, and prepare gifts SMOKEHOUSE (Harajuku) after wearing more than 5 (Harajuku): popular hamburgers TOP5 debut CRISTA (Aoyama): pork chops hamburger "mini Fried Spareribs slider" debut Launch No.4 from lunch to late at night: change 8 vegetarian hamburgers a week and contact us at Tysons & PR Takata / Kato 140-0002 Tokyo Shinagawa 2-1-6T:03-5479-1686F:03-5479-0328 Mail:pr@tysons.jp Corporate Press release details please visit PRTIMES


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