Smell, mold, performance deterioration, easy -to -use air purifier care technique

We will carefully select and introduce the care technique of air purifier from @Dime.

Air purifier care

If left unattended, it causes performance deterioration and smell!How to clean the filter of the air purifier well

Air purifiers have a humidifying filter for gathering, deodorizing filters, and humidification functions, and each requires regular care.In addition, the care method is different for each filter, so you need to pay attention to the detergent and cleaning method used.If you are worried about a decrease in air purifying ability or odor, try a cleaning method according to the installed filter.

[Reference] https: // Dime.JP/Genre/836548/

におい、カビ、性能低下、かんたんにできるAir purifier careテクニック

においが気になる時はどうすればいい?ダイキンの加湿器付きAir purifier careテクニック

If you choose an air purifier with a humidifier, we recommend Daikin products that can maintain powerful air volume even if you use the humidifier function.Introducing the characteristics of air purifiers with daikin humidifiers and simple care methods.Let's choose an air purifier that suits you, referring to the recommended model.

[Reference] https: // Dime.JP/Genre/780867/

How to make sure that the air purifier that has not been used for a while is a hotbed of mold

You who have been pulling out the air purifier from the closet and trying to drive after a long time.Remove the cover before driving and check the filter.Maybe mold is occurring inside the air purifier.If you use it as it is, not only will the room smell smell, but there is also a possibility that the air will be dirty ...

[Reference] https: // Dime.JP/Genre/1257360/

Explanation by manufacturer!The cause of the air purifier and how to deal with it when you are worried

Many people buy and use air purifiers, as long as the time has increased at home.The air purifier is not only dust in the room, but also has a model that can control bacteria and pollen work.Do you have any bad odors even if you use such an air purifier?I will introduce a simple solution for such a case.

[Reference] https: // Dime.JP/Genre/1239353/

Mast care!How to replace the air purifier filter by manufacturer

Due to the effects of the corona, home time has increased, and many people may have purchased air purifiers.Have you ever cleaned the filter because you bought an air purifier?In fact, if you do not care or replace the air purifier filter, the air in the room may be even more dirty.

[Reference] https: // Dime.JP/Genre/1218408/

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