Sharp, Hitachi Capital, AI x IoT total service according to the attributes of Asahi Kasei Holmes consumers

Hitachi Capital, Asahi Kasei Holmes, and Sharp have signed a demonstration agreement.Utilizing IoT and AI, the IoT Demonstration Experiment in April 2020 is launched in April 2020 with the aim of providing optimal total services according to different life stages for each generation.We announced that we will do.Aiming to build a Life as a service model that combines various services related to living in open innovation that transcends business format.

Life as a Service:豊かなくらしに必要なサービスを丸ごとパッケージ化し提供するもの


In the demonstration experiment, IoT equipment will be installed in the company house as Step1, and the subscription service of the cooperating company will be provided.In order to understand the living information and needs of each generation and age, STEP1 is limited to the participants to a single person, and the rental housing that many of them seem to live are set as a stage of demonstration.In addition, by using AI technology to analyze the life data acquired by each company, such as the service usage status of residents, the company will expand to a service menu in accordance with the attributes of the single person.It also provides tools for residents to visualize information related to life, such as health.As a result, we will create a service package for singles suitable for companies that promote work style reforms.


シャープ、日立キャピタル、旭化成ホームズ 生活者の属性に合わせたAI×IoTトータルサービスをサブスクで提供

Real data is collected in a series of trends, such as "provision of services", "collecting information for consumers", "collaboration and analysis of collecting information of each company", and "providing improved services", and compatible with real living environment. Aiming to build a circular service model that provides services. In the latter half of FY2020, as a demonstration experimental STEP2, the target of consumers is Dewks households (couples who are raising children in dual -income), and their homes are expanded to detached houses to make their lifestyle changes. We plan to verify the total service of the coincidence. This initiative is not limited to Data Service linkage of Jenaka (housing), but can be enriched by the distribution and transportation infrastructure of Machinaka (whole city). In the future, we will further promote open innovation and promote the participation of various companies.



The Hitachi Capital Group aims to be a social value creation company, and is one of the emphasis on life (infrastructure / town development, healthcare, and living) in the “Mid -term Management Plan for FY2019-2021”.Utilizing the knowledge of existing financial services to build a total service provided by subscriptions, through this demonstration experiment, asset management, collection of charges, and settlement of charges that are fused with Hitachi Capital Group's financial know -how.Aiming to provide management.In Step1, we will build an environment for demonstration experiments, collect and analyze living data, and promote the development of related services.


Asahi Kasei Holmes aims to provide Longlife services and products that support people's "life, living, life" in general.In this demonstration, we provided a rental housing "Hebel Maison" that introduced its own smart home service "Hebel IOH", and analyzed the resident's life data obtained there, and "a new" from a user perspective.Aiming to develop services and products that are Longlife.

スマートホームサービス「へーベルIoH」とはHEBEL HAUSが提供するヘーベルハウス専用のスマートホームサービス。スマートフォンやセンサーなどの機器を活用し、外出先から家電の操作や家族の見守りなどが可能。機器の訪問設置サービスなども付帯。

Sharp has been developing a "AIOT platform" that can utilize IoT equipment usage data by consumers to realize smart life for various service providers through AIOT cloud Co., Ltd., a subsidiary.In this demonstration experiment, Sharp AIOT home appliances will be installed in the target company house to acquire, analyze and cooperate with home appliances, and Sharp Cocoro Life, a subsidiary, will provide a home delivery service for the meal kit "Helsior Deli".。


"Financial services", "housing", and "home appliances", and three companies working to realize smart life in different business fields will demonstrate their strengths and collaborate with cooperating companies to create a quick creation of service packages.。In addition, in accordance with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Smart Life Policy, the demonstration experiment aims to build a platform that connects humans, goods and services.

実証実験参加企業および機器・サービスの一覧■事業主体企業・日立キャピタル株式会社・旭化成ホームズ株式会社・シャープ株式会社■実証実験協力企業・株式会社AIoTクラウド・株式会社SHARP COCORO LIFE・株式会社日立製作所・株式会社日立社会情報サービス・日立グローバルライフソリューションズ株式会社・インフォメティス株式会社・株式会社エナジーゲートウエイ・オムロン ヘルスケア株式会社・EMC Healthcare株式会社・株式会社OZ1・株式会社サージュ・株式会社エムティーアイ・KDDI株式会社・株式会社ライナフ・株式会社クラッシー■機器一覧・赤外線リモコン・睡眠センサー・開閉センサー (温湿度センサー内蔵)・人感センサー (温湿度センサー内蔵)・ネットワークカメラ・玄関スマートロック・体重体組成計 ・サーキットメータ・ウェアラブル・空気清浄機・自動調理鍋・オーブンレンジ・ロボットクリーナ■サービス一覧・食宅サービス・宅配受取サービス・睡眠サポート・睡眠連動サービス・カーシェアサービス・見守りサービス・スマートIoTライフサービス(宅外操作、シーン連動など)・電子取扱説明書サービス・動画配信サービス・玄関ロックスマート化サービス・家事代行関連サイト 日立キャピタル 旭化成ホームズ シャープ

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