Sharp, AI announces a refrigerator that teaches you appropriate usage

 Sharp announced on December 21 of five new refrigerators equipped with the unique air purification technology "Plasma Cluster".Enhance the IoT function that connects things and the Internet.Artificial intelligence (AI) advises the appropriate usage according to the usage status of the refrigerator and the season.It will be released sequentially from February 2022.


 Sharp predicts that replacement of refrigerators will come after 22 years, more than 10 years after the eco -point system aiming to promote energy -saving home appliances.Due to the increase in dual -income households, five models will be developed, mainly for 457-504L models that respond to bulk buying and cooking demand.


 As a new function, in addition to the "AIOT usage navigation", which advises how to use the refrigerator, AI is equipped with a "good night mode" that switches the inside of the inside of the storehouse at night.The shelves inside the warehouse can now be attached and detached, making it easier to clean.

 The top model is around 380,000 yen, which is expected to be released on February 24, 2010.
