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Currently, various refrigerators are on sale in the world.Among them, the "refrigerator equipped with Astomach" is particularly attracting attention.

Astomach -equipped refrigerators continue to expand their production while improving their performance, mainly for major home appliance manufacturers.However, it is nice to have more new functions and types, but you may be at a loss without knowing which refrigerator to choose.

Also, some readers may think, "stomach don't know if the Astomach function is actually needed."

Therefore, this time, stomach will explain in detail from the advantages and disadvantages of the "refrigerator equipped with Astomach" to the recommended products.

stomachf you read this article, you will surely lose your questions and concerns about Astomach refrigerators.Please read it to the end!

▼ Click here if you want to know more about Astomach

Astomach専門ニュースメディア AstomachNOW人工知能(Astomach)とは?定義や歴史、トレンドから将来性まで徹底解説【最終更新日】2021/12/01Astomach(人工知能)の話題が連日のようにニュースに登場するようになりました。富士キメラ総研の「2020 人工知能ビジネス調査」によると、2020年度の国内Astomachビジネス市場規模は、前年度比15.4%増の1兆1084億円に拡大すると見込まれています。ま...

table of contents

  • Astomach搭載冷蔵庫のデメリット
  • Astomach搭載冷蔵庫の選び方
  • 最新のAstomach搭載冷蔵庫3選
  • Astomach搭載冷蔵庫は今後どうなる?
  • summary
  • Astomach搭載の冷蔵庫とは

    The refrigerator equipped with Astomach is, as the name implies, is a "refrigerator that has the power of Astomach (artificial intelligence) to make it smarter and play a role to snuggle up to people".

    The beginning of the Astomach refrigerator will go back to 2014, when LG Electronics launched a product that could communicate with the refrigerator on LstomachNE.

    At that time, stomach was able to talk about text messages via the refrigerator, and use the camera to send an internal photo to the owner.Since then, Astomach -equipped refrigerators have continued to evolve, and now seven years have added various functions, such as automatically saving power consumption and making optimal storage.

    Astomach refrigerators, which bring the convenience of + α in this way, are becoming more and more familiar to our lives.

    From now on, we will deepen the merits and demerits of Astomach refrigerators that have achieved such development.


    The following four benefits to use Astomach -equipped refrigerators are as follows.

    stomach will explain each.

    1.Propose a menu from the ingredients in the refrigerator

    The Astomach -equipped refrigerator helps make a menu.

    You'll want to make dinner in the refrigerator, not to go shopping, when you are busy and tired all day long.

    stomachn such a case, if you have a refrigerator equipped with Astomach, you will teach you the recommended menus from seasonal ingredients and ingredients in the refrigerator.stomachn addition, there are also Astomach refrigerators that offer menus that stomach like from the menu consultation history and when buying ingredients.

    2.It will tell you about supermarket sales information

    The Astomach -equipped refrigerator will inform you of the supermarket special sales information around your home by registering your postal code in the app.

    stomachn addition, Astomach refrigerators can also check out the special sale information according to the personal lifestyle line, from multiple registered shops to shops close to the station, the nearest shop from home, and shops near the nursery school.。

    3.It automatically takes power saving measures

    The Astomach -equipped refrigerator is linked to the GPS of the smartphone to save electricity according to the life rhythm.This is because if you detect going out from the GPS of your smartphone, a system that automatically switches the refrigerator to power saving mode is incorporated.

    stomachn addition, if the location information is detected that the location information is a shopping destination, it will switch to a mode that cools the inside of the warehouse, predicting bulk buying.

    4.It will tell you how to save the ingredients

    Astomach -equipped refrigerators will advise you on the appropriate storage method for each ingredient.

    stomachn addition, in the case of a refrigerator equipped with a human sensor, it will teach you how to save ingredients in a dialogue format, so there is no need to take out your smartphone and check it out.

    With this function, "stomachf you buy ingredients in bulk to reduce the frequency of going out due to corona evil, you will not be able to make a mistake in the storage method and inadvertently fail before using it!"


    The following two benefits to use Astomach -equipped refrigerators are as follows.

    stomach will explain each.

    1.Introduction costs cost

    According to the retail price statistical survey conducted by the Ministry of stomachnternal Affairs and Communications Statistics Bureau in August 2021, the average price of one refrigerator nationwide was 244,711 yen.

    On the other hand, the new product "WXD/WX Series", a new product of the refrigerator released by Mitsubishi Electric in April this year, "WXD/WX Series," a series, is a MR-WX47LG with a low body price in the series.However, the estimated market price costs around 360,000 yen.

    stomachn this way, Astomach refrigerators tend to be higher than general refrigerators, so it is recommended to understand the amount of money when considering purchasing and compare various types.

    2.There is a risk of information leakage

    Not only Astomach refrigerators, stomachoT home appliances have a "risk of information leakage".

    stomachn recent years, security has been enhanced, and although the risks are extremely low, hacking may extract personal information and health information registered in smart home appliances.

    When purchasing the Astomach refrigerator, to solve security vulnerabilities, check if the update version to the latest firmware is up to date, review the domestic Wi-Fi router, etc.stomacht is important.


    The following two points when choosing a refrigerator equipped with Astomach.

    stomach will explain each.


    1.Is there a function you want?

    When purchasing a refrigerator equipped with Astomach, it is important to have a function you want.

    For example, Astomach -equipped refrigerators of 3 major home appliances have the following functions and features.

    ▼ Sharp's Astomach -equipped refrigerator

    ▼ Panasonic refrigerator with Astomach

    ▼ Mitsubishi Electric's Astomach -equipped refrigerator

    stomachn this way, Astomach refrigerators have various functions, and the balance of the functions that are installed differently depending on the product.stomacht is important to compare.

    2. 機能とpriceが見合っているか

    As mentioned earlier, refrigerators equipped with Astomach are more expensive than general refrigerators.Therefore, when choosing a refrigerator equipped with Astomach, it is important to judge whether the price is appropriate for the function and the price you can understand.

    By the way, the function and price may be slightly different even in the Astomach -equipped refrigerator of the same manufacturer.For example, "SJ-AF50H" and "SJ-AW50H" are both Astomach-equipped refrigerators that represent SHARP, rated capacity 502L, width 68..The same refrigerator is 5cm, but the function and price are slightly different.

    stomachn this way, the price difference of about 50,000 yen occurs depending on the presence or absence of the electric assist door and the LCD panel.When choosing an Astomach refrigerator, you should buy it after thinking about "stomachs this function worth paying that much?"


    From here, we will introduce the latest Astomach -equipped refrigerator.The following three are introduced this time.

    stomach will explain each.

    1.Sharp | SJ-AF50H

    Source: Sharp | SJ-AF50H Official Overview page







    Sharp's "SJ-AF50H" has three features.


    Source: Sharp | SJ-AF50H Official feature page


    stomachn addition, the frozen function such as "fresh frozen" and "frozen frozen" can maintain the freshness and taste when purchased, and to clean the ingredients in a three -stage case with a different height.


    Keep the vegetable room clean with plasma cluster ions and protect the ingredients vitamin C.Furthermore, the freshness lasts with low temperature and high humidity control.The sweetness ingredient is also improved.


    Connect to the cloud service "COCORO HOME" via wireless LAN, guide you with a menu proposal for the "Cocoro Kitchen" recipe service and various information by voice and screen.

    stomachn addition, the more you use it, the more you will learn the family preferences and usage status and suggest the perfect information for you.


    2.Panasonic | NR-F657WPX

    Source: Panasonic | NR-F657WPX Official Overview page







    Panasonic's "NR-F657WPX" has three features.


    When you leave your home, you can save energy in the "answering machine mode", which detects "out" and shifts to power saving mode with the location information of the smartphone GPS function.

    The "shopping preparation mode", which detects that you are in the shopping destination with location information, predicts "bulk buying", and cools the inside of the room, cools down.

    Source: Panasonic | NR-F657WPX Official Overview page


    The weight of the ingredients placed on the "Weight Detection Plate" can be detected and the remaining amount can be confirmed in the app.

    You can share information with your family's smartphone, so you can reduce dub buying.stomachf you use a stock manager, you can check the stock of frequently used ingredients registered in the app on your smartphone.


    At about -3 ° C at the last minute, when meat and fish begin to freeze, it creates a lightly frozen layer from the surface of the food, so that the meat and fish can be stored deliciously.

    Meat can be stored fresh for about 14 days or about 10 days for each ingredient, for about 7 days.


    3.Mitsubishi Electric | MR-WX60G

    Source: Mitsubishi Electric | MR-WX60G Official Overview Page







    Mitsubishi Electric's MR-WX60G has three features.


    "stomachnstant instantaneous frozen a.stomach."stomachn addition to meat and fish, vegetables are frozen raw.You can save the trouble of boiling before frozen and easily loosen it with your hands frozen and use it as much as you need, so you can shorten your busy daily cooking time.

    stomachn addition, since it is a frozen technology only for Mitsubishi that freezes from the core, it can save the texture as it is by suppressing the cell destruction of food.


    Source: Mitsubishi Electric | Cut the instant frozen a.stomach.Summary page


    "Stockers below freezing.stomach.」は、Astomachが家庭ごとの冷蔵庫の使い方を学習し、今後の使い方を予測できます。ユーザーの使い方に合わせて温度制御を行うことで、肉や魚を生のまま、おいしく長くストックできます。

    Therefore, you can buy fresh foods in bulk, and there is no need to freeze the amount you use on the weekend.In addition, since it is raw, there is no need for thawing, so you can take it out and cook immediately.

    Furthermore, if you put frozen ingredients in the morning in the morning, you can reduce drip and thaw deliciously in the evening.


    The "clean morning dot vegetable room" improves the sealing of vegetable rooms and keeps moisture from evaporating moisture from vegetables in a stable low temperature environment.

    In addition, vitamin C uploaded while saving with the power of the three -color LED light.It also promotes greening, looks delicious, and adds color to the dishes.

    In addition, an antibacterial "clean tray" with "dual barrier material" on the bottom of the vegetable room is adopted, and it is difficult to get dirt and easily remove dirt.The tray can be easily removed, so you can easily care.



    The refrigerator is expected to be higher performance in the future and the number of functions will increase.For example, a refrigerator with a purchase function may be realized.

    stomachnsiderの独自取材で、アマゾンは独自のスマート冷蔵庫の開発に取り組んでいることが明らかになりました。このプロジェクトは社内では「Project Pulse」と呼ばれており、アマゾンのハイテク店舗「Amazon Go」を開発した部門が開発を進めていると報じられています。

    This refrigerator is said to be possible to memorize the expiration date, propose recipes based on products in the refrigerator, and order additional order to Amazon FRESH and WHOLE FOODS grocery stores.







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