Ozone generators and companies installed in the school have no evidence of PR, saying "reducing the risk of infection."Is this display illegal?The Consumer Affairs Agency's opinion ...

Air Buster Special Site

Ozone generator, which has not been proven as a new colon virus countermeasure, was set up in all public elementary and junior high schools and kindergartens in the city, donated by a company of Osaka Prefecture by a company.Donated companies are promoting products with words such as "strengthening infection risk reduction measures" and "reducing infection risks in schools".Is there a possibility that such a display violates the prize display method?I asked the Consumer Affairs Agency for their opinions.[BUZZFEED JAPAN / Yuto Chiba]

 学校に設置されたオゾン発生器、企業は「感染リスク低減」とPRも根拠なし。この表示は違法? 消費者庁の見解は…

Looking back on the background

A teacher who explains the "effect" of the ozone generator to the child.She explains, "I will beat the bacteria that I can't see," and let the children thank you "Thank you".

It was Tondabayashi, Osaka Prefecture, who was donated an ozone generator from Sanyu Corporation, a company. Donated 550 ozone generators, 58 air purifier -type ozone generators, and 58 ozone -produced devices in total. The city was installed in the donated ozone generators in all public elementary and junior high schools and kindergartens in the city, despite the fact that the effect was not proved as a countermeasure against the new colon virus. The World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology recommend a spatial spray in a place where the disinfectant and substances that reduce the amount of viruses may adhere to the eyes and skin of the human eye or inhale. Not. Research has been presented in overseas medical magazines that ozone is more risky to cause airway inflammation in the event of exposure. However, the city side was positioned and implemented the installation of ozone generator as a business for new colon virus infections. The Tomita Hayashi Medical Association, who is also a school doctor, sent a request to the mayor immediately, but the city would not respond to the request and would continue to operate. It is known that the Osaka Prefectural Nursing Association, which is a nurse's professional organization such as Nara Prefecture, Naha City, and Ginoza Village, and the Osaka Prefectural Nursing Association, have been donated as a new colona.

The seller "It's not the phrase" Don't do spatial eradication "

Sanyu Corporation Co., Ltd.

Ozone generator is not corresponding to medical devices and is classified as miscellaneous goods. Therefore, it is not possible to claim words such as effect on the new colona and sterilization and disinfection. Against this background, a person in charge of Sanko Corporation, who donated an ozone generator to Tondabayashi City, claimed that this donation was not a new colona countermeasure. Explaining that the effectiveness and safety of ozone is based on the experimental data at Nara Prefectural Medical University and Fujita Medical University, emphasizing that "this does not show the safety and effectiveness of the product." 。 "The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare does not recommend the sterilization of spatial disinfection. However, it is not the phrase" do not do spatial disinfection. " Will be a customer's judge. However, we think that it is possible to use it as a customer who can ensure safety and use it. "