On March 18th, "Spring Sleep Day" Pay attention to the "correct ventilation" that upgrades the sleeping environment

Mitsubishi Electric conducted a survey on sleep and ventilation

2022/3/15 Mitsubishi Denki Ventilation Solution PR Secretariat

Mitsubishi Electric conducted a survey on sleep and ventilation3月18日は「春の睡眠の日」睡眠環境をアップグレードする“正しい換気“に注目寝室内の二酸化炭素濃度を「睡眠中の換気」が約68%改善コロナをきっかけに睡眠の質を上げたいと思うようになった人は6割以上現在8割以上の人が睡眠に関する何らかの悩みを持っている

 Mitsubishi Electric Co., Ltd. conducted a survey on sleep on 1,000 men and women in their 20s and 60s nationwide before March 18, "Spring Sleep Day."Corona evil has increased the opportunity to ventilate, and the attention of air management is increasing, but few people ventilate in the bedroom before sleep or during sleep.However, our research has shown that the CO2 concentration in the closed bedroom rises to more than 4000 ppm in the morning and exceeds the healthy CO2 concentration (800-1000 ppm).Since the ventilation of the bedroom may be difficult to implement due to crime prevention and noise, we asked Miho Mitsuhashi, a good sleeping therapist, about the tips for bedroom ventilation and its effects.

Main survey results

Sleeping reality: 60%of the corona is increasingly interested in sleep., 60%or more "I want to improve the quality of sleep" (64.1%).・ The current sleep time is 6.4 hours on weekdays and 7.3 hours on holidays.42.4%of sleep time is not enough.・ Current sleep problems, “I am not sleepy” (35.8%), “sleepy during the day” (32.5%), and “poor sleep” (27.1%).・ 83.9%of the total has any sleep trouble.Women in their 20s (93.0%) and women in their 30s (91.0%) are high.・ People who do not have enough sleep have many sleep problems.One in four people who sleep enough has "sleepiness during the day" (23.4%).・ To create a good sleeping environment, the costs spent so far, 8,988 yen before sleep and 18,648 yen during sleep.

Sleep and ventilation: Most of the people who do not do the CO2 concentration of the bedroom where the number of “bedroom ventilation” is closed is rising to the right.The smaller the bedroom, the higher the experience rate (28.1%less than 5 tatami mats).・ The healthy CO2 concentration is 800-1000 ppm.However, the CO2 concentration of the closed bedroom exceeds 4000 ppm in the morning!・ In the wake of the corona, we started thinking about the importance of ventilation (73.9%).・ 75.3%of good sleep and bedroom ventilation are “I don't know”.There are only 8.0%of the bedroom ventilation before sleep and 5.0%during sleep.・ Reasons for not ventilation in the bedroom, "I do not feel the need" (29.8%), "I can not adjust room temperature" (25.5%), "I am worried about the outside sound" (24.8%).

Survey Overview ● Survey Time: February 7, 2022 (Monday) to February 9 (Wednesday) ● Survey method: Internet survey ● Survey targets: 1,000 men and women in their 20s to 60s nationwide * Small in this surveyThe second place is rounded out.Therefore, the total number may not be 100 %.

Sleep awareness and sleep environment

After the corona, one in three people has more sleep problems, and 60 % wants to improve sleep quality.

 We conducted a survey on sleep for 1,000 men and women in their 20s and 60s nationwide.First, I heard a change in sleep due to corona.Approximately 30%answered that "sleep time has increased" (30.3%), while one in three people answered that "sleep has increased" (35.5%).More than 60%say, "I want to improve the quality of sleep" (64.1%).It seems that more and more people are feeling sleeping and wanting to improve sleep quality, although their home time has increased due to the collona evil and sleeping time has increased.By age, sleeping time has increased, sleep problems have increased, and sleep quality has increased to the 20s (sleeping time 45.5%, sleep 44.5%, and sleep quality 75.5%).[Fig. 1].

Sleeping time is 6.4 hours on weekdays, 7.3 hours on holidays, and 40 % feel that sleep time is not enough.

 When asked about the current sleep time, an average of 6.41 hours on weekdays and 7.31 hours on holidays [Figure 2-1].When asked about the current sleep time, 40%felt that it was not enough (42.4%) [Figure 2-2].


Modern people with some sleep problems, such as "I am not enough to sleep" and "sleepiness during the day"

 When I heard about the current sleep problems, "I am not asleep" (35.8%), "sleepy during the day" (32.5%), and "poor sleep" (27.1%).83.9%of the respondents answered that there was some kind of sleep trouble, but by gender and age, women in their 20s were 93.0%and women in their 30s were 91.0%, and young women had sleep problems.It turns out that the proportion is high.Also, if you look at sleep problems in a person with sufficient sleep and those who are not enough, those who feel that sleep time is not enough has a higher percentage of sleep problems.On the other hand, about one in four people who answered that sleep time was enough, "I feel drowsy during the day" (23.4%) [Figure 3].

We are focusing on lifestyles such as "bath", "regular life", and "sleeping at the same time" for good sleep, and is particular about bedding such as "pillars" and "futons", but are particular about room temperature, humidity, and ventilation.Is very little

 With more than 60 % of them want to improve the quality of sleep, I heard what they are doing for good sleep. What we devise for good sleep in the environment before sleep is "take a bath" (33.1%), "keep a regular life" (32.8%), and "sleep at the same time every day" (30.6%). It was in order. There are about 10%of those who adjust room temperature and humidity, such as "adjust the room temperature of the bedroom using air conditioner" (13.9%) and "Use humidifier" (13.2%), as well as about 10%, and the doors and bedroom doors. There were only 8.0%of those who opened and answered "ventilation" [Figure 4-1]. What we are devising in a sleeping environment for good sleep is "sticking to pillows" (22.4%), "sticking to futons" (13.8%), and "sticking to mattresses" (12.1%). It seems that there are many people who are particular. Only 10%of those who use "air conditioner" (11.6%) or "humidifier" (11.0%) during sleep, as in before sleep, are less than before sleep than before sleep. There was only %. [Fig. 4-2].

8,988 yen before sleeping to create a good sleep environment, 18,648 yen during sleep

Those who are worried about sleep and those who feel inadequate to sleep tend to cost more costs

 We asked a person who has been devising something to create an environment before sleeping or sleeping (778 before sleep, 537 in sleep).The average cost to create an environment before sleep was 8,988 yen and 18,648 yen during sleep.In addition, people who have sleep problems (9,225 yen before sleep, 19,091 yen during sleep), those who feel inadequate sleep time (10,731 yen before sleep, 21,310 yen during sleep) have tended to be spent.[Fig. 5].

After the corona, I feel the importance of ventilation, but the bedroom does not ventilate ...

One in four people feels the sleeping room in the morning, probably because they do not ventilate the bedroom.The smaller the bedroom, the easier it is

 There were only a few people who ventilated in the bedroom for good sleep.However, 73.9%of respondents answered that they started thinking about the importance of ventilation in the wake of the corona, and many people are aware of the importance of ventilation [Figure 6].It seems that the reality of ventilation is recognized, but the bedroom has not been ventilated.Perhaps because I didn't ventilate my bedroom, when I woke up in the morning, when I heard that the air in my bedroom was stagnant, about 23.1%, about one in four people in the morning bedroom.I felt.Looking at this result by size of the bedroom, 20.6%of people feel stagnant in the bedroom with "7 tatami mats or more", but 23.8%of "5-7 tatami mats" and 28.1%of "less than 5 tatami mats".The narrower, the higher the level of air feeling of air [Figure 7].

In the morning, it may be due to the rise of CO2 concentration, in the morning.

 In fact, it is known that ventilation in the bedroom is important for good sleep.When our institute, the Residential Institute for the Residential Environment R & D, examined the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the bedroom, if the bedroom door was closed and the ventilation fan was not attached, the CO2 concentration increased to the right after bedtime.increase.However, ventilation, such as putting a ventilation fan or opening the bedroom door, improves the CO2 concentration in the bedroom by about 68 %.The experiment has revealed that the healthy CO2 concentration is 800-1000 ppm, but the CO2 concentration in the closed bedroom exceeds 4000 ppm in the morning.In order to create a good sleep environment, it is important to maintain a healthy CO2 concentration by ventilation.

For a good sleep environment, you need a "bedroom ventilation"!Open two windows and doors for ventilation and replace the air

 As clear from our experimental results, "good sleep" and "bedroom ventilation" have an effect. When asked if he knew this, 2.6%of "I knew it in detail" was 2.6%, and "I have heard it" is 22.1%, and 24.7%of people are aware of good sleep and bedroom ventilation. It wasn't. [Fig. 8]. As shown in Fig. 4-1, only 8.0%of the bedroom ventilates before sleep, but when you ask these people about the ventilation method in the bedroom, "open one window" (51.3%). The most is the most [Fig. 9]. When asked about 5.0%of people who vent in bedrooms during sleep, the ventilation method (42.0%) (42.0%) is the top, indicating that it is difficult to open the window during sleep [Figure 10]. Correct ventilation means that the air in the room is replaced with fresh air, so that the air flow can be opened on a diagonal or a ventilation fan so that the air can flow. "Open two or more windows" (31.3%before sleep, 24.0%during sleep), "Open the windows and doors" (22.5%before, 22.0%), "Use ventilation fan" (13.8%before, 4.0 %), "Open one window and open the door" (13.8%before, 16.0%in the middle), "Open two windows and open the door" (11.3%before, 8/0%in the middle). Ventilation method. Some respondents answered that they would ventilate, "Use an air purifier" (23.8%before, 28.0%), but strictly, it is not correct as a "ventilation" method.

There are various reasons why you can't ventilate in the bedroom, but 30 % are "I don't feel the need"

 Once again, when asked about ventilation in the bedroom, 60.4%answered that they were not ventilation in the bedroom [Figure 11].If you ask those who do not answer that they are not ventilation in the bedroom, they do not feel the need for ventilation (29.8%), and the recognition of good sleep and ventilation has not expanded.It turned out to be the main reason.In addition, "room temperature could not be adjusted" (25.5%), "I am worried about the outside sound" (24.8%), and "Anxiety about crime prevention" (22.4%).By gender, women in their 20s (35.4%) and 30s (38.3%) are "crime prevention", men in their 50s (43.1%) and 60s (40.0%) do not feel the need for ventilation.Is high [Fig. 12].It seems that there are various barriers to ventilation with windows open.

The importance of ventilation in the bedroom to sleep well, asking Miho Mitsuhashi, a good sleeping therapist

 Based on the results of this survey, Miho Mitsuhashi, a sleeping environment and sleep environment planner, commented on the importance of ventilation in the bedroom.

● While the sleeping time, which is originally needed due to the corona evil, the number of people who want to improve the quality of sleep has more than 60 % of surveys. 。 Although there are individual differences, the average necessary sleep time is considered to be less than 6 hours to 8 hours (reference: sleep guidelines for health promotion 2014). According to the results of this survey, the average sleep time was 6.41 hours on weekdays and 7.31 hours on holidays, and the feeling that the sleeping time was "long" was correct, rather than the sleeping time of the corona. It can be considered. On the other hand, the consequences of the corona have caused one out of sleep to have more sleep problems, and more than 60 % of them have wanted to improve sleep quality. From here, it can be seen that many people are now not "good sleep". In the first place, "good sleep" has a significant effect of sleep environment such as "temperature", "humidity", "sound", and "bedding" in the bedroom. According to the results of this survey, the average is 8,988 yen before sleep and an average of 18,648 yen during sleep to create a good sleep environment, but not only is it not only particular about bedding but also the ventilation of the bedroom. You can feel "good sleep" just by doing it.

● Approximately one in four people has enough sleep time to have a sleep trouble ... The improvement of "sleep quality" due to ventilation is important, as mentioned above, there is an important relationship with "good sleep". In this survey, the recognition rate was 24.7 %, and only 39.6 % of the people were able to implement it. In addition, 10 % of people are doing "ventilation" that can easily improve sleep quality without spending money while many people are particular about bedding as a good sleeping environment. There is also a survey result that it is not as good. While many people have not been able to ventilate during sleep, as the Mitsubishi Electric survey data shows, the CO2 concentration in the bedroom, which had not been ventilated, rises to more than 4000 ppm the next morning. While the healthy CO2 concentration is 800-1000 ppm, it is a value that exceeds it. According to research at Denmark Institute of Technology *, "ventilation, the lower the CO2 concentration, the lower the quality of sleep and the less sleepiness the next day." The survey results show that sleep time is enough, but it has been revealed that 23.4 % of people have some sleep problems. The reason why the quality of sleep does not improve even if sleep time is enough may be that ventilation has not been performed. We recommend that you incorporate "ventilation" that can be practiced immediately from today to create a good sleep environment. * THE EFFECTS OF BEDROOM AIR Quality On Sleep and Next-Day Performance https://onlinelineLibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.111/ina.12254

● I mentioned that "ventilation before sleep" and "good sleep" are important for those who cannot ventilate during sleep, but as a real problem, there are various hurdles in sleep during sleep. I think. According to the survey results, there were many crime prevention and room temperature adjustments as "reasons for not being able to ventilate." You can see that there is resistance to the ventilation of opening windows during sleep. The important thing for such people is "ventilation before sleep". For "good sleep", it is important not only to ventilate but also to make appropriate temperature and humidity. Therefore, after opening the window before sleep, using a ventilation fan, the temperature and humidity are adjusted by the air conditioner after incorporating the fresh air into the room. This reduces the CO2 concentration and can be expected to improve sleep quality. If there is a ventilation fan in the room, it is recommended that you always use it during bedtime. However, it may be difficult to find the season, climate, and residence location. In that case, please pay attention to how to associate with ventilation, such as the introduction of the latest ventilation fan and prior ventilation before going to bed.

Miho Mihashi (Miho Miho) a good sleep therapist and sleep environment planner.After working as a supervisor of bedding manufacturers, she became independent in 2003.She has solved more than 10,000 sleep problems so far, especially her pillows, just touching her head, and she is so familiar that she can see what pillows fit.She also works on lectures and writing nationwide, producing bedding and good sleep goods, and coordinating hotel rooms.Her book, "Sleeping training!66 new habits that sleep well and wake up (Mikasa Shobo), and "Good night, Roger Magical Picture Book" (Asuka Shinsha), which supervised the Japanese version, exceeded 1.15 million copies in the series.https://sleepere.com/

Introduction of Mitsubishi Electric products that you would recommend to houses such as bedrooms

"Rosnai" that can be easily ventilated without opening the window

 Window open ventilation is a lot of rain and wind, pollen and insects, and you are worried from the viewpoint of security and privacy, and above all, the comfortable air that has been prepared is a lot of discomfort, and you often feel uncomfortable.It will be overwhelming.Mitsubishi Electric's Ventilation Sky Qing aircraft solves the worries of ventilation.With Rosnai, it can suppress the invasion of outside air dirt and ventilate it without opening the window while maintaining the warmth and coolness of the room.

With Rosnai, ventilation without opening the window

 Rosnai is equipped with "two fans for exhaust and air supply", so you can forcibly replace the air in the room without opening a window.In addition, the "outside air purifying filter" cuts the dirt contained in the outside air to be incorporated, so you can incorporate more fresh air.

● Rosnai mechanism Rosnai's biggest feature is that ventilation can be ventilated while suppressing room temperature changes.The standard "Rosnae Element (heat exchanger)" is collected to the outside air that is discarded during ventilation and conveys it to the outside air, so it can be taken in close to the air -conditioned room temperature, so it is comfortable.It also leads to improvements and saving heating and heating costs.

● Comparison of general ventilation (non -heat replacement) and rosnai ventilation (heat exchange)

Click here for details on Rosnai Nishizaki, Rosa Nishizaki, Nakatsugawa Sales Division, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.https://www.mitSubishelectric.co.jp/ldg/ja/air/products/Ventilationfan/recommend-home/