Lifehacker Summary of indoor ventilation strategies for Lifehacker LifeHacker LifeHacker families during the pollen period | Pollen fever countermeasures

Finally, it's the real hay fever season.

The amount of pollen in 2021 is less than usual, but it is expected to be more than last year (from Weather News).

This time, with regard to family indoor ventilation and pollen strategies, Dyson Pollen Strategy Learning Conference (held online on February 4, 2021) the handout of Professor Hiroichi Makamura, a doctor in the Department of Medical Research, Graduate School of Imperial University, summarizes and introduces the main points that should be paid attention to in the pollen countermeasures in the coronal disaster.

1. Effectively ventilate the room

If it is normal, during this period, there are also many cases of trying not to open the window and close the room. Indoor ventilation is required in the coronal disaster.

The pollen countermeasure in the coronal disaster is to "ventilate effectively so as not to put pollen in it" is the mast.

Consider breathing according to the opening of the room

If there is only one opening, use a ventilation fan

Refer to the picture here and get some effective ventilation according to the layout of the room.

two。 It is essential to prevent pollen while being ventilated.

Why there is pollen entering the room if you open the window for air, so it is also important to filter the external air indoors while breathing.

Simple and effective is to use air purifiers corresponding to PM2.5 and pollen.

The combination of air purifier × humidifier × vacuum cleaner is effective.

What are the conditions for Chinese fir pollen to fly?

The flying amount of pollen increases when the temperature rises and the humidity decreases at the same time.

lifehacker LifeHacker LifeHacker 家庭で気をつけたい花粉の時期の室内換気対策まとめ|花粉症対策

It will be greatly reduced when it rains.

The amount of dispersion increases when the temperature rises after the rain and the humidity decreases.

Especially if it rains early in the morning, the amount of flight will increase.

When it rained when the temperature rose the previous day, when the temperature rose on the rainy day, plus the part of the previous day, it scattered in large quantities.

Origin: effect of Meteorology on Pollen dispersion of Cunninghamia lanceolata / Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Volume 91, 1988 P.907-914

Knowing the timing of the increase in pollen, it is recommended to breathe when the pollen is less dispersed.

The early morning when the temperature does not rise is a chance to take a breath!

What about the family's pollen strategy?

In addition to the family, in the unspecified majority of the home, even if it is a coronal disaster, the daily level of ventilation is enough.

In this case, it is important to open the window for ventilation in a short period of time, or to use the 24-hour ventilation system of the room and the air purifier to create an environment for pollen removal.

In particular, if you stay at home during the day, such as bedrooms, children's rooms, and work from home, the air safety and comfort of the living room and other space spent for a long time is very effective.

In addition, the air purifier can effectively clean the air if it is arranged in a place far from the external air inlet, such as a window or opening.

At this study meeting, I taught a lot of pollen countermeasures that can be done right away.

For example, like the Dyson Pure series, a high-performance air purifier that removes pollen and finer particles is a reassuring and intelligent choice.

If the power of household appliances such as humidifiers and vacuum cleaners are combined, indoor pollen countermeasures will also be more effective.

Even when the pollen is hot, find ways to make more family time comfortable for a long time.

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I want to read it together.

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Source: Weather News, Dyson
