Lifehacker Is the Lifehacker LifeHacker LifeHacker muscle exercise recording app okay? After all, the reason for the need for handwritten notes

People who have been using muscle exercise apps for a long time will find it dangerous to rely on only one application.

Because the application was abolished, or the smartphone broke down, the data disappeared.

Moreover, even if all goes well, the application may not be able to record the measurements to be recorded.

Therefore, it is important to maintain your own training data.

You cannot rely on applications or clouds.

Record the distance of running and improvement during the day on paper, or in a digital file that you can manage (and can back up). The reasons are as follows.

Data may become inaccessible

Of course, even if you use the application, it will be smooth to start using the application at first.

However, from years of running experience, there are websites and apps that cannot be used.

Where on earth are the training data for the last half marathon run five years ago? I can't guess. What about the first marathon in 2012?

I found a website that should have recorded the distance I had run, but my password, the email address I am using now, will not be identified.

In most cases, we only think about the present. However, it is also important to leave data for yourself in the future.

Five or 10 years later, "what kind of training did you do in 2019? "it might give me a headache." To answer this question, you need to leave data.

Fortunately, I actually have some previous data. Because it's written on paper. When I trained for the first marathon in 2012, I printed out the training calendar and hung it on the wall.

In this type of paper record, there is also a year or two of muscle trading data. At present, the only regret is that the amount of paper as a low-tech record has decreased.

Only the record of the application is measured by the application

The easiest thing for running applications to measure is the overall average speed. In other words, time divided by the sum of driving distances. And it's one of the most useless numbers a runner can master.

All in all, the pace of running should vary according to muscle exercise.

lifehacker LifeHacker LifeHacker 筋トレ記録アプリだけで大丈夫? 結局、手書きノートが必要になる理由

If you jog for a long distance, the average speed will slow down. However, after driving slowly for a mile as a warm-up, it will also run 3 miles at a fast pace, and there are times when it will slowly cool down.

The overall average speed does not provide any useful information for these runs. When running intermittently on a truck, does anyone care about the overall average speed? No one will care.

When I run or upgrade at the gym, I'm still using apps.

But now, when you get home, copy the important numbers in your notebook. According to the type of muscle exercise

Write it down in your notebook.

Is it emoji, or a number that indicates the intensity of muscle exercise (10 is a dead effort, 6 is the speed of jogging in the park), which is used to express it.

Please think about it. Speaking of which, why record the data?

Is one of them.

Maybe both are possible. So let's record the numbers that are considered important in each case.

Both can be used.

If the application is convenient, there is no need to stop using the application.

I like an application called "Strong" to improve.

This application does a lot of calculations on my behalf because it records almost all the important things (weight, iterations, subjective exercise intensity (Rpe), etc.) on the spot, reminding me of the last promotion.

However, when you get home, immediately open your training notes and quickly write down what you have done, how many sets you have done, and what is the effective weight.

It's the same with running. I use "Nike" to measure running distances and create photos of Instagram with embedded data.

But at the end of the day, I write notes on the distance and pace of the day, the sense of touch, and detailed data that may be useful in the future.

It's also a good idea if you don't use apps and want to bring your laptop to the gym (I even envy people who exercise without their location and personal data being known to the company).

In any case, establish a practice that suits you to avoid inaccessible records due to forgetting your password.

I want to read it together.

No need to measure sleep and steps? Four ways to establish a sound relationship with fitness trackers

The basics of running that all runners should know


Beth Skwarecki-Lifehacker US [original]