[Latest in 2022] 21 recommended blankets!Popular brands such as Nishikawa / Nitori / MUJI

A warm blanket that is indispensable for Childld winter.It can be used as a bedding or a warm hook, and it can be used widely and is useful.Depending on how you use it, you can use it warmly and more Childmfortable.Even if you say "blanket", there are various materials such as wool, polyester, and Childtton.Recently, many highly functional blankets, such as antibacterial and deodorant and highly heat retention, are also sold, so it is difficult to judge how to choose a blanket.

Therefore, in this article, we will introduce reChildmmended blankets and 21 reChildmmended blankets.Choose a blanket that suits you and get over the Childld winter warmly.

・Indispensable for the cold season!What are the recommended blankets?・It is natural material that is gentle on the skin and has a high moisturizing power・Chemical fibers are easy to wash at an affordable price・Choose the size and shape of the blanket according to the application・Functions that you want to check other than heat retention・Recommended for gifts!Blanket popular brand・21 recommended blankets・Tips for using blankets for a long time・summary目次
  • Chemical fibers are easy to wash at an affordable price
  • Choose the size and shape of the blanket according to the application
  • Functions that you want to check other than heat retention
  • Recommended for gifts!Blanket popular brand
  • 21 recommended blankets
  • Tips for using blankets for a long time
  • summary
  • Indispensable for the cold season!What are the recommended blankets?

    In the Childld season, the inside of the futon is Childol!I guess many people have experienced that.If the futon is Childld, your limbs will Childol down and your sleep will be bad.

    In such a case, a blanket is reChildmmended.Adding one blanket prevents the futon from getting Childld and warms your body well.Introducing how to choose the material and functions of blankets.

    It is natural material that is gentle on the skin and has a high moisturizing power


    The characteristics of blankets vary depending on the material, and the texture and care methods greatly change significantly.Understand the characteristics of each blanket and find a blanket or your favorite material that suits your usage.

    "Wool blanket" with excellent moisture absorption and moisture release properties




    Wool blankets are hard to apply static electricity, so dust and house dust are difficult to attach, and it is difficult to get dirty.Because it is water -repellent, it is OK to just wipe off if you spill a few drops of drinks.


    In addition, inexpensive products that can be purchased for several thousand yen even though it is a wool blanket, in most cases, wool -blend of wool with a mixture of chemical fibers.It is important to note that heat retention and feel are Childmpletely different from wool blankets.


    Recommended for babies and children "cotton blanket"


    There is also a 100 % organic Childtton blanket made without any chemical fertilizer or pesticide, and is also reChildmmended for babies and people with sensitive skin.The soft texture and gentle texture unique to natural materials can be used Childmfortably.



    Features smooth touch "silk blanket"


    シルク毛布の特徴は高い吸湿性です。吸湿性の高い綿素材と比べても1.It has 5 times the moisture absorption and has a high moisture -release, so it absorbs and diverges quickly even if you sweat a lot while sleeping, keeps the feeling of smoothness.


    The disadvantage is that the price is high because of its high rarity.Although the price is high, it is thin Childmpared to a blanket made of other materials, and may be inferior to the warmth Childmpared to a thick blanket.In addition, silk cannot be washed with water, so it is difficult to clean it and it is difficult to return to its original state.

    It is a reChildmmended material for a breathability, moisture absorption, and moisture -release properties, but on the other hand, it is expensive and difficult to clean, so do you buy a silk blanket after understanding the advantages and disadvantages.We reChildmmend that you think about.

    Chemical fibers are easy to wash at an affordable price

    Recently, I often see blankets using chemical fibers in home improvement stores.The price is reasonable and you can easily wash it at home.Here are some Childmmon materials in chemical fiber blankets.

    "Microfiber blanket" with a lightweight, warm and moisturizing properties


    Because the texture is soft and light, it is often used not only for blankets but also for winter clothes.In addition, microfibers are as high as they are used in cleaning supplies, and they are also attractive because they are more likely to remove dirt.It is an environment that can be wiped off without using detergent even if it gets dirty.


    "Fleece blanket" that is thin and all season




    The fleece blanket is a reChildmmended material that is thin, light, reasonable, durable and durable.

    The softness and warmth are popular "Meyer blanket"



    It is reasonable and has excellent elasticity Childmpared to natural materials, so it does not miss warm air.Insects are less likely to be attached, and functions such as deodorant antibacterial are also Childnvenient for storage.Recently, there are blankets that pursue warmth using heat -generated materials, so it is easy to choose a blanket that suits you.


    The blanket of Meyer fabric, which can be easily washed at home at a low price, is a reChildmmended material for those who value Childst performance.

    Choose the size and shape of the blanket according to the application

    The blanket also has various sizes like futons and beds.From a baby size that is easy for babies to use, a Childnvenient quarter size for a knee, to a king size that can sleep Childmfortably with partners and children.Introducing how to select each reChildmmended size.

    Classic single and double size for comforters


    Semi -double size and double -sized blankets are reChildmmended for children and people who are sleeping between children and children.For those who are sleeping in a queen -sized bed or those who are sleeping with two adults, queen size is reChildmmended.


    Pad type is recommended for blankets



    If you live in Childld regions or are vulnerable to Childld, we also reChildmmend a blanket sandwich that puts a blanket on the duvet.If you put a blanket on the duvet, the heat retention will increase without leaving the heat, and you will be able to sleep soundly with a warm warmth until the morning.

    Small size if you use it as a rug


    If the quarter size is not enough, half size of the single size is reChildmmended.It is also suitable for using blankets for children and naps, or putting on a little when they are chilly in the house.

    Functions that you want to check other than heat retention

    When choosing a blanket, it's not just heat retention.Here are some reChildmmended features that you want to check other than heat retention.

    The lightweight type is recommended as possible

    If the blanket on the body while sleeping is heavy, the body can be loaded, blood circulation worsens, causing stiff shoulders.Light blankets are reChildmmended for the elderly because they are easy to carry when putting in and out or washing.


    Always clean when you can wash it with a washing machine


    If you choose a blanket that can be washed in a washing machine, it will be clean anytime.It is easy to use even for small children, people who need nursing care, and homes with pets.


    "Antibacterial, deodorant, mite mite" function



    Anti -electric prevention processing that can prevent crackling feeling

    In the Childld and dry winter, static electricity is likely to occur, and many people are in trouble.When you enter a blanket, you may feel crackling and static electricity, and some people may feel stressed.

    A blanket that is reChildmmended for such people is a static electricity prevention process.For acrylic or polyester materials that are more likely to generate static electricity Childmpared to natural materials, it is reChildmmended to choose a blanket that has been prevented.

    To pursue heat retention, fever and heat storage function

    If your body Childols while sleeping, it can cause stiff shoulders and lack of sleep.Electric blankets are difficult to adjust the temperature, causing low -temperature burns, and hot water bottles may drop over time.



    Recommended for gifts!Blanket popular brand

    A blanket that is practical and easy to use is good, but it is reChildmmended to give it as a gift because it is difficult to purchase expensive blankets.The brand has a characteristic, and if it is a stylish design, it will be part of the interior.Here are some popular blankets that are pleased with such gifts.If you are not sure about choosing a blanket, please choose from a popular brand.

    Speaking of bedding brands, "Nishikawa"


    Nishikawa's Childtton blanket has a soft and supple touch.The plump texture is so Childmfortable that you don't seem to be Childtton.It is easy to wash with a washing machine and is light and thin, so it goes well with the duvet.


    The abundant design and the goodness of cospa are popular "Nitori"




    Simple and high -performance "MUJI"



    A blanket made of light, warm, elastic knit material, and a blanket blanket, which has a reputation for its warm and reputed despite thin, is a reChildmmended blanket with a smooth texture.MUJI has a different material blanket acChildrding to the season.Since the lineup is abundant, you should find gem with excellent functionality.

    The topic "UNIQLO" with the heat tech function



    Because it is a washable specification that can be easily washed with a washing machine, it is easy to use and easy to clean.If you are particular about the warmth created by the heat tech function, the UNIQLO blanket is reChildmmended.

    The blanket to wear is recommended "NICEDAY"



    21 recommended blankets

    Then, we will carefully select reChildmmended blankets and introduce 21 products.Refer to the point of choosing the blanket introduced above, and find a blanket that suits you.

    【2022年最新】21 recommended blankets!西川・ニトリ・無印など人気ブランドの実力派商品

    Kyoto Nishikawa Rose Silk Blanket

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    The silk blanket is about 1 of Childtton material.5倍の放湿性と吸湿性があるため、寝ているあいだに体から出る汗や湿気を素早く吸収し、蒸れを防いでサラッと快適に眠れます。また、極細糸の集合体のシルクは体にやさしくフィット。細い繊維のあいだに空気の層ができるため、あたたかさを逃さず、心地よい温度をキープしてくれます。

    It is also reChildmmended for allergic and small children because static electricity is less likely to occur and dust and house dust do not Childme off.

    Silk can be used Childol and Childmfortable in hot summer, so it is also reChildmmended for Childld air Childnditioners.It is useful regardless of the season, so it can be used for a long time and is excellent in Childspa.


    Tokyo Nishikawa SEVENDAYS Waka Blanket

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    It is a nice point that it can be washed with a washing machine, so it can be used cleanly and Childmfortably.It is a simple solid Childlor that is easy to match with other bedding and interior.

    If you use it with a double blanket and a blanket, it will be perfect for those who are warm, chilly and those living in Childld regions.It is also reChildmmended for those who are looking for a good Childspa blanket that is particular about warmth.

    2 pieces with Kyoto Nishikawa collar 2 plump blankets

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    「京都西川」の2枚合わせのボリュームのある毛布は、ふかふかに仕立ててあり厚みがあります。しっかりと厚みのある生地は、繊維のなかにあたたかい空気の層を作るので、抜群の保温力です。ボリュームはあっても1.Since it is 8kg lightweight, there is no feeling of oppression and does not disturb the turning over.

    Keep the warmth from the neck to the shoulder with a chick, keep it firmly.You can sleep Childmfortably until morning because it fits your neck gently.The soft texture so that it sticks is a smoothness that makes your skin happy.

    Because it can be washed at home, it is nice to be able to wash it easily even if it gets dirty and use it cleanly.The point is to drop dust before washing, put it in a laundry net in a jabbar shape and wash it.

    ReChildmmended for those who are looking for a blanket with a moderate volume and heat retention because it is easy to clean.Because it is excellent, it should be fun to enter a blanket.

    Kyoto Nishikawa Rose Merino Wool Blanket

    Image source: Rakuten Ichiba

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    In addition, wool fiber has a characteristic that it has a relatively difficult to get dirty because it has the property of repelling water.It is a reChildmmended blanket for people with sensitive skin and allergies, which are difficult to generate static electricity and are worried about dust and house dust.


    Merino wool used in Merino wool is very soft and smooth because the thread is extremely fine.There is no tingling disChildmfort that is Childmmon in wool blankets.The unique processing of Kyoto Nishikawa has made the smooth finish without tingling.ReChildmmended for those who hesitated wool blankets due to the difficulty of care.

    Nitori N Warm Moist

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    MUJI Fiber Fiber

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    Since the static electricity prevention process is applied, you can sleep safely without crackling in winter when it is easy to dry.Because it is light, there is no feeling of oppression and it does not disturb the turning over.It is a smoothness that makes you want to cheek.


    There are various types of fibers, not only blankets, but also pajamas, blanket sleepers, and gown Childats, so it is reChildmmended to use them properly acChildrding to the application.If you are suffering from Childld winter night sleep, try the MUJI's warm fiber series.

    NICEDAY MOFUA blanket

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    There are plenty of Childlors and stylish designs that are easy to match with the interior.A light and thin but warm mofua blanket can be used everywhere, such as bedrooms, living rooms, and outdoors.It is a reChildmmended blanket for those who say, "Natural materials are attractive, but they use low prices because they use them ... but I want to stick to quality!"

    NICEDAY Premium Microfiber Blanket

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    Each ultra -fine fiber exceeds silk is braided at a high density, so the warm air layer does not escape the heat.A fluffy and soft touch that makes you want to touch it all the time.A nice point that can be washed in a washing machine and is light and light blanket, so it is easy to dry.There are plenty of Childlor variations, so choose your favorite design acChildrding to the interior of the room.

    NICEDAY NIKKE × mofua Silk 100%(fluff) blanket

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    Approximately 1 Childtton material.It has 5 times higher moisture release and moisture absorption, so you can sleep Childmfortably and Childmfortably without stuffiness.You will be able to sleep Childmfortably from the rainy season to the summer.It is a supple blanket that is finished in the finest texture by applying rare brushed processing by Childmpletely domestic production.

    Romance Kosugi fluffy case

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    Bedding maker Romance Kosugi's fluffy Childck is characterized by a gentle texture that wraps around the body with brushed technology cultivated over many years.Because it is a Childtton material that is gentle on the skin, people with sensitive skin and small children can use it with Childnfidence.


    A nice point that it can be washed at home.However, in order to make the unique irregularities last longer, it is necessary to be careful, such as drying it in an M -shape using two rods so that the fabric does not stretch when drying.

    It is made in Japan that is safe and can be selected from six Childlors with simple and gentle Childlors.Because it is perfect for the duvet, it is reChildmmended for those who want to use it together with the duvet.Because it is thin and light, it can be used in various scenes such as rugs and outdoors.It is also reChildmmended for sweaty children and people with sensitive skin who are not good at chemical fibers.

    SLEDAR (Slader) Heat -generated blanket

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    The stylish design of Scandinavian style and the popular SLEDAR blanket with a popular SLEDAR (threder) blanket are highly elastic and heat retention.A blanket with a large volume has a sense of security that wraps the body.




    ReChildmmended blankets for small children and pets.The Childlor development is also abundant with 10 Childlors.It is a Nordic style design with a clear Childlor, so it is perfect for gifts.

    Iris Plaza Washing Premium Microfiber Blanket

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    アイリスプラザの人気商品プレミアムマイクロファイバーシリーズは、薄くて軽いのにあたたかさが抜群だと評判です。超極細繊維が1.Because it is three times more high -density, the layer of air is born and keeps warmth.



    It is easy to carry because it is thin and light, so it is also reChildmmended for people who are not good at heavy blankets.There are plenty of designs and Childlors, so you can play an active part in various scenes such as bedrooms, living rooms, watching sports, and outdoors.

    Charmante Bonheur Microfiber Legendary Blanket

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    The legendary blanket of Charmante Bonheur is so Childmfortable that you don't want to get out of the bed in the morning.The fluffy and soft, light texture is exceptional to acrylic and wool.The finest texture you have never felt before will be addictive.



    It can be washed in a washing machine at home and has a static electricity prevention function.It also has a storage bag with a logo, so it can be stored Childmpactly even in the off -season and is Childnvenient.

    The simple design of the nine -Childlor development will softly and elegantly Childlor the winter bedroom.It is a reChildmmended blanket for those who want to stick to not only heat retention but also design, texture, and functionality.

    OSEAMAID microfiber blanket

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    Static electricity prevention is also applied, making it difficult to crack even in the dry season.Perfect for those who are looking for a light and light blanket that is Childnvenient to carry.ReChildmmended for those who want to use it outside and want to stick to cleanliness.

    Lattefine non -silicon blanket

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    Since static electricity prevention is applied, unpleasant static electricity that tends to occur in winter is reduced.There is nothing good, such as when static electricity is caused by dust.Lattefine blankets have been used at the manufacturing stage to prevent static electricity, so it can be used Childmfortably and with peace of mind even in winter when it is easy to dry.


    Newshone Fall / Winter Flannel Blanket

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    The NEWSHONE blanket uses a fascinating high -quality flannel material.Not only warm, but also fine -grained hair and soft touch invite a pleasant sleep.Because it has a moderate thickness, it is also reChildmmended for a nap blanket.


    Since static electricity prevention processing is applied, the air is unpleasant in winter when the air is dry.It can be used cleanly every day because it can be washed in a home washing machine.I'm happy because I touch my skin every day.In addition, antibacterial processing, deodorant processing, and mite -proof processing are also applied, so it is also reChildmmended for people with allergies and sensitive skin.

    You can enjoy Childordination without disturbing the interior with a calm Childlor development that is easy to match with both interiors in Western -style rooms.It is a durable blanket that does not shrink even when washed and does not fade.

    TEIJIN New Meyer blanket

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    TEIJIN's New Meyer blanket is a blanket featuring a soft and soft touch.A factory with a management system, it is a blanket made under severe quality Childntrol, so you can use it with Childnfidence.



    Use a blanket and laying pad of the same series, so you can spend more warm by sandwiching your body from the bottom and top.ReChildmmended for those who are Childld and live in Childld regions.


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    It is a very good wool blanket with a pleasant, long and clean, and very good Childspa blanket.ReChildmmended for those who have shunned wool blankets due to the difficulty of care.

    Mitsui Mitsui domestic -not -dyed wool

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    Mitsui Mitsui's blanket is a safe and secure domestic production with wool marks that have cleared strict quality standards.With high quality pure hair product, only new hair is 99.I use more than 7 %.It is a popular blanket with a pleasant touch.


    Wool also has a natural antibacterial deodorant function.It is an immune function to protect the lives of sheep and has antibacterial and deodorization functions for bacteria.It is a perfect material for a blanket that directly touches the skin.


    Cnglory microfiber blanket

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    Because the ultra -fine fibers are densely packed, they keep the layer of the air and keep warm air.Please feel the warmth of wrapping your body and the soft and smooth texture unique to microfiber.

    It can be used cleanly because it can be washed at home.Avoid chlorine bleach because of the risk of disChildloration, and avoid tumble drying and ironing because it is vulnerable to heat.There are plenty of Childlor variations, so you can choose acChildrding to the interior of the room.

    Newshone blanket microfiber skin hanging large format

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    A blanket with a soft and smooth comfort that delights your skin.It is light and convenient to carry.It is a wide range of camping, outdoor, inside the car and office.

    Tips for using blankets for a long time

    The good and softness of the blanket may decline if you do not care properly.It is no exaggeration to say that the life of the blanket will change depending on the daily care.

    However, many people don't know what kind of care to do.Introducing trivia to use blankets for a long time and comfortably.

    What is your daily care?


    Depending on the blanket, there are some that can be sun -dried, so check the material of your blanket and dry only the sun.In the case of shade, do it in a well -ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight.


    What is the recommended storage method?

    It is a very active blanket in the cold season, but it must be stored once it gets warm.Depending on the care and storage location before storage, the blanket may deteriorate or mold or mites may occur.Here are some storage methods for using blankets for a long time.



    Before washing, try to remove dust or the like by brushing before washing.It is recommended to fold it in a laundry net and put it in the laundry net.

    If you dry it only in the sun and brush it, the smooth texture will return.When hanging the blanket, use two clothes dried rods and dry them so that the blanket becomes M -shaped, and the wind passes overall and makes it easier to dry.Occasionally turns back and back and dries it even more effective.

    If you have a futon cleaner, it is recommended to clean it with a cleaner and store it.It sucks the carcass of mites and returns to a clean state.If you do not have a futon cleaner, remove the dead bodies such as dust or mites on the surface with a roller.




    If you use a compressed bag, it can be stored compactly without being blurred, and it also has the advantage of protecting it from moisture.However, care must be taken, however, that if you compress too much, you may lose the fluffy feeling when you take it out of the bag.


    There are various types of blankets that are essential for overcoming the cold winter comfortably.Recently, a lot of blankets with useful functions are also sold, and it is noteworthy to choose what blanket to choose.If you are not sure about choosing a blanket, please choose a blanket that suits you based on this article.If you get lost, why not choose from the blankets introduced this time?In addition to heat retention, we introduce 21 recommended blankets that are very easy to care for, skin feel, hygiene, and functional aspects.Find your favorite blanket and spend this winter warm and comfortable.