"It's cold when opened", "Ventilation to prevent infection" ...Restaurant, groping countermeasures

New colon virus

New colon virusのニュース、国内での感染状況を報告します。

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毎日新聞2020/12/4 12:00(最終更新 12/4 12:14)有料記事1695文字

New colon virus感染拡大が続く中、飲食店などが冬場の換気対策に頭を悩ませている。換気は国も推奨する効果的な感染防止対策だが、窓を開けると寒さで客の快適性や健康を害する恐れもあるためだ。現場はどう対応しているのか。

「窓開けると寒い」「感染予防に換気を」…室内でも厚着? 飲食店、対策手探り

"Isn't it cold? Please use it if you like."On the night of early December, a clerk offered a knee blanket to a female customer near the window at the Motsunabe store in Fukuoka City.Occasionally, cold wind blows from the fully open windows in the steam where the steam rises.

At the store, after the new Corona epidemic, the windows and entrance have been opened to thoroughly ventilated.President Takashi Mizutani said, "We are taking a lot of measures against infection, but ventilation from two directions is particularly important. It was hot in summer and cold in winter, but windows continued."Customers who complain of the cold are guided to the seats away from the window, but they also purchase blankets and have about 10 chains.

A man running a beauty salon in Fukuoka was worried about opening the door of the store after autumn."Customers are sitting for a long time.As a result of consulting with the peers, I decided to open the door because I thought it was necessary to prevent infection, but it opened according to the temperature.

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