Is Tobacco Dangerous For Dogs? Explains the symptoms of accidental ingestion and the risk of second-hand smoke [supervised by a veterinarian]

When a dog eats cigarettes, it can lead to nicotine addiction as well as burns. In addition to accidental ingestion, cigarette smoke also has a negative effect on dogs. It's best not to smoke in a family living with a dog, but if you do, be aware of what to look out for and what to do if you accidentally swallow it. Under the supervision of a veterinarian, we will introduce the dangers of tobacco.

Table of contents The expert who supervised this article

Takanori Sato, Veterinary Cardiologist Certified Veterinarian

Meguro Animal Medical Center / MAMeC Advisor Veterinarian. Certified by the Veterinary Cardiology Society. Vocational School Visionary Arts He is a part-time lecturer in the pet department. Graduated from Azabu University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. After working as Deputy Director of dogdays Tokyo Midtown Clinic and Director of Shirogane Takanawa Animal Hospital, he established Central Animal Clinic as an affiliated hospital in 2011 and became the general director (currently an advisory veterinarian). He recommends a "lifelong doctor" and focuses on specialized treatment and preventive medicine.

The danger of tobacco for dogs

Fear of nicotine addiction

When a dog eats cigarettes, even a small amount can develop nicotine addiction. The main symptoms of nicotine addiction are: When the symptoms become severe, you may fall into "bradycardia (slow pulse)", "respiratory depression (difficulty breathing)", "hypotension (not feeling well)", and "coma (not standing)". A series of symptoms is characterized by appearing immediately after ingestion (15 to 90 minutes). In the worst case, nicotine addiction can lead to death in a short time after ingestion.

Fear of xylitol poisoning

Be aware that tobacco may contain the artificial sweetener xylitol. It has been found that when dogs take xylitol, insulin, which controls blood sugar levels, is rapidly released in large quantities, leading to severe hypoglycemia and decreased liver function. Therefore, ingestion of xylitol in dogs can cause severe poisoning and can be fatal, so it should never be given. Don't put cigarettes in a place where your dog can reach them, or throw them in a trash can that your dog can open. Related articles Even a small amount of xylitol is dangerous for dogs!Explain the reason and addiction symptoms

What to do if your dog accidentally swallows a cigarette

Contact the veterinary clinic immediately

If your dog smokes, you need to get it out as soon as possible. Don't try to vomit in your own way, call your favorite hospital or emergency hospital and follow your veterinarian's instructions. It is important to clearly convey "how much cigarettes you have ingested", "when did you ingest", and "how your dog looks like".

It is NG to drink water

Some owners give you water when your dog accidentally swallows a cigarette, but it's counterproductive, so don't do it. Drinking water makes it easier for the body to dissolve nicotine from cigarettes, which in turn may help absorb nicotine.

What to do at a veterinary clinic

Veterinary clinics will generally be given immediate vomiting treatment or gastric lavage and activated charcoal for the purpose of adsorbing toxins. In addition, symptomatic treatment is also provided depending on the symptoms.

Precautions for cigarettes other than accidental ingestion

Risk of second-hand smoke

Sidestream cigarette smoke (passive smoking) is also dangerous for dogs. If you smoke near your dog, it can cause respiratory problems in your dog, which can lead to coughing and bronchitis. Dogs living with smokers are thought to be more susceptible to lymphoma than dogs living with nonsmokers (*) .

* Reference: Via: K C. Pinello, et al., Immunocytochemical study of canine lymphomas and its correlation with exposure to tobacco smoke. Veterinary World, 2017

Be careful of ash and butts

If you have ash or butts within reach of your dog, you may lick them. Be sure to wipe it clean with water. Small dogs can be harmful to their health with just a little licking.

Don't smoke near dogs

Dogs have a better sense of smell than humans and can detect even the slightest odor. The smell of cigarettes makes dogs stressed. If you live with your dog, try not to let your dog smell, such as going outside when you smoke. It is also important to take measures to prevent smoke from being trapped in the room with ventilation and an air purifier.


Accidental ingestion of cigarettes is dangerous even in small amounts. In the worst case, it can be fatal. First aid should be directed by a veterinarian by phone. Passive smoking has a negative effect on dogs. Tobacco does not have a positive effect on the body. It would be nice if dogs and other animals could be taken care of, just as people who smoke cigarettes care for those who do not smoke. Recently, a type of cigarette that does not emit sidestream smoke has been developed, so if you can switch it, why not consider switching it?


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