Is a male firefighter involved in the MLM? Suspended for one month due to acquisition of additional income, etc.

On the 7th, the Tomiokakanra Wide Area Fire Department in Gunma Prefecture suspended a male firefighter (22) from the Shimonita Fire Department for one month on the same day, saying that there was a misconduct that was not suitable as a civil servant, such as earning additional income from a business that seems to be a MLM. Announced disciplinary action. The male firefighter retired on the same day.

 男性消防士がマルチ商法に関与か 副収入取得などで停職1カ月、依願退職 不祥事続発 アンケートで発覚

According to the headquarters, male firefighters earned money in the business of recruiting salespeople for cosmetics and air purifiers from May to November 2020. In addition, during the same period when the behavior was restricted due to the influence of the new coronavirus, he admitted that he had traveled inside and outside the prefecture for the project and gave his colleagues anxiety about the spread of the infection, so he decided to take disciplinary action. That is.

In December of the same year, a male fire deputy chief of the fire department got in the car of an acquaintance who drunk driving and was suspended for three months. In November last year, a male firefighter arrested by the prefectural police on suspicion of threatening a former dating partner was suspended for four months. In response to a series of scandals, the headquarters established a verification committee to prevent recurrence. It is said that this misconduct was clarified from the answers to the questionnaire conducted by the verification committee for all staff members to investigate scandals.

"We sincerely apologize for the repeated misconduct of firefighters, which has significantly damaged the trust of local residents and made them uneasy," said Hiroshi Itami, chief of the fire department. He says, "We will continue to strive for thorough service discipline and restore lost trust."

Last updated: Jomo Shimbun