Lumin Air Interview Kubota Commercial Humidifying Air Purifier Pure Washer Special Interview | Hotel Restaurant Wedding Industry News | Weekly Hotel Restaurant Hoteresonline

To the era where "security and comfort", which supports valuable hospitality, is the true value of space creation


Nowadays, hotels and restaurants have been re -questioned about their significance.Among them, Rummyle owner chef, Yasushi Karatari, who has been actively working on a better space to create a better space.Mr. Karatari, who is also a manager who has eight stores in Osaka City, has a Kubota humidified air purifier "Pure Washer" in the "Lumiere Osaka KARATO" in Grand Front Osaka as part of the creation of a store.Introduced.What is the background of not only cooking but also "space".And what is the value of hospitality required in the coming era?He talked with his own philosophy.

㈱ケイクール 代表取締役/リュミエール オーナーシェフ 唐渡 泰氏

After training at many famous stores and hotels at Karato Yasushi (Karato Yasushi) Opened "Lumiere" in Shinsaibashi, Osaka in 2006. In the first year of opening, he won the top ranking at Zagat Survey. As a chef, he pursues his own dishes under the theme of "vegetable gastronomy" at the forefront, and imports restaurant management, producing food and beverage businesses, and importing a long -established French tea "Damanfrer". Currently, as the representative of the Lumiere Group, it has 8 stores (4 restaurants, two tea salons, one cafe, and one Boulangerie). Participate in food education, local food cultural promotion, judges of each cooking contest, and gastronomy and collaboration events in Japan and overseas. In Lummyle, he has won the Michelin Guide for 12 consecutive years. Author of "Vegetable Gourmet" (Keihanshin Ermagazine). January 21, 2021, Osaka Shinsaibashi "Bistro Calat" is scheduled to open. Lumiere Osaka KARATO 4-20 Obuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka Grand Front Osaka South Building 8F TEL 06, 6485, 7515HTTP: // www.K-Coeur.COM/

リュミエールインタビュー クボタ 業務用加湿空気清浄機 ピュアウォッシャー Special Interview | ホテル・レストラン・ウエディング業界ニュース | 週刊ホテルレストラン HOTERESONLINE

-First of all, please tell us about the thoughts that Mr. Karatari can put it in a shop called "Rummyle" and in the whole group. "I want to create a place where the land will be a place to be proud of," Behind that was always a transfer student because of my father's work. If you are a large organization office worker, you will be relocated, but those who have a store and do business will take root in the land and nurture the area. For that reason, since I was in elementary school, I began to vaguely want to do a store in the future. I felt that I wanted to do a shop first, and as a means, I went to the chef's path. And I want people in the city to enjoy the dishes in their own shops in three generations with children, parents, and grandparents. When you think about a feast that can give you a sense of happiness from the body and cooks, do not use the wonderful traditions and techniques of French cuisine, but not use butter, cream or flour that are essential. So, I want to offer dishes that children and the elderly can enjoy together. From such thoughts, the concept is the concept of "vegetable gastronomy", which makes the taste of vegetables. The most indispensable thing about continuing the store is the staff who provide hospitality every day. Creating a good place for the staff will lead to customer satisfaction. Now we operate eight stores, but it is important to reduce unnecessary work that does not lead to results, look closely at customers, face the work in front of you, and work comfortably. In addition, the kitchen building is calculated by calculating the intake and exhaust, making it as cool as possible, devising the work flow, and the flow line is inclined so that water flows easily. We are constantly working on improving the floor so that the floors can work without any stress.

―How do you see this corona evil while you've ever had various experiences? We reconsidered the meaning of the chefs, the way of the shop, and the direction of the company. It is most important for managers to continue their business and stabilize their employment. This time, the business fluctuated from the root. The sales of the entire group are approaching zero, approaching zero, but keeping the employment of the staff, paying a salary, paying fixed costs, etc., but also closed as a "dangerous place where people gather". It was a big shock to be forced. The cooks are unable to cook, the serviceman can no longer serve customers, and the new employees who have just entered the company have a big dream waiting at home, "Is it really good to choose this job?" Is it good? "Many people may have questioned their work in their work. I myself pretend to be such a spell, how to do what I can do now with the full open head, how to make money for 1 yen, how the exit strategy of the Lumiere Group will proceed, I've spent a few months when I don't have enough time. And do you need high -end dishes to live? I sometimes thought. However, those who came to the store at the end of the self -restraint period said, "It was really nice to be able to eat this dish again," and "I'll do my best from tomorrow." If you simply satisfy hungry and nutrition, there should be a lot of things that can be eaten more easily and cheaply. But not only that, I realized again that gastronomy has a role that satisfies my heart and heart. After self -restraint, the opportunity to eat out is decreasing, and eating out is becoming more special than before. That's why I feel that it will be a place to be selected at that opportunity. Although it is cooking, creating a space is one of them. I feel that the mission to protect the safety and health of customers is also imposed on eating out.

―It is also carefully concerned.Of course, in the sense of Corona measures, I first thought about what to do to make it a space where you can enjoy it with peace of mind.The number of seats has decreased, and sales do not return to 100%.It is an issue how to leave profits and maintain high levels.Naturally, the staff wears a mask and disinfects the fingers when entering the store.However, I don't know what the information is still complicated and the basics, or if it will be a restaurant service that does not see a smile in the mask.Among them, I hope that customers can feel safe and secure, and create an environment where they can enjoy it with all their might and create a good treat for the body.

―これまで、唐渡さんが数々の場面で、“お客さまの居場所”を作るために工夫されるお話を聞いてきました。今回「ピュアウォッシャー」を導入されたのも、そういった思いの表れなのでしょうか。 コロナを受けて、経営者として改めて、従業員とお客さまに安心な空間を提供する必要性を感じました。コロナに限らず、また別のウイルスがやってくるかもしれないし、持続可能な対策方法でなければならない。そう考えた時に「ピュアウォッシャー」のお話を伺ったのです。最初は微酸性電解水を噴射するのかと思って、食事の場では…と躊躇((ちゅうちょ))しました。しかし、「取り込んだ空気を、機内で生成される電解水で洗ってきれいにする」という仕組みを聞いて、これはすごい話だなと。しかも200㎡の除菌、消臭、加湿、空気清浄が1 台で網羅できる設備なんて、ほかにありませんよね。あるホテルの従業員食堂への設置を検討されているお話も印象的でした。ホテルでスタッフが座れる場所は食堂くらいしかないのです。だから、そこで安心できるのは大きい。心からリラックスできる場所が少ないご時世だから、お客さまもこの設備があることで、少しでも安心していただけるのではと思います。 もちろんクボタの製品であるという安心感も導入の決め手です。クボタさんと言えば「世界的な農機メーカー」というイメージが強かったのですが、今回お話をするなかで、明治期に伝染病が流行した際に、国産初の水道管の生産を行なったことに始まり、その時代ごとの社会課題と向き合い、その解決のためにさまざまな事業に取り組まれてきたことを知りました。社会・地域と向き合い、ベンチャーマインドを持って事業に取り組まれておられる点は、僭越ながら私と相通ずる部分もあるのではないかと感じています。

-How did you try to install a "pure washer"? I am a super -sensitive smell and cannot be tolerated even with a faint smell in the kitchen. I was worried about the air in the city and put three air purifiers when I opened the "Lummyle". Of course at home. It's noisy in the air (laughs). I feel that the air has clearly cleaned now. Some female staff have said that the skin does not dry and the moisture is different. In addition, we use mincal acid -based electrolyzed water that can be taken out of "Pure Washer" to clean the kitchen and flush it in the drain. Some say that the smell is decreasing. Cleaning the grease trap takes a lot of time, and the staff has been applied to the staff every day, so once a week, there is no better way to reduce the frequency, so it is very helpful. In addition, since the water supply is directly connected, the effort such as water supply does not increase, and it is wonderful that it does not work automatically, automatic cleaning. The customers are also concerned, and as you can explain, you are very relieved. -Please tell us what you are thinking and future goals at the end. Through Corona's evil, I decided to reconsider what I have been working on and my significance. At that time, my original experience and my experience so far are all being alive, and what I have done is supported by many customers. I was able to reconfirm. Before I became independent, I was resigned to be the chef of the banquet division during the hotel work. At first, I was reluctant to say, "I want to have a French restaurant." But what I got there is the foundation for my current position to run eight stores. If you look only at the French world, you may not have been able to run many stores. I have experienced various things, such as services, Western food, French, Sharkutley, and hotels, but looking back, I feel that all my likes and dislikes have led to all my experience. There are many managers -like stories, but it is important where the chef's training works, but how to work is most important. My inscription is "Today's best is tomorrow's lowest." Is there a better way? Can you make it more delicious? Can you do more interesting? more more more…. Nowadays, if you look at it, I think there are still many things that say "why?" We would like to continue the challenge so that we can provide more valuable hospitality with the staff, and to continue the food business as a dream job forever.


Pure washer installed near the entrance.It is directly connected to the mini -kitchen of the mini kitchen.The sound is quiet and it does not disturb the audience conversation


Pure washer requires connection of water supply and exhaust pipe.Combine a hose attached to the mini kitchen prepared in the mini kitchen and a hose from the main unit through a decorative board.


The maintenance at the store is only two weeks to one month, two filters cleaning, and the replacement of the chemical liquid cartridge once every three to four months, and the burden on employees is small.In addition, the regular maintenance of Kubota will be visited once every 6 months.
