I want to "dry" laundry!What should I do? what is required?[June 2021 version]
As a part of sudden rain and crime prevention, there are many people who want to dry laundry in the room.However, there are problems such as "the laundry is difficult to dry", "the smell of dry (room dried)", and "a place to dry in the room in the first place" is included.
Therefore, in this article, I will introduce what I want to be aware of when drying the room and the recommended room dried items.
目次First, let's secure space for drying room!
In order to dry the room, it is necessary to secure a space for drying the room.The main points of choosing a place are as follows.
Sunlight has the effect of reducing bacteria attached to clothing and suppress the dried odor.It is better to hit the sunlight even when drying the room.It is best to use a house with sun room (Solarium).
サンルームがある家なら「部屋干し」と「屋外干し」の“いいとこ取り”をしやすいです。楽天市場には、サンルームを扱う建材店も幾つか出店しています(画像はLIXILの「サニージュ 床収まり R型」、出典:楽天市場)楽天市場で「LIXIL サニージュR」をチェック!However, there are not so many houses that have a solarium (installation).Especially for apartments and condominiums.
Therefore, the recommended place for drying the room is the sunny living room.Depending on the floor plan, apartments and condominiums with multiple rooms are the largest in the living room, the sunshine is sunny, and the ventilation tends to be good, so it is perfect for drying the room.
リビングのある家なら、そこが部屋干しに最適な部屋であることが多いですIf the living room is not as large as it is, or if there is no living room in the first place, the bathroom can be a good option.In the bathroom, there is a ventilation fan, and depending on the floor plan, there are also ventilation windows, so it is often suitable for drying laundry.If a "bathroom dryer" is attached instead of a ventilation fan, dry the laundry more quickly.
However, if the bathtub is watered, the humidity will be higher.If the lid is firmly drained in the bathtub or drain the water, and if the humidity is reduced by ventilating or using a dehumidifier in advance, the laundry will be easier to dry.
Prepare "clothesline", "hanger" and "wire" according to the space!
Once you have a space for drying the room, get the necessary tools.
First of all, we recommend that you prepare an indoor "clothesline".Although it is dried in a word, there are types that can be folded when not in use, while others are fixed with a "strut stick".Depending on what you dry, it may be better to use a umbrella -shaped clothes.Considering the space in the room, choose the best clothes.
部屋干し用の物干しは、写真のような壁に固定するタイプもあります。部屋干しする場所に最適なものを選んでくださいDepending on the place to dry, it is also recommended to use a rope (wire) for the clothesline instead of the clothesline.Especially when the place to dry can be secured widely, use a rope to dry it efficiently.
部屋干しをする場所の面積が広い場合は、部屋干し用ロープを使うとより効率良く乾かせるようになります(画像はHisome「伸縮式室内物干ワイヤー」)Many indoor clothes and wires are assumed to be used in combination with hangers, and some hangers may be included depending on the clothesline.
Hangers are often used mainly for hanging jackets and sports towels, but when hanging the jacket, it can be dried more beautifully and efficiently by using it according to the size and type of outerwear.If you don't have a hanger on hand, you should buy it separately.
多くの室内用物干しやワイヤーはハンガーと組み合わせて使うことを前提としています。手持ちのものがなかったり足りなかったりする場合は、干すものにピッタリなものを選んで買いましょう(写真は「Amazonベーシック ハンガー」)Amazonで「Amazonベーシック ハンガー」をチェック!When drying, secure the "gap"!
It is a "smell" that is worrisome when drying the room, but it is difficult to generate the following things.
The most important thing is to dry the washed laundry as soon as possible.It takes more time to dry the room than when drying outdoors.Especially in winter, it may take several days to dry without any ingenuity.
The most important thing to keep in mind is the "interval" of drying laundry.If the interval is narrow, the water will not evaporate, and it will take extra time for drying.When drying the room, take the interval between laundry as much as possible.
洗濯物同士の間隔が狭いと、水分が蒸発しづらくなり、結果的に洗濯物の乾きが遅くなりますIf you have a "fan", "circulator" or "dehumidifier", it will dry faster!
As I mentioned earlier, "ventilation" is also important to dry the laundry quickly.If you want to improve ventilation, use a fan or circulator.
Ideally, the wind should be used to hit the whole laundry.Make the trousers and skirts in a cylindrical shape so that the wind can be passed firmly.
扇風機やサーキュレーターを使って風を当てると、洗濯物が乾く時間を短縮できます(画像はVornado「660-JP」)AmazonでVornado「660-JP」をチェック!A dehumidifier with a clothing drying mode (clothing dryer) also contributes to reducing drying time.The dehumidifier is useful for all seasons, so be sure to use it.
Check the recommended "room drying" items!
Finally, pick up some items recommended for drying.Please check it!
There are a type of strip type dry sticky type that uses the wall and the type that uses the floor and ceiling.