I feel cold because of the cold air from the air supply.Is this useless to close?

The "air supply mouth" attached to the room.It is a facility for ventilation in the room, and although the precautionary statement says, "Do not close except when strong winds such as typhoons," but "The cold air coming in from the gap in winter is cold" "In summer, cooling is effective.Some people may have been closed for a long time.

However, ventilation in the room should be important for measures against sick house syndrome.This time, we talked to Kazuhiro Takao, a director of the NPO Japan Housing Research Association, who consults with the environment, health, and sick houses in the living environment, regarding the role of the air supply and the precautions for use.


"The air supply is literally a hole to capture the outside air into the room. The air in the room is replaced with an exhaust port to discharge air. Ventilation in the room is chic house syndrome and other chemistry.It is also very important from the perspective of preventing diseases due to substances. "


"Yes. On July 1, 2003, the" Revised Building Standards Law ", which was enforced to reduce the indoor concentration of chemical substances caused by chic house, as part of formaldehyde measures (24 -hour ventilation system, etc.).The installation is required. The 24 -hour ventilation system is not turned off, and it is basically to drive. Please open it all the time without closing the air supply.


"In the case of a living room such as a house, the number of ventilation times is 0 per hour..It is set to 5 times or more.In other words, it is an image that all air in the room will be replaced over two hours.I think that it takes time to ventilate, so I don't think it's cold with the inflow of outside air. "


"That's right. If you feel cold, you want to increase the setting temperature of the room by about 1-2 degrees, use a blanket with high heat retention, and try another method. 24 hours.Ventilation is to purify all rooms. If the air supply port is closed, you will have to open the window every 2 hours, including at night, instead.But I want you to use the air supply. "



"In general, home air purifiers only catch particle -shaped objects such as pollen and house dust. The chemical substances that cause chic house cannot be removed with air purifiers, so they can not be removed with air purifiers.It is not a substitute. The room is dirty just by sitting and breathing. The ventilation system is a facility that can easily purify the air without cost. Air purifier.It is better to think that it is not a ventilation, but an auxiliary performance of the plus alpha. "


"There are three types of mechanical ventilation systems, from the first to the third type. The type 1 mechanical ventilation system has a fan on both the air supply and exhaust, and the second type is the air supply port., The third type has a fan in the exhaust port. The most common household is the type 3 machine ventilation system, but it is a rule to keep turning the fans without turning off the 24 -hour switch in each system.In addition, do not put anything in front of the mouth, so that you do not hinder the flow of air with furniture. Also, since the air supply port and exhaust port have a filter, check it regularly and dirty.Let's replace it. "


"I can't say it in general because it depends on the environment.If so, if you are worried about the quality of outside air, such as a factory nearby, there is a factory nearby, even if you ask for a specialist's judgment and replace the filter with a higher performance.It may be good. "


"Yeah, the use of the ventilation system that I have just mentioned is basically limited to newly built properties after 2003. In a house without a beach before that, windows are recommended. In that case, in that case.In order to flow the air, it is necessary to open multiple places such as diagonal lines. The windows do not need to be opened much, so it is enough to open it a little. "


"Yes. Since the execution of the law in 2003, accidents involved in newly built -in chic house properties have declined significantly in data. Consultation that they live in newly built properties and are not in good physical condition, stop the ventilation system. There are many cases where it had been closed. I missed a chance to get safe air without cost, even though I pay for food and delicious water with little additives. think"

After all, what is written in the precautionary statement must be properly observed.There are many people who do not close but do not clean up.Please refer to this article and try to use it in a safe living environment.

Kazuhiro Takao NPO Japan Housing Performance Inspection Association Director

* This article is information at the time of publication, and may differ from the latest one.Please note.