Home appliance ranking that "housework and child-rearing have become easier" felt by active moms

Difficulties in raising children are inherent. The item that eases that difficulty is "home appliances," but what exactly are the home appliances that moms who are actually raising children feel good about buying?

This time, a questionnaire survey was conducted targeting 927 people, so I would like to introduce it immediately.

I'm glad it was there!Home appliance ranking that moms feel that housework and child-rearing have become easier

When asked, "Do you feel that purchasing home appliances actually made household chores and child-rearing easier?", 82.1% answered that they felt easier.

Therefore, when a survey was conducted asking about household appliances that were actually purchased and thought that household chores and child-rearing became easier, the number one household appliance was "cordless cleaner / stick cleaner". Some people said, "You can easily clean your child while holding it," and it is clear that the reason for its popularity is that you can do household chores while dealing with your child.

In addition, the number one air-conditioned home appliance was the "air purifier." Some people have heard voices such as "The number of times children catch colds has decreased because they automatically wash the air," and it seems that some people are using it to manage their children's physical condition, such as measures against dryness in winter. Next, the number one kitchen appliance is "food processor". It seems that many moms feel that it is useful for shortening the time because it can reduce the labor of detailed work that is indispensable for making baby food at once.

[Home appliances] Easy to use while piggybacking! The cordless cleaner that can be easily cleaned is number one!

1st place) Cordless cleaner / Stick cleaner ・ Easy cleaning even while holding a child. -The cord does not get entangled, and you can easily clean it even in front of your baby.

2nd place) Washer / dryer ・ Since I cried frequently and needed to breastfeed, I didn't even have time to dry it, so it's really easy to do with the touch of a button. I was able to do it and it gave me confidence.

3rd place) Futon cleaner ・ Can prevent house dust and allergies.・ It is no longer necessary to dry the futon outside.

4th place) Clothes drying Dehumidifier ・ It became easier to dry the laundry when it was dried in the room, so it became a little easier.・ The laundry that was dried indoors, which does not dry easily, has dried, reducing stress.

4th place) Floor cleaning robot ・ Cleaning was completed while I was taking a bath or doing other things, and it was quite easy.・ At night, you don't have to vacuum in the daytime because it cleans you just by setting it while you sleep.

[Air-conditioning appliances] It is also effective for physical condition management! The air purifier that protects the baby from dryness and dust is number one!

1st place) Air purifier ・ Since air conditioning management is automatic, the number of times children catch colds has decreased.・ You can clean the air without worrying about it even on rainy days.

2nd place) Air conditioner ・ Although it was left on due to the intense heat, it didn't cost too much electricity, the sound was quiet, and I was able to spend the newborn period comfortably thinking only about the baby.・ Since it has automatic cleaning, air conditioning management is also helpful.

3rd place) Humidifier ・ I think that raising the humidity in winter helps prevent colds for both children and adults.

4th place) Fan / Circulator ・ With a wingless fan, you don't have to worry about pinching your child's fingers.・ By adjusting the environment, the baby's discomfort can be eliminated and the baby's mood improves, so he does not have to hold it all the time and the efficiency of housework has improved.

5th place) Oil heating (oil heater) ・ The stress of breastfeeding in the middle of the night in winter has disappeared.

[Kitchen appliances] Achieves short-time cooking! The food processor, which is also useful for baby food, is number one!

1st place) Food processor ・ Since you can chop the ingredients by simply chopping them into pieces, you can cook quickly even while carrying a child.・ It helped to shorten the time for baby food.


2nd place) Just boiling water without using electric kettle gas saves time and effort in the morning and feels comfortable. -Easy to clean and convenient as the water will boil immediately when making milk.

3rd place) The time for washing the dishwasher and dishes has been shortened, and the time for dealing with children has increased.・ The time it takes to wash is greatly reduced! Moreover, it becomes beautiful!

4th place) Microwave / microwave oven ・ Because you can't take your eyes off when you turn on the fire, you often rely on microwave cooking.・ It became possible to prepare food and baby food in a short time.

5th place) Mixer / cutter ・ In the past, it was difficult to make baby food because it took about 2 to 3 hours to make it with a colander, but now it takes less than an hour to make it easily. ing.

I'm busy raising children! I can't secure enough time for housework and the burden doubles ... 93.5% of moms feel burdened with housework

When asked, "Have you ever felt burdened with housework while pregnant or raising children?", 93.5% of the total responded "I have felt burdened with housework." I answered.

Among them, it is clear that many moms feel the burden of cooking the most because it takes time to devise the menu and it is difficult to work while watching the child and it takes a lot of time and effort.

Furthermore, I couldn't take my eyes off the child, such as "I have to take care of my child and I can't take time for housework", "I get up when I make a noise", and "I can't do housework because I have a bad follow-up". It seems that many moms find it difficult to secure time for housework and feel burdened with housework.

Buy home appliances for children! Most moms spend a total of 100,000 yen or more!

When asked, "Have you ever wanted to make household chores easier while you are pregnant or raising children?", 97.5% of all moms said they wanted to make it easier. When asked, "Have you ever bought home appliances during pregnancy or after your child was born to make household chores and child-rearing easier?", 37.6% said they "have bought them." Answered, it is clear that about 1 in 3 people have experience of buying new home appliances for raising children.

The most budget for home appliances is 100,000 yen or more, and it seems that many people have started spending money on home appliances after having a child.

I can't afford it, but I want home appliances! The ideal home appliances that moms dream of are all-purpose robots that can also handle babysitters! ??

In response to the question "Are there any home appliances that you want but haven't purchased yet?", 76.5% answered that they have home appliances that they want. The most common reason for not being able to purchase is that they cannot afford to buy it, and it seems that many people feel that they cannot afford to buy a new home appliance, probably because they spend a lot of money on raising children.

In a survey of "home appliances that moms want," the number one household appliance was "floor-wiping robots." Some people said, "I'm worried about floor stains because my children are hiking, but it's difficult to clean them every day," and it is clear that there is a high demand for items that can easily keep the house clean.

The number one air-conditioning appliance is the "air purifier." Many moms feel that it is a necessary item for managing their children's physical condition when they hear the voice saying "to prevent colds in winter when it is easy to dry". The number one kitchen appliance is the "dishwasher." There were voices such as "I want to save the trouble of washing and shorten the time", and it turned out that the dishwasher, which can complete the dishwashing just by putting the dishes in, is popular as a help item.

Furthermore, when a survey was conducted on "ideal home appliances that moms dream of," there were opinions such as "robots that care for children and play with them" and "home appliances that put babies to sleep," not only for household chores but also for babysitters. I heard the voice of a mom who is ideal for a universal robot that can handle it.

Is the approval rating of popular smart home appliances from moms not good?

When asked "Are you interested in the latest home appliances such as smart home appliances and IoT home appliances?", Nearly half of the respondents answered that they were interested in 46.2%. On the other hand, only 1.4% of respondents answered that they use smart home appliances and IoT home appliances at home, and in recent years, smart home appliances, which are gaining popularity due to the ease of operation from smartphones, have a high approval rating from moms. It can be seen that it is low.

Home appliances that are actually used include "smart speakers" and "smart locks," and only a minority of moms are engaged in "smart childcare" that actively uses the latest AI and smart home appliances. Seems to be there.

Child-rearing is essential! Introducing child-rearing appliances recommended by moms!

In a survey of mothers' recommended child-rearing home appliances that they felt were useful for child-rearing, "electric nasal aspirator" and "wipe warmer" were mentioned. It seems that many moms are making good use of home appliances in consideration of their children's health and safety.

It seems that some people have introduced a "baby monitor" to efficiently raise their children while checking the state of their children at a remote location. By incorporating home appliances into our daily lives, we may be able to spend more time with our children while making household chores and child-rearing easier.

■ Electric nasal aspirator ・ By sucking a runny nose at home, the child's cold can be healed faster.・ If you smoke on a night when your nose is stuffy, your child will sleep comfortably.

■ Wipe Warmer ・ It does not cool when changing diapers and can be used safely even in winter.・ I was able to prevent rough skin, and I was no longer surprised that my child was cold.

■ Baby monitor ・ It is very convenient because you can see the situation after falling asleep in a separate room. You can see how much you are awake when you hear a voice, so you can enter the bedroom and decide what to do with crying at night in a separate room.

■ Fan without blades ・ Children can knock down the fan, but there is no need to worry about it breaking because there are no blades.・ It can be used safely even if there are children.

■ Trend survey on home appliances Survey target: Those who used the services of "First Present" and "Ogya Photo Studio" planned and operated by Baby Calendar Inc. Survey period: October 19th to October 25th, 2018 Survey Number of cases: 927 cases

Source: Baby Calendar Inc.

Composition / Kojihei