[End of reception] We will issue duration subsidies such as Moriguchi City Manufacturing Companies

At the beginning

First, please check the following documents for the flow of the application and the documents required for the application.

Moriguchi City Manufacturing Companies, etc. Management Surgery Grant Lee Fret (PDF: 972.9KB)

Moriguchi City Manufacturing Companies, etc. Management Survival Subsidy Application (PDF: 392).5KB)


 This subsidy is a work space that is tend to be dense, and the city manufacturers and wholesalers who are working in warehouses, etc., as the effects of the new colon virus infections are prolonged.The purpose is to support infection prevention and prevention of infection expansion, such as responding to new lifestyles, PCR inspections and antigen tests, and promoting sustainable management.

Requirements for grant

As of the application date, it is necessary to meet all the following requirements:

Moriguchi City Manufacturing Companies, etc. Management Survival subsidy Simple flow (PDF: 108.2KB)

Examples of measures


* Guidelines by industry were created by industry organizations to promote independent infection prevention efforts.

 For more information, please see the following guidelines by industry (Cabinet Secretary -General New Coronavirus infection website).

Guidelines by industry (Cabinet Secretariat New Coronavirus Infectious Diseases Homepage)

Grant grant amount (per business office)


number of employees

Grant amount


※上記は1事業所当たりのnumber of employeesです。

Application documents

Please print and use the following application.In addition, if you transfer to an account other than the representative name of the office or branch account, please attach the account transfer request form.Application documents are also available at each community center in the city.


Application form (PDF: 314.9KB)

Application (Excel: 32.6KB)

Application Form (PDF: 152).7KB)

Application Form (Excel: 23.8KB)

Application example (PDF: 525).3KB)

Account transfer request form (PDF: 61.2KB)

Accel -transfer request form (Excel: 30.5KB)

Example of account transfer request form (PDF: 77.9KB)

Application documents checklist (PDF: 127.3KB)

How to listen to the account name (PDF: 255).5KB)

Please refer to the Japanese Standard Industry Classification (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications announcement No. 405) for the manufacturing and wholesale business.

Japan Standard Industrial Classification (2013 Notification No. 405) Homepage

Application procedure

Wandwa December 1st (Wednesday) -Shouwa 4th year 28th 28th (Monday) (Enabled on the day)

Application by mail

570-8666 Moriguchi City Keihan Hon -dori 2-5 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th Moriguchi City Hall Citizens' Life Department Regional Promotion Division * Please describe "Moriguchi City Manufacturing Company Manufacturing Companies for Management Service Service Fund."

frequently asked Questions

Frequently inquiries (revised 20211201) (PDF: 153.5KB)

Reference material

Moriguchi City Manufacturing Companies, etc. Management Survival Subsidy Grant Guidelines (PDF: 143.6KB)


Moriguchi City Manufacturing Companies for Management Surgery Call Center

Phone number 06-6997-6430 Opening time from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and year -end and New Year holidays (December 29 to January 3))

Please let us know your opinions

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