Announcement of the results of the removal performance test for four types of electronic dust collection filters for floating mold

Tornex Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo -ku, Tokyo / Shusuo Matsui), which manufactures and sells a residential filter and commercial air purifier, and a smoking station systemUnder the supervision of Associate Professor Takashi Yaguchi, it has been confirmed that four types of electronic dust collection filters developed in -house will have a high collection effect on floating mold.

Professor Takashi Yaguchi

The so -called "black mold", which performed the verification test, is a familiar mold that is easy to propagate mainly in the living environment.Mold originally inhabits the soil, but is transported by the wind, adheres to people and things, and invades the room.

"Window opening ventilation" and "humidification" are recommended as a countermeasure against the new colon virus, but when the window is opened, mold is taken into the room with the outside air.In addition, in the rainy season and summer season, wet air and hot air are incorporated, not only deteriorate air conditioning efficiency, but also a good condition for breeding mold.

One of the health hazards caused by mold is allergic diseases such as asthma and bronchitis caused by inhaling mold.Mold infectious diseases do not infect healthy people, but if the immune function decreases, it is more likely to develop, so it is important to maintain an air environment that does not come into contact with mold as much as possible.

Therefore, in Tornex, under the supervision of Associate Professor Takashi Yaguchi, the Chiba University Cancellation Center, after confirming the effects of four types of floating molds from the Tornex electronic dust filter, when the filter was passed once on all models.It was confirmed that the removal rate was 90 % or more.

The electronic dust collection filter is a floating mold, and various invisible pollutants (floating virus, pollen, dust, PM2)..5. Allergens such as mites, mold, etc.) have been confirmed.In the future, we will continue to conduct tests using electronic dust collection filters and propose indoor air purifying in various fields, including living environment.

Mold tends to generate at a temperature of 20 to 30 ° C and a humidity of 60 % or more, and is most likely to proliferate at 75-90 %.Mold uses everything (organic matter) such as dust and dirt as a nutrient source.In order not to increase mold, do not give mold that mold prefers the "temperature", "humidity", "nutrition", and "scaffolding".An air purifier that removes mold floating in the air, along with frequent cleaning by residents is also effective.

This time, the electronic dust collection filter has confirmed the effect of collecting the floating mold, so it is expected that the number of floating mold in the air may be reduced by air purifying in the life -life environment.

On June 24, 2021, online distribution seminars (free participation fee) "Window open ventilation?" "Mold comes into the house! The points of" virus measures "and" mold countermeasures "are held in the air.increase.Professor Takashi Yaguchi, Associate Professor of the Chiba University fungal medicine research center, will be given a lecture.Please join us.

* 1 This is the result of our within the company at the time of rated air volume.

◆ Removal performance evaluation test supervision of floating fungus:

千葉大学真菌医学研究センター 准教授 博士(工学) Professor Takashi Yaguchi ご紹介

Graduated from Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering.After working at Meiji Confectionery Co., Ltd., he is currently associated as Associate Professor of the Chiba University Bacterial Medicine Research Center.He researches mold in the living environment, especially mold of pathogenic.He has many TV appearances, such as "Classes that I want to take the best in the world" and "I'm now in Osamu Hayashi."

◆ Removal performance evaluation test outline of floating fungus

・ Test consignment agency: Chiba University fungal medicine research center

・ Test goods: 4 types of electronic dust collection filters (model CETX2001, CETX1501,

Cetx1001, CetXG121)

・ Test conditions: Spray floating mold on the upstream side of the test,

電子式集塵フィルタ4種類の 浮遊カビに対する除去性能試験の結果を発表

Measure the number of floating mold on the upstream and downstream side of the test product

・ Test microorganisms (mold): CladoSPorium CladoSPORIOIDES

(Cladosporium Clads Polorio Des)

◆ Removal performance evaluation test result of floating fungus

・ One pass (passing one filter) collection rate

 Type CETX2001 99.7 %

・ Passing air volume 15m3/min

Removal performance evaluation test result of floating fungus

Model CETX1501 99.6 %, CETX1001 100 %, Cetx2001 99.7 %、CETXG121 91.8 % (2 m3 / min)

◆ About electronic dust collection filter

Our electronic dust collection filter is a structure in which metal pole plates are piled up at several millimeters intervals, and it is a mechanism that adsorbs dust by applying a high voltage on the pole plate.Because of the low pressure loss and hardly clogged, it can secure enough air volume without hindering the flow of air.In addition, by automatically performing optimal driving depending on the humidity and filter dirt, it can maintain the same dust collection performance that is the same as the start of use.

* Patent technology for Tornex Co., Ltd.

The information listed (product price/specification/service content) is information at the time of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.

◆ Online distribution seminar outline

For windows, ventilation? "Mold" enters the house!

The points of "virus countermeasures" and "mold countermeasures" are in the air

□ Date: June 24, 2021 15: 00-16: 30

□ Location: Please participate from a place where the Internet environment is located (Wi-Fi recommended)

 It will be held using the web conference application "ZOOM Webinar".

 After applying, we will send you an invitation email.

□ Participation fee: Free

□ Click here for details and application

https: // www.Outside air -stars.JP/Air/News/News-2906/