Do you throw the eggs after the expiration date?Surprisingly, the correct way to save eggs Q & A

Eggs were once sold at room temperature at a dry shop that handles long -lasting long -lasting dry foods (1).Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhccording to the book of the Egg Scientific Study Group published in May 2021, "The best way to eat by the Mainichi Egg expert" (Ikeda Shoten) (2), the habit of eating eggs has spread in the Muromachi period.In the times, Mitsukuni Mito and others worked to spread poultry and ate eggs raw.Fresh seafood was caught in the sea in front of the Edo -mae and ate raw as sashimi, so there was no resistance to eating eggs raw.In the middle of the Edo period, "Egg -cooked rice" was born for rice eggs.Ginka Kishida, who was active as a newspaper reporter and businessman in the Meiji era, has created a chance to spread the egg rice.

Eggs are familiar food for Japanese.Looking at the consumption, we eat 338 pieces a year, almost once a day, and compared to the world, after the world's first -ranked Mexico (372).Many (2).

However, even such familiar foods are unexpectedly unknown.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh culinary researcher answered in an interview with an interview as a solution when the expiration date of the commercially available eggs we bought is approaching in the refrigerator.I read it.But this is not correct, as described later.


The above -mentioned book "The best way to eat by egg specialists" (2), and "Books that understand the expiration date" supervised by Professor Tokue Tokue, a visiting professor of Tokyo University of Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgriculture, who is familiar with food preservation,Professor Kazu Hatta (4), an egg expert called "Dr. Egg" and the Faculty of Food and Nutrition, Kyoto Women's University, and the Japanese Egg Business Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssociation (5), an egg -related company and industry organization (5)., Ichiro Shinohara (1), who has been a poultry farmer in the 1960s since its 68th year, and interviews with the Egg Scientific Study Group (7), and interviews with egg manufacturers.

Should I boil the eggs that are exposed to the expiration date?

-Should the eggs that are exposed to the expiration date should be boiled and stored?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.No.If you boil it, the expiration date will be shorter than raw eggs.Egg white white contains enzymes that dissolve bacteria, called the liza team.However, if you boil it, the function of this enzyme "Liza Team" will be lost (3, Chiyoko Tokue's supervision book).

Can I leave it out of the refrigerator for a while?What to leave with the egg solution?

-Is it okay to leave it out of the refrigerator and cook it?What are you careful when dealing with eggs?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 割った卵は細菌が繁殖しやすいので、割り置きせず、調理の直前に割ってください。卵料理をするときは、中断せずにすばやく。殻ごと器に入れる配膳は、菌が器に付着する恐れがあるので止めましょう(3、徳江千代子先生)。

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 一番だめなのは、卵の表面に水滴がついたりすると、菌が水滴の中を動いて中へ入っていく。常に乾燥しとかんといかん、ということです。卵を、冷蔵庫から出して、調理するまで置いておくと、表面に水滴がついたり(=結露)するじゃないですか。ちょっと忘れて長いこと置いてから料理するというのもよくないです。あと、卵の表面は菌だらけなので、それを触った手で違う食材を触って調理するのもよくないです。


Should I wash the eggs I bought at home?

-If there is a bacterium on the surface of the egg, should you buy it and wash it?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.No.Commercially available eggs are already washed and sterilized with 200 ppm sodium hypochlorite (4, Mr. Hatta).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Washing at home is the opposite effect.When washed at home, various bacteria enter the hole in the shell, causing corruption.The correct answer is to wipe off if there is dirt or wash it quickly just before the dish (3, Chiyoko Tokue).

Is there any problem using cracking eggs?

-Is it okay if the cracks are included?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Bacteria may enter, so let's cook well and consume immediately, regardless of the expiration date (3, Chiyoko Tokue).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.The egg shell becomes thinner in summer.The thinning of the shell in the summer is probably the biggest factor in the rise in temperature, a decrease in chicken appetite, that is, a summer batter.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht the site, eggs with thin shells are sorted, such as delivering them to processed manufacturers, and ordinary consumers have a solid shell, cleaning and sterilizing eggs, and rating for each weight., Referral at the store via the box) (7, egg scientific study group).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.The old eggs had little cracks.The chickens were also eaten calcium, and they grew up in an environment without stress, and the egg shells were quite strong, so it may have been fine.

However, the current eggs are mass -produced and consumed in large quantities.The chicken is kept two birds in a narrow cage.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhlmost fully automatic, both food and water are feeding.When you press the button, the egg will be carried by a belt conveyor.To the factory, while rolling a long passage, the eggs are ticking, so they are invisible.You can tell by pressing a little.With the top and bottom of the eggs, applying force, and passing through the light, you can see the cracks in it.Some eggs cannot be detected as cracked eggs in egg GP centers, and they are distributed as they are.I think that the surface of the egg is very dirty and the surface of the egg shell is full of scratches.In my laboratory data, there are 1,000-100,000 bacteria and bacteria per egg.Eggs that are unable to see in the eyes are absolutely useless if you do not leave them in the refrigerator (4, Mr. Hatta Ichi -sensei).

What is the production of Japanese eggs?Is the egg of the beef bowl raw egg?

-How many Japanese eggs are made?The eggs that come out at the gyudon shop are like raw eggs, but is it okay?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.The production of Japanese eggs is about 2.6 million tons.When converted to eggs, it is about 40 billion.50%of them pass through the GP Center and become packed eggs.30%is a business use called "box egg" and is traded in a 10kg/cardboard box.The remaining 20%are assigned to the liquid egg factory, all egg solution, egg white and egg yolk, and sterilized ones are used in food manufacturers.Only home use is being eaten raw.For business use, there is little place to put out raw eggs, fearing the risk of Salmonella food poisoning.In restaurants, there are many places that are provided by heating to about hot spring eggs (4, Mr. Ichi Hatta).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Kewpie develops a soft -boiled product and sells it to a beef bowl shop (7, egg scientific study group).

Does eggs increase cholesterol?

―I'm trying not to eat because cholesterol rises when you eat eggs.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.It is often said that eating eggs will increase cholesterol levels, but cholesterol is cholesterol, both eaten almost one day (200 mg/dl) and those who eat less than once a week (205 mg/dl).Looking at the average data, there is no statistically significant difference (2, "Mainichi Egg").

Can I take it out of the pack and replace it with a refrigerator egg case?

-Do you buy the eggs you bought from the pack and replace them with the egg case in the refrigerator?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.When storing eggs, you should not shake.If you put it in an egg case attached to the refrigerator door pocket, it will shake every time you open and close the door, and the temperature changes greatly.

It seems that recent refrigerators often have egg cases in the back of the refrigerator room.However, the egg shell may have Salmonella bacteria.In the refrigerator, in order not to be transferred to other foods and breed, it is better to keep it in the back of the refrigerator shelf so that it does not shake (3, Chiyoko Tokue).

What is the right way to save eggs?

―Is there any direction of the egg, the rounded person, or the right preservation?

 Do you throw the eggs after the expiration date?意外に知らない、卵の正しい保存方法 Q&Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Yes, go down the sloppy person.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhll commercially available eggs should be lower for those who are sharp.This is because the round one has an air room with air, and if this is above, the yolk can keep the yolk and keep the freshness stable (3, Chiyoko Tokue).

Do you throw the eggs after the expiration date?

―Is it safer to throw the eggs after the expiration date?


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 食中毒を防ぐために大切なのは温度管理です。37度の環境にタマゴを1日置いておくと、生食では危険な状態になりますが、10度で保管すれば50日間置いておいても大丈夫です(2、『まいにちタマゴ』)。


However, depending on the condition of storage (preservation of room temperature, etc.), it is safer to check corruption and discard it.

The expiration date of commercially available eggs is set to "2 weeks" that can be eaten raw when stored at 25 degrees.If stored at less than 10 degrees, theoretically, it can be eaten raw for 57 days from spawning.If temperature control is thorough, Salmonella will not increase.However, thorough temperature control from spawning to dining is very difficult.Therefore, I think that it is better not to think that it is OK for 57 days for less than 10 degrees and 57 days.It is desirable to comply with the date of chicken eggs (5, the Japan Egg Business Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhssociation).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 卵の賞味期限は、最初からサルモネラ菌の一種が中に入ってしまっている「菌入り卵」を基準に定められています。その卵の確率は、3万個に1個、10万個に2〜3個の割合です。でも、外からは見分けがつかないので、仮に菌が入っていたとしても、安心して「生で」食べられる期間として定められているのです。通常は、採卵日から2〜3週間です。「ひびが入っている卵」は、たとえ賞味期限内でも、雑菌が入り込んでいる場合があるので、しっかり加熱して食べてください。卵は、賞味期限が切れてから2週間までなら、加熱調理して食べることができます(6、八田一先生監修のNHK「ガッテン!」)。


What is the intention of the egg pack display "Heat cooking as soon as possible after the expiration date?"

-Why are the commercially available egg packs written "Please cook and eat as soon as the expiration date has passed"?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.It is very difficult to control the temperature from spawning to the table, but if the temperature control is well managed, Salmonella can be prevented.The expiration date is the “dead deadline that can be eaten deliciously” for ordinary foods.In the Food Sanitation Law, the expiration date of the eggs is the “raw food expiration date”.Most of the poisoning of the eggs are Salmonella addiction.Salmonella will die if it is heated at 75 degrees for more than 1 minute.Therefore, it is indicated that those that have passed the expiration date and those with cracks should be fully heated and eaten (5, the Japan Egg Industry Ahhhhhhhhhhssociation).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Since there are relevant laws and regulations regarding the display of packed eggs, such as "Fair competition rules and enforcement rules related to the display of chicken eggs," we are displayed according to them (egg manufacturer).

Are the eggs you can eat discarded?

―Is the eggs you can eat are discarded?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.In the case of ordinary households, those that have passed the expiration date are discarded.However, because it is an egg that can be properly managed and eaten, in the case of our company, things other than packed eggs and processed ingredients (boiled eggs, etc.) are sterilized and shipped as liquid eggs (for processed food).I am.Therefore, the current situation is that there is nothing other than edible items that are discarded.Other than edible eggplant, we use fragmented eggs and ship them as liquid eggs, so there is no idea of discarding (egg manufacturer).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.In the case of direct sales, in principle, what remains every day is disposal, but we will feed back as a feed material (chicken).In general, the rest seems to be often used for liquid egg processing (1, poultry farmer, Ichiro Shinohara).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Ahhhhhhs an effort to eliminate the waste and disposal of eggs, we are working to spread the correct knowledge of eggs (5, the Japan Egg Business Ahhhhhhssociation).

Is the egg a high risk of food poisoning for Salmonella?

-The family says that eggs don't want to eat because they are afraid of food poisoning ...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Eggs contain one of 30,000 Salmonella, which is the cause of food poisoning.The important thing to prevent food poisoning is temperature management.For example, if you put an egg in a 37 degree environment for one day, it will be dangerous for raw food, but if you keep it at 10 degrees, it is okay to leave it for 50 days (2, "Mimai Tamago").

How many food poisoning of eggs?

―How many food poisoning of eggs happen a year?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Ahhhhccording to data from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, there are two cases a year (from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Food poisoning statistics, from 2020).

How many food poisoning of Salmonella is a year?

-So what about Salmonella?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Ahhhccording to data from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2020, there are 33 cases.

Why is the number of food poisoning of eggs drastically decreasing?

―Why are the number of food poisoning of eggs decreasing recently?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.The following factors can be considered:

・ Thorough hygiene measures at the farm stage by the Ministry of Ahhgriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of chicken eggs and comprehensive measures against salmonella.

・ Thorough hygiene management of the GP center due to the hygiene management guidelines for the chicken egg selection of chicken egg selection of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

・ Dissemination of Salmonella inert vaccine that reduces the establishment of Salmonella in chicken intestinal tubes

・ Necessity for heating cooking after displaying the expiration date by displaying raw food expiration date

・ Dissemination of correct hygiene management at home

(5, Japan Egg Business Ahhssociation)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.We believe that the drastic decrease in the last 20 years is due to the thorough hygiene management of producers and improving the awareness of food poisoning of food dealers.The latest trends believe that due to the influence of the new Corona, the occurrence in the restaurant industry has decreased and the number of infected people has decreased.Please refer to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's website etc. (egg manufacturer).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.In the system, which has begun the expiration date, the producers have become firmly managed hygiene, and Salmonella vaccines have spread, and Salmonella food poisoning has dropped sharply (4, Hatta.One teacher).


In the lab of Mr. Hatta, he is experimenting with the eggs in the refrigerator for about a year.It is said that it is called "mummy egg" because all the water evaporates and the contents become empty.The author also kept eggs collected at Shinohara Chicken Farm on September 14, 2020 for one year until September 14, 2021, and the water evaporated and the contents became colorful.Examining the number of general raw bacteria, the number of Escherichia coli, and the Salmonella bacterium was not detected.According to Mr. Hatta, "I just happened to hit a good egg.""I've treated eggs so far, and Salmonella's food poisoning has been drastically reduced, so I want consumers to maintain them properly. I don't want them to mislead."

Dr. Hatta gives a lecture at the 16th Japan Tamago Study Group (8) entitled "Science of Rosanjin eggs" (13:00 on March 12, 2022, at Kyoto Women's University).Why don't you know about eggs and enjoy egg dishes even more?

With this article, which gathered the knowledge of egg experts, I would be glad if you could enjoy the eggs (9) that the chicken spent over 24 hours for more than 24 hours.

Reference information

1) "Egg shelf life 2 weeks" Actually does it last?Unknown history of eggs that used to be "dry food" (Rumi Idomi, Yahoo! News Individual, 2020/11/5)

2) "The best way to eat by egg specialists" Authorized: Egg Scientific Study Group, Medical Supervision: Kazuo Kondo, Nutrition Supervision: Mitsuko Mineki (Ikeda Shoten)

3) Supervised by a book that understands the expiration date ": Chiyoko Tokue (Takarajimasha)

4) Kinki Agri High Tech Symposium "EggCiting Nanago Research" Kyoto Women's University Faculty of Food Nutrition Professor Kazu Kazu (2008/10/28)

Mr. Kazuhisa Hatta, the modification technology using egg food properties and enzymes

5) Japan Egg Business Association official website

6) Professor Kazuya Hatta as an expert NHK "Gatten!"

7) Egg Scientific Study Group official website

8) The 16th Japan Tamago Study Group (March 12, 2022, 13:00 to 17:00, at Kyoto Women's University)

9) How many days can you eat the expired egg raw?Our chickens are relentlessly discarded the eggs that the chicken spent 24 hours a day (Yahoo! News Individual, 2018/5/17)


GP center

Chicken egg contamination route ON EGG and IN EGG (Toho microscope Research Institute)