Do you do that?Disinfect the Shinkansen "Corona Countermeasures" for the first public vehicle base, and the crew is also disinfected during patrol

On May 25, the government's emergency declaration was completely lifted, and people's movements are about to begin.

However, many people will be worried about traveling in vehicles used by an unspecified number of people.Therefore, railway companies have announced on websites and other information on initiatives to prevent new colon virus infections.

Meanwhile, JR Tokai first released infection measures on the Tokaido Shinkansen to the press for the first time on the 28th.

On the running Shinkansen, the crew patrol inside the car carefully disinfects the places where passengers touch, such as toilet doorknobs and buttons with a disinfectant.Perser, who is in charge of selling wagons in the car, also disinfects the range in charge, including the preparation room in the car.In recent years, security guards have been on board the car, but security guards do not do disinfection.Nevertheless, if two crew members make two round trips in the Shinkansen car, they will perform disinfecting four times.

The secret to balance airtightness and ventilation

In recent commuter trains, ventilation due to windows in the car has become commonplace, but the Shinkansen has a structure that does not open windows.By enhancing the airtightness, it keeps the pressure inside the car constant, and prevents the "ears" caused by fluctuations in the air pressure such as when entering a tunnel at high speed.

However, it is necessary to incorporate fresh air into the car, and the Shinkansen uses air conditioning and ventilation to replace it with outside air.The air incorporated by the ventilation device is sent to the car after cooling or warming up with the air conditioner.The air out of the outlet under the luggage shelf circulates inside the car and is discharged outside the car through the exit under the seat.

そこまでやる?新幹線の「コロナ対策」初公開 車両基地内で消毒、乗務員も巡回中に消毒

The air inside the car is replaced with outside air in 6-8 minutes.I was worried that the airtightness would not be damaged due to the replacement of the air, but JR Tokai said, "The same amount of air to be used and the amount of air to discharge will maintain airtightness."。

Air -conditioning and ventilation are originally a function that Shinkansen vehicles are, and have not done anything special for infectious diseases.

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