The plasma cluster shipped 100 million Sharps worldwide, and the No. 1 unit went on the market for 20 years.

Sharp has been engaged in a generation of plasma cluster air quality commodity group since 2000.

 シャープは、プラズマクラスターの世界累計出荷が、10月末時点で1億台を突破したと発表した。2000年にプラズマクラスターを搭載した空気清浄機1号機を投入以来、20年で1億台を突破した。 プラズマクラスター事業については、今後10年後(2030年)をにらみ「累計2億台突破を目指したい」(同社Smart Appliances & Solutions事業本部 空調・PCI事業部 岡崎宏昌副事業部長兼PCIソリューション推進部長)と意欲的だ。

 プラズマクラスターの世界累計出荷1億台 シャープ、第1号機発売から20年で

Air purifier for unit 1 with plasma cluster launched in 2000

 Plasma clusters apply + and-voltages to the discharge electrode to produce a large number of positive ions (hydrogen) and negative ions (oxygen) from water molecules and oxygen molecules in the air, and OH free radicals when they react with surface proteins of viruses or bacteria. The invention relates to an air purification technology, which can extract and decompose hydrogen ions from surface proteins such as viruses and make them harmless. In recent years, the concern for air quality is increasing, and the concern for goods carrying plasma clusters is rising, especially for many users with air purifiers as the center. Concern is rising not only in Japan, but also overseas. It is reported that it has been carried out in 109 countries in the world.

The latest plasma cluster ion generator for plasma cluster NEXT

 The company recently announced for the first time a total of 100 million units, according to which, air purifiers shipped a total of about 25 million units, accounting for 25%, affecting the plasma cluster business, in addition, the company's air conditioners, refrigerators, and other white goods accounted for about 80%. The rest are exports of plasma cluster generation equipment, and the number of manufacturers in different industries led by cars, trams and elevators has now increased to 29. As a commemoration of the 100 million models reached, as the main product of the air purifier, three models of the KI-PX series will also be put on sale at the beginning of the year.

News Department, Media headquarters, Radio newspaper
