A cruster cluster also occurs, and asks doctors "Countermeasures at cram school and vaccination from 12 years old"

 While new colon virus infections are expanding nationwide and learning school clusters are occurring, many parents, including examinees, are worried about them?This time, I asked Ayuko Suwauchi, who is a pediatric specialist and a certified industrial physician of the Japan Medical Association, who is raising children about what can be taken for infectious diseases and parents.

 Dr. Suwauchi is worried about the impact on the children at the cram school and the infection of the exam period and becoming unable to take the exam.She said the importance of taking as much measures as possible at a cram school or at home.

Both the teacher and the child correctly attach the non -woven mask

-How do you feel about infectious diseases in cram school from the perspective of a doctor and a guardian?

 I think that the response is different depending on the cram school, but since the new colon virus has begun to become popular, you can arrange alcohol for temperature and finger disinfection, set up partitions during lunch boxes, and strengthen measures.You can see that it is.Such a situation is unprecedented, and I think the responsibility to keep children more than ever.There are also places that correspond to remote classes using video distribution and ZOOM, etc., and the burden on teachers is also increasing.

 On the other hand, what I'm worried about is the teachers' masks.Face shields and mouse shields only do not prevent infection.Some teachers are wearing polyester, polyurethane, and cloth masks, but it is from the perspective of medical workers that the effect of Delta stocks that are now popular is low.A non -woven mask is recommended for new colonovirus measures.

 The new Coronavirus Delta stock, which is currently popular, has a larger virus than the conventional stock that was popular last year, and it causes more infection with fine particles, so a mask is more than a non -woven fabric that can cover not only large splashes but also fine particles.It is recommended.Some municipalities call in public places, "Let's make a non -woven mask."I think it would be nice to have a mask more than non -woven fabric in places where people gather, such as cram schools, lessons, schools, etc.

 And I would like to recommend the KF94 mask in places with high risk of infection and places with many people.This is characterized by a three -dimensional and easier to fit the face than a non -woven mask.Even if you keep talking for a long time, it will not be out of gap or wet.It is also recommended for teachers who often talk.

 Some of you may have weak skin and do not want to wear non -woven masks.In that case, the effect can be enhanced by wearing a non -woven mask on the urethane mask so that there is no gap, or sandwiching the non -woven filter on the cloth mask.

 There are various types of non -woven masks.In the past, those who wore a non -woven cloth mask and had rough skin or had no problem with the non -woven mask from another manufacturer.It may be a good idea to try several types of non -woven masks without giving up.I want you to use the appropriate mask properly to protect yourself.

 The risks of children's infection are the same as a cram school and school, but in the case of cram schools, there are also concerns that the students sitting in front of the school are narrower than the school, so the droplets from the teacher will fly.So I want the teacher to use a highly effective mask.And I would like to ask parents to wear non -woven masks in the group.

 If possible, if possible, if possible, for example, if there is a child who has come to a cram school with a urethane mask, you can change to a non -woven mask at the entrance of the cram school saying, "Wear a non -woven mask in the classroom".It would be nice to be.

-The effect is quite different depending on the type of mask.What other teachers are careful of choosing a mask?

 We have a mask that matches the size of each family.Of course, there is no gap, but I think it's a good idea to look for a safe and comfortable mask, such as the ears do not hurt.In the case of a child, I think that the size of the mask may not fit the size of the child, so it would be nice to choose a mask that matches your child's growth.

CO2 monitor is recommended for checking the ventilation effect

-Are there any other things to be aware of in addition to masks for infection measures at cram school?

塾クラスターも発生、医師に聞く「塾での対策とVaccination from 12 years old」

 It is ideal to reduce the number of classrooms and give classes at a large classroom, but I think it is very difficult.So, you should be careful about ventilation.In the case of a cram school, there are cases where there are few windows unlike schools.Even in classrooms without windows, we open the door, use a circulator or air conditioner to replace the air, and also devise the teachers, but I don't think we can wipe out the anxiety.It is also wrong to rely on spatial disinfection and air purifier because it is difficult to ventilate.

 What I would recommend to check the ventilation effect is the CO2 monitor that can measure the carbon dioxide concentration in the room.If you get a value of 1,000 ppm or more on the CO2 monitor, you can see that it is "insufficient ventilation".If you get a high number, you need to review the ventilation method, and it is safe if you get a low number.It is a simple machine that can be carried, so if you have one in the school building, you can check if the ventilation is well done by measuring it during the time when each classroom is.

 Use the appropriate hand -disinfected drugs.The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare recommends more than 60 % of alcohol preparations for the new Coronavirus.There is no point in installing something that is not effective and disinfection only in the shape.Of course, it is effective enough to wash the rinsing water using soap.Let's do it before and after eating and drinking.In the early days when the new colon virus became popular, there was little information and there was a shortage of alcohol, but now it is available, so I would like you to update it to the correct information and take the right infection measures.

 The teachers need to devise (separate silent and food and drinks) for the vaccine as soon as possible, how to spend the time in the instructor room, and how to eat and drink during breaks and meetings.The fact that the teachers are infected before taking the exam and the cram school is closed, and that a favorite teacher is taking a long break can greatly upset the examinees who have been studying the teachers.

Vaccination from 12 years old

-I can be vaccinated from the age of 12, but I think many parents are getting lost in vaccinations for their children.How do you think about your child's vaccination?

 Inoculation of the vaccine reduces the risk of infection, the risk of developing the new colon virus, and the severity of the disease. Of course, the effect of the vaccine is not perfect, but very meaningful. Although the probability of children becoming moderate or severe is low, Delta shares have many infected people due to their strong infectious power. Although the probability is low, some children have quite painful symptoms and need to administer oxygen. In the United States, which has more infected people than in Japan, the medical condition is different, but from April 1, 2020 to August 18, 2021, 134 people at 0-4 years old and 296 at 5-18 years old. Your child has died. I think there are various ideas for vaccination. Although there are very few children who become severely ill, I hope that their children and good friends will have a good child, and I hope that more parents will be considered positively.

 The American Pediatric Society also recommends children vaccination.The Japanese Society of Pediatrics has announced that it is important to have a new colona vaccination to the surrounding adults to protect children from new colonovirus infections.In addition, "for vaccination for healthy children, the person and the caregiver fully understand the merits (such as prevention of infection) and the disadvantages (side reactions, etc.), and need to respond before, in the middle and later."

 If you have no infected persons around you, many people do not know the image of infection and see the vaccination.In my sense, many medical professionals who know the current status of children who regularly go to the hospital and the current state of new colonovirus infected people often choose vaccination for children.I feel like that.


Aftereffects for infected people

 Like adults, children have sequelae (longcovid) for new colonovirus infected people, and are reported not only in severe cases but also in mild or asymptomatic cases.Symptoms include fatigue, dyspnea, palpitations, headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, dizziness, and "brain fog" that makes the head fog, and may suffer from memory disorders and decreased concentration.I have.In addition, the period of continuation of sequelae and valid treatments are not clearly known.I think that children over the age of 12 should consider vaccinations based on the local infection status of living, the presence or absence of basic diseases, and family conditions.

To the parents of the examinees

-The examination season will come soon.Please tell us about the measures that the parents of the examinees can take.

 If you are in contact with children about adult vaccination, we would like you to consider vaccination positively.If your father or mother is infected with a new colon virus at home, you will almost infect your child.In addition, even if the child escapes infection, there are many cases where parents in their 40s and 50s require hospitalization treatment in the age, and when parents are hospitalized, small children are negative and rich.When it comes to contacters, there is actually a problem of securing a destination.

 Also, don't forget to vaccinate preventive diseases other than the new colon virus.Check the mother and child handbook for the vaccine of your child, including the influenza vaccine.In addition to the new colon virus, there are cases where you can not take the exam due to chickenpox or mumps.

 Perhaps in families with examinees, they are particularly anxious about infectious diseases.By all means, I hope that not only your child but also your family will work together to take measures against infectious diseases.Parents use the mask correctly when picking up the cram school, and when chatting with other parents, keep the distance away.Keep your mom friends and children want to go to tea or lunch with multiple families, and now act as a top priority not to bring a coronavirus to your house.

 The new colon virus has been found to have infectious 48 hours before the onset.I think that children are submitting a temperature inspection table every day at schools and cram schools, but it is the current situation that they can easily slip through.It is important to take measures against infections so that there is no problem whenever an infected person occurs.

 At present, colonovirus infected people have three days after the symptoms have disappeared and the isolation ends in 10 days from the onset, and the rich contacts are limited to 14 days from the final contact with the infected person.If a positive person treats at home, like in Tokyo, you will not be able to go to work or school for at least 24 days.As the exam season is approaching, the whole family will take as much measures as possible and protect your child so that you can fully demonstrate your efforts so far.

The number of new positive people who have not been vaccinated is about 17 times compared to twice in vaccination.

 According to the 48th new Coronavirus infection measures advisory board held by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on August 18, out of the 57,293 new positive people from August 10 to 12, 2021It was revealed that 47,132 people were 2,956 for one vaccination, 2,768 in vaccinations twice, and 5,437 in vaccination.Looking at the number of new positive people per 100,000 people by vaccination history, it has not been inoculated 67..6 people, only one vaccination 22.7 people, twice inoculation 4.It will be 0 people, and the number of unbelievable people will reach about 17 times in vaccination twice.

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, on August 20, 2021, requested the school to thoroughly take measures against infection following the current situation of replacement with delta shares.It states that even if it is a mutant, it is effective to avoid three denses (densely poppy, close, sealing), especially the five high -risk scenes, appropriate wearing of the mask, and hand washing.In order to avoid sealing, we are required to strive for ventilation as much as possible, and as an indicator of ventilation is also recommended to measure on the CO2 monitor.The mask also mentions that non -woven masks have the highest effects and are said to be effective in the order of cloth masks and urethane masks.

 Soon the summer vacation will come and the children's group life will begin.In order to survive the era of Corona, why not review the infection measures not only at schools, but also at home and cram schools?

諏訪内 亜由子(すわない あゆこ)先生