Coronavirus measures with ozone gas! Ozone Air Deodorant and Escape Removal BT-180H (Tam Lateco) with air purifying function started online reservation!

Armer Co., Ltd. began ordering Tamlaco's ozone air purifier BT-180H (Https:// on Tuesday, June 2. This commodity sterilizes the indoor planktonic bacteria and attached bacteria through ozone, decomposes the odor-causing substances, and can carry out sterilization and virus countermeasures that can not be obtained by general ionic air purifiers.


Web site: Https://

Ozone air purifier BT-180H against novel coronavirus!

BT-180H, the ozone air purifier of Tamladico Co., Ltd., produces ozone air at two concentrations in the scene. Sterilize the indoor planktonic bacteria and attached bacteria and decompose the substances that cause the odor. At the same time, PM2.5 also removes 99.95% of the power of ozone, aerosolized bacteria and viruses. At any time, this one can create a clean indoor environment. BT-180H can eliminate disinfection and antivirus measures that are not available in ordinary ion air purifiers.

Characteristics of BT-180H

< Ozone generator with air purification function >

In this stage to achieve deodorization, virus and other sterilization.

< made by Tamlateco Company at ease >

The ozone generator produced by Tamlaco is installed on vehicles of the Tokyo Fire Department.

< realize autopilot >


< amount of ozone generated by switching on and off with newly developed coil ozone generator >

In the unmanned environment with the maximum production, the ozone power is 600 mg/h.

In manned mode, even people can produce safe low-concentration ozone air around 0.1ppm, which is gently carried out for indoor sterilization and deodorization.

< timer function can realize high concentration sterilization in unmanned environment >

オゾンガスでコロナウイルス対策! 空気清浄機能付オゾンエア消臭・除菌機BT-180H(タムラテコ)の ネット予約販売開始!

Through the appointment of the remote control, the time of leaving the room is set, and the high concentration of ozone air can be used for sterilization in an unmanned environment.

< High deodorization ability >

BT-180H also has good deodorization ability. The three-layer structure of HEPA filter, activated carbon filter and photocatalyst is adopted to oxidize and decompose harmful substances in the air.

A clean indoor environment


Product size: W400 × D240 × H680 mm

Mass: 10.5 kg

Suitable area: up to 100 square meters

Price: 324500 yen (including tax)


It will incur additional freight.

May change the design.

Confirm novel coronavirus inactivation caused by ozone!

According to the verification results of Nara Prefectural Medical University, novel coronavirus was confirmed to be harmless by ozone gas for the first time in the world. It has been proved that ozone gas can inactivate aerosolized viral bacteria such as plankton bacteria and adherent bacteria, and decompose the odor-producing substances.

Article 1 [Press release] 5Compact 14, the report of novel coronavirus verified by ozone for the first time in the world (public university legal person Nara Prefectural Medical University / General Society legal person MBT Association)


Introduction of ozone generators in medical sites and ambulances

Because of its antivirus effect, more than 500 ambulances, led by Tokyo Fire Department, are equipped with Tamlaco's ozone air purifier (fire name: BT-O3). The oxygen O _ 2 we inhale produces ozone O _ 3 by electrolysis and returns to oxygen after decomposition. In order to sterilize and decompose planktonic bacteria and fixed bacteria, ozone generators are introduced into medical sites and ambulances.