5-11 -year -old Corona vaccination, how do you change the situation?U.S. Example National Ge Graphic Japanese Site

 In the United States, nearly 1 million children under the age of 12 have been vaccinated once in the US Pfizer, Bion Tech.This vaccine has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be 5 to 11 years old in vaccination on October 29, and the US Disease Control Center (CDC) is recommended on November 2 (edited).Note: In Japan, Pfizer applied to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for the manufacturing and sales approval of vaccines for the age of 5 to 11 on November 10, and the vaccination and vaccine subcommittee began discussions on the 15th).


 In the United States, more than 5.7 million children, with more than 18 million children, have been infected with new colona, killing about 900 people.According to a paper published by a group of Harvard University on October 14 in the medical journal "The Journal of Infectious Diseases", it has been confirmed that infected children have a large amount of viruses regardless of symptoms.It was done.In other words, there is a high possibility of spreading infection to others.Therefore, inoculation on children has an important meaning.

 But a new question may have come to mind.What kind of actions can now be safe for children?

 As of mid -November, it is a former health committee member in Baltimore, Maryland, and the United States, George Washington University, to keep in mind that most of the 5-11 -year -old children have not been significantly safer than before.This is Liana Wen, a physician, a professor at public health research.The amount of vaccines that are administered to children is less than adults, but it is the same to be vaccinated twice at intervals of three weeks.

"The optimal immune reaction is obtained after two weeks after the second vaccination."Wen says that although antibody production will be enhanced after the first vaccination, it is unclear how much it will be protected.According to a survey conducted in adults, published in the medical journal "The New England Journal of Medicine" on August 12The effectiveness obtained by the first vaccination of Astra Seneca vaccines was about 30 %.

 In other words, children who have been vaccinated have not yet gained sufficient immunity when family and relatives gather on a holiday on November 25.The gathered family needs to take the same measures to protect children.Especially, you must avoid gathering densely without wearing a mask to prevent the spread of infection.

5~11歳のコロナワクチン接種、状況どう変える? 米国の例 ナショナルジオグラフィック日本版サイト

 Wen says that if the weather is allowed, we should consider gathering outdoors.In areas where it is difficult, risks must be reduced in another way.For example, it is Proposal, Tomas Malay, a pediatric infection physician at Ale Ale University Hospital, who surrounds the table at an interval and a portable HEPA filter.

 Wen has also suggested to ask participants to limit their actions five days before the gathering to reduce the risk of infection.For example, they do not go to indoor restaurants or playgrounds, always wear masks at work and schools, and have a quick antigen test on the morning of the day.

Actions to lower the risk again when the danger increases

 If a sufficient immune reaction can be obtained, many parents will finally be able to relax the reins that have been tightened for nearly two years with peace of mind, and in Ocean Side, New York, the infection of Mount Sainai South Nasso Hospital in New York.Aaron Gratt speaks.

 However, at present, Grat will stab the nails that there is no clear answer to all situations."Everyone is a healthy and young family who has been vaccinated, and the risk is much more risky than a family with immunity, the elderly, or those who have not vaccinated."Also, how much risk can be tolerated depends on the person."What you can do without anxiety is what each person decides."

Next page: To reduce the risk as much as possible

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