Confirm the suppression of corona containing mutant with plasma cluster, Sharp demonstrated in industry and academia.

Sharp has a 99 -hour infection value (number of infectious viral particles) when irradiated with plasma cluster ions, which are the company's unique technology, to the new colon virus (including mutant stocks) in saliva..It has been announced that it has been demonstrated that it will decrease by more than 4%.

In September 2020, in September 2020, it demonstrated that Plasma Cluster ions have the effect of reducing the new colon virus floating in the air.This time, Professor Hiroki Yoshiyama of the Microbial Science Course of Shimane University School of Medicine, a director of the Japanese Society of Japan, Professor Shigeru Watanabe of the Faculty of Health and Medical School, and Professor Katsushi Yamakawa, a Kyoto Institute of Health and Firm University, and is recommended as a virus.The verification was performed under the conditions of 60%humidity, and the effects of the new colon virus in the saliva attached to the object were newly demonstrated.

シャープ Smart Appliances & Solutions事業本部副本部長兼空調・PCI事業部長の中島光雄氏は、「新型コロナウイルスの感染経路には、浮遊ウイルスによる飛沫感染と、付着するウイルスによる接触感染の2つが考えられている。今回の実証によって、浮遊ウイルスと付着ウイルスの両方の効果を実証できた。また、事前検証によって、より生活環境に近い条件下での減少効果が確認できた」としている。

Professor Hiroki Yoshiyama of the Shimane University School of Medicine Course said, "The same reduction effect has been obtained for the new colon virus mutant stock, and new mutant stocks that occur in the future are expected to be reduced.I can do it. "

It also reflects the splash simulation of "Futake", and verification close to the real environment

In conducting this demonstration experiment, two pre -verification is performed.

シャープ Smart Appliances & Solutions事業本部空調・PCI事業部 副事業部長兼PCIソリューション推進部部長の岡嶋弘昌氏は、「新型コロナウイルスは、実際の空間では検証ができないが、より実環境に近づけるために事前検証を行った。乾燥する冬場に感染が拡大したこと、スーパーコンピュータ『富岳』による、湿度を上げることで飛沫飛散が抑制されるが、落下飛沫が増えるという飛沫シミュレーションの結果を反映した」という。

The first was a simulation of the movement of splash particles in two different humidity in order to assume a life -threatening environment.As a result, in an environment with a humidity of 30%and 60%, in an environment with a humidity of 60%, the splash particles that float around the person decrease compared to the time of the humidity 30%.It was found that the splash particles would fall and adhere to the table.In conducting this demonstration experiment, it was determined that it is important to verify the effect of reducing the new colon virus that has fallen and adhered in an environment with a humidity of 60%.

"Increasing relative humidity contributes to the suppression of splashing particles, but it is necessary to care for splash particles that have fallen," said Katsushi Yamakawa, a Professor Katsushi Yamakawa, Kyoto Institute of Textile University.

The second is that many of the droplets that cause virus infections are derived from saliva, so in an environment of 60%humidity in an environment of 60%humidity using a new colon virus mixed with the liquid medium and saliva used for virus tests.The infection price when left unattended was measured.As a result, the infection value in the liquid medium was less than 1%, while the infection value in saliva remained about 56%.


Professor Shigeru Watanabe of the Department of Oral Health, Meikai University, said, "The amount of saliva secreted during meals is about 10 times the rest of the rest. It comes out. Speaking during a meal, there is a high possibility that more droplets will fly than when resting. Saliva is less likely to evaporate than water, and falling saliva will continue to exist longer than water. The new Coloronavirus is, At the time of infection, it binds and invades with the receptor (ACE2) on the surface of the cell, but there are many ACE2 in the mouth and nose of the airway, which may infect and proliferate from it, and saliva through mucus. It is thought that the virus is included. The saliva of the infected person may contain a new colon virus. The excreted saliva droplets are less dry due to viscosity, and the contained virus is long. It is necessary to be careful because there is a possibility. "

According to Professor Yoshiyama of Shimane University, "The infection value in the liquid medium was less than 1%, while the infection value in saliva remained about 56%. The existence of saliva is there.It turned out to increase the risk of infection. "

Based on these pre -verification, a plasma cluster ion's effect verification test was conducted.


The plasma cluster ion is irradiated for 2 hours on the filter on the share, and the virus infection value (TCID50/mL) is calculated by the TCID50 method.

As a result, the decrease rate of the conventional strain has a decrease rate of 99 compared to without plasma cluster ions..7%, the mutant stock is also 99.It became 4%.

Professor Yoshiyama of Shimane University said, "It is very significant in terms of infection defense that the saliva that keeps the infection price for a long time has reduced the new colon virus.It is presumed that the infectivity has decreased due to the change, and this can be estimated that the same effect is the same for any mutant stock, including Delta stocks. "

Sharp Nakajima said, "The mutant stock has the tip of the spike protein, and the structure of the virus itself has not changed significantly. The fact that plasma cluster ions are working on the surface protein.I think it is effective for all of the mutant viruses. "

Utilization and continuous exploration in home and in public spaces

Based on the results, Sharp's Okajima said, "The new colonavirus reduction effect in the real environment, the reduction of the new colon virus that mutated, and the effects of the two new colon viruses.Vaccination is progressing, but concerns are not dispelled. We will continue to enhance networks with experts to verify the effects under conditions that are closer to actual use and to respond to unknown viruses.In addition, we will work on the evolution of device technology to improve the effects of plasma cluster technology and improve the effects. We will also examine and propose how to use plasma cluster technology in home and public spaces. "。

Sharp Nakajima said, "Until now, the idea of spatial care, this would be the concept of surrounding care. Products that are effective even in travel spaces such as buses, railways, and taxis.I think it is necessary to make it. "




To date, it has been demonstrated by a third party in Japan and overseas that it is effective for the effects of viruses, allergens, mold bacteria, and bacteria, deodorizing effects, and effects on beautiful skin and beautiful hair.

Sharp's Okajima said, "The released ions are the same positive and negative ions as those in the natural world, and are realized by acquiring safety data at a test facility that meets GLP (excellent testing standards)."High safety", "reliable effects" that demonstrate the effects and action mechanisms in domestic and overseas external tip organizations, the current 10 -generation ion generated device increases the concentration by 20 times and consumes one -sixth size.The point is the "evolving technology", which reduced power to one -fifth, is the point. This is recognized in the world. "

In April 2020, the cumulative shipment of the plasma cluster generated devices reached 90 million units.It is expected to break through 100 million units during FY2021.