Colopla's new office is a countermeasure against infectious diseases at the tip, and Panasonic's Airy Solutions, which plays a part

In order to respond to the with Corona era, more and more companies are updating their office environments.Collopla, which is developing and operating online games, is one of them.This time, the next -generation office that introduced Panasonic's "Airy Solution" was released to the media.

What is Airy Solution?

Airy Solution is a new technology that Panasonic started in October 2021.Kazuhiro Taniguchi, Panasonic Electric Works, says, "We, our company, which is working on a spatial solution business, proposes a workplace incorporating Welbying to customers."

This time, "Airy Solutions (Bus Type)" was introduced in the headquarters office of Koropla (Tokyo Midtown).There are three features.First, by sending the wind downward from the louver installed on the ceiling, the surrounding air is involved (attractive airflow), generating a uniform facial flow (down flow) downward, and dropping the aerosol that floats in the space to the floor.increase.

According to the joint exam between Kanazawa University and Panasonic, the downflow worked effectively, the aerosol did not spread, and the appearance of falling into the floor quickly was visualized.

Next, clean the air using 5 high -performance HEPA filters that are often used in air purifiers.0 at this stage.3 µm or more particles 99.It seems that more than 97 % can be collected and can purify 12,000 liters per minute per minute.I am surprised at the dust collector power.The purified air here is sent to the louver, and this cycle circulates the air in the office.

As a third feature, it sucks and purifies not only the inside of the booth but also the air outside the booth.In other words, the booth works like a large air purifier.Isn't it safe for working people?By the way, pollen and PM2.It was said that 5 could be purified.


After this, the media has been released in the Colopla in the company, including the actual airy solution (boos type).

"Airy solutions provide smooth communication with clean and comfortable air. In the introduced office, data such as temperature, humidity, CO2, etc. is collected and analyzed, and continuously updates with the aim of creating a better office environment.It is the idea of going on "(Mr. Panasonic Taniguchi)

This Airy Solution (boos type) is the first example of Koropla.Suppose Panasonic aims to introduce 200 units in 2022.

As of March 2022, this airy solution is only boo type.Width 2.2 x depth 3.5 x height 2.The size of 2m can only get the drop effect of the aerosol due to the lower airflow in the booth, but overall it seems to have an air purifying ability of about 120 square meters.The guide for cleaning the filter is every two weeks, and the guide for filter replacement is every year.

In the future, a ceiling type that installs a louver on the ceiling of the office, and a screen type that is effective for face -to -face counters with a small louver is planned.

The next -generation office is also for reference to other companies

Colopla has relocated his office to Tokyo Midtown over a year and three months."We are a company that emphasizes communication. We have been creating an office that emphasizes employees' communication," said Yoshiaki Harai, Director of Koropla.He recalls that he has worked on creating a next -generation office with the aim of creating a next -generation office with the aim of an environment where employees can work with peace of mind and creative in the Corona.Harai chose a partner company with Panasonic, who had scientific evidence.

Colopla has built an office environment assuming that 70-80 % of employees will come to work, but the current status of Corona is about 30 %.Nevertheless, the reputation of employees who came to work is excellent because of the firm infection measures.

"Many companies are suffering from offices in Corona's evil. It is our case, but we held a preview because we thought that it would be helpful to know everyone.(Koropla Harai)