"Six" that a child becomes a corona ... can prevent home infection.Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare summarizes illustrations

The infection of the new colon virus is continuing.You need to be careful about "home infection".

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

内閣官房もTwitterで「オミクロン株による感染の急拡大がみられています。これまで通り、基本的な感染対策をお願いします」として、Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfareの作成したイラストを参考にするように呼びかけています。家庭内で感染者が出た時や、子どもが感染した場合はどうすれば良いのか。イラストに掲載された注意点を、改めてまとめました。【BuzzFeed Japan/籏智 広太】

1.Separate the room

Make it a private room.If the room cannot be divided, keep a distance of 2m or more and set up a partition or a curtain.For children as much as possible.

 子どもがコロナに… 家庭内感染を防ぐためにできる「6つ」のこと。厚労省がイラストまとめ

2.Open the window and ventilate

Ventilate regularly.Ventilate is also ventilated by opening windows and other rooms.

3.Wear a mask

Fit the mask without gaps and wear it correctly.When removing it, hold the string part so that it does not touch the surface, and wash it after removing it.Even if your child is infected, wear it as much as possible, including the person or a family living together.However, wearing it under the age of two should be stopped because there is a danger such as breathtaking.

4.Frequent hand washing, disinfection

Wash your hands with soap frequently and disinfect alcohol.Disinfect common parts such as door handles, bed fences, toilets, and wash basins.If the child is infected, a wide range of tables, chairs, doors, TV and air conditioners remote controls, toilets (toilet seats, etc.), toys, stationery, etc. are also disinfected.

5.Washed dirty linen / clothes

Dirty clothes and linen wear gloves and masks, wash them with general home detergents, and dry them completely.No special response is required.For children, thoroughly replace, wash, and clean clothes.

6.Seal and discard garbage

Seal and throw away when you go outdoors.Immediately seal the tissue with the nose with a double plastic bag immediately.Don't forget to wash your hands.

What are the "three points" to be aware of when the child is infected?

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(1) Observe the mood, appetite, complexion, breathing, etc.If you are in a good mood, have an appetite, and have a normal complexion, you basically don't have to worry.(2) If you are not clear, you are in a bad mood, your appetite is declining, you will not be able to remove water, your complexion, breathing, or repeated vomiting will be consulted early.(3) Keep in mind that your physical condition is not possible and the intention of poor physical condition is not possible, and carefully checks for health conditions.

What are the "three points" when the family gets infected?

(1) The care of the infected person will be treated as a limited number of people as much as possible.Avoid taking care of the heart, lungs, liver people who have a liver, people with diabetes, people with reduced immunity, and pregnant women.(2) During the medical treatment period, it may spread the infection, so medical treatments avoid going out.(3) Family and cohabitants also take a health observation, such as measuring heat, and avoid going out, and refrain from going to school or going to work.