Check the effect before buying an air purifier! Can also remove pollen, viruses and indoor stench?

In order to remove pollen, house dust, viruses and other dirt floating in the air, many people are considering buying air purifiers. Such people are also very concerned about the effect of air purifiers.

This time, explain the effect of the air purifier in detail. To explain the use of the air purifier and the recommended air purifier, please refer to.

What is the effect on the air purifier?

Air purifiers can not only deal with dirt in the air, but also have a variety of other pleasant effects.

Here, let's take a look at the effect of the air purifier.

Remove allergic substances.

The air purifier has the function of removing substances that cause allergies. Remove all kinds of allergic substances such as tiny house dust, pollen, mold, mites and so on in the air.

If the filter is a fine-purpose air purifier, a wider range of allergic substances can be removed. People with allergic symptoms are likely to improve as long as they install air purifiers.

Remove viruses and bacteria

Some air purifiers not only support allergic substances, but also remove viruses and bacteria. In particular, the humidifying air purifier can also prevent the air from drying, making it difficult for the virus to float in the air.

However, depending on the manufacturer and the product, the function is also different, so it should be carefully confirmed when purchasing. In addition, air purifiers alone can not eliminate all viruses and bacteria. Depending on the installation site and usage, the actual effect will also change.

Remove the stench from the room

The use of air purifier can also remove the unpleasant smell of indoor floating. For example, it can reduce the stench of pets, cigarettes, dry cleaning and so on.

There are also products that use deodorant filters. Deodorizing filters are designed to remove odors, so they are also effective for odors that cannot be removed by ordinary air purifiers.

Prevent indoor dryness.

In some cases, the air purifier may be equipped with humidification function. Choose an air purifier with humidification function to keep the air clean and humidified. When the air is dry, viruses and dust can easily float in the air. If you run an air purifier with humidification function, it will be more difficult to be affected by viruses and dust.

In addition, if the air is dry, it is also easy to produce static electricity. With the humidification function, it can also restrain the generation of static electricity.

What is the way to improve the effect of air purifier?

In order to improve the effect of the air purifier, we need to be aware of the correct use method. Even if you buy a high-performance air purifier, if you use it incorrectly, you can't expect to have enough effect. Here, we will explain how to improve the effect of the air purifier.

Set it in the most suitable place

Air purifier please choose the place where the indoor air circulates effectively to set up. For example, the place where the air conditioner blows and the entrance to the room.

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In order to have a surplus of more than 30 cm on the left and right side of the air purifier body, stay away from walls and furniture and other settings. A gap of more than 1 cm should also be set at the back of the fuselage, and be careful not to block the suction port or blow outlet.

Room dust is easy to accumulate on the floor, if you care, it is recommended to put the air purifier directly on the floor. If you want to smell it, please set it above the floor.

Keep driving for 24 hours.

In order to improve the effect of the air purifier, keep driving for 24 hours. Dust, mold, viruses, etc., are difficult to fall to very low places. However, if the air purifier is kept running, it can be caught when floating dust, mold, viruses, etc., fall down in the air.

When there is no one in the room while sleeping or going out, if you let the air purifier run, the air should be very clean when you spend time in the room.

Clean or replace the filter

In order to exert the function of the air purifier, it is very important to clean and replace the filter. Air purifier uses a variety of filters, such as pre-filter, dust collection filter, deodorization filter, humidification filter and so on.

The cleaning method depends on the type of product and filter. However, basically, they need to be cleaned regularly. The standard for the replacement period of the filter also varies according to the type of filter. For example, the replacement standard is 10 years for dust collection filter and 2 years for deodorization filter.

Different manufacturers introduce the function of air purifier!

Specifically, what kind of air purifier is there? Here, we will introduce the functions of the air purifier to each manufacturer. In order to choose the most suitable air purifier, be sure to check it.

Sharp's plasma cluster

Sharp's air purifier has the function of producing high concentrations of negative ions, called "plasma clusters". Through the effect of "plasma cluster", viruses, bacteria, odors and other sources can be decomposed and removed.

In particular, the "plasma cluster NEXT" with high ion concentration, in addition to the substances floating in the air, can also remove attached viruses, bacteria and odors.

Source: plasma cluster NEXT | Sharp

Panasonic Nano X

Panasonic air purifier produces "nanometer X" ions rich in OH free radicals. The action of OH free radical can inhibit all kinds of harmful substances. Specifically, it has an effect on pollen and PM2.5, allelic material, virus, bacteria, mold, odor and so on.

In recent years, "Nano X 48 trillion" has been newly developed, which can remove dirt from the air in a shorter time than the usual "Nano X". The function of generating "Nano X 48" trillion is only installed on some air purifiers.

Source: "Nano X 48 trillion" page | Panasonic

Streima of Daikin

Daikin's air purifier is equipped with streamer, a technology developed by itself. It releases high-speed electrons, produces decomposing elements, decomposes viruses, bacteria, pollen and other harmful substances. It can not only inhibit harmful substances floating in the air, but also inhibit attached viruses and bacteria.

Daikin air purifier, full-model "streamer" carried. Some models use a "tree installer", which can be removed twice as fast in twice as many streaming units.

Source: humidified streamer air purifier MCK70Y | Daijin

Summary (summary)

Air purifiers can effectively remove harmful substances such as pollen, house dust, viruses and bacteria. Depending on the type of machine, it is also effective in suppressing the unpleasant smell and preventing dryness. In order to maximize the effect of the air purifier, it is also necessary to pay attention to the setting place and running time of the air purifier. Also deal with the cleaning and replacement of the filter.

Subtle functions vary depending on the manufacturer and product, so please choose the appropriate air purifier while comparing each other.

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