Features and improvement measures of the entrance that becomes "big luck"

G Proportion Architects Investigating "What is in the Entrance"

It is said that the entrance is the face of the house, but that is not all.

It is said that the entrance attracts energy and clean air from the outside, and it is an important place in feng shui and house design.

Therefore, G proportion Architects, represented by Mr. Keiso Yano, a first-class architect who incorporates feng shui and kaso in design, is a nationwide We surveyed 695 people about "things left at the entrance".

The first thing placed at the entrance is "foliage plants / fresh flowers", the second is "dry umbrella", and the third is "mirror on the side of the entrance"

"The face of the house" I asked what kind of items other than the shoes I usually wear at the entrance where I was greeted. More than half of the respondents answered that they have “foliage plants/fresh flowers” ​​(61.6%), “dry umbrellas” (53.4%), and “mirrors on the side of the entrance” (51.2%).

Following, "talisman figurine" (41.0%), "key" (37.4%), and seasonal "kerosene" (3.7%). The most popular foliage plant is not only called a “natural air purifier” but also has a healing effect, so many people seem to have it as one of their interior decorations.

Explanation by Keizo Yanou, an architectural professional who builds houses that incorporate Kaso!

The entrance is often said to be a place to take in energy from the outside in feng shui and kaso, but from an architectural point of view, it tends to be a symbol of the house.

Even from the perspective of spatial psychology that I incorporate into my designs, I know that the front door is often where your mood, consciousness, and sensations when you leave in the morning and return in the evening are determined.

In addition to that, the first impression that a visitor thinks "This house is wonderful!" is actually the entrance. For this reason, the entrance is packed with many elements of good luck that attract luck in various ways.

However, there are quite a few homes that do not take good care of the entrance, so I would like to tell you the characteristics of the entrance that you should definitely stop, and how to improve it.

Entrance with bad luck

1. Putting unnecessary things in the entrance

The main principle of a lucky entrance is to not put unnecessary things. Since the entrance is a place that attracts clean air and energy from the outside, it is important to keep items such as kerosene, mail, newspapers, and cardboard that are unnecessary at the entrance, as well as the energy that enters through the entrance as unclean. It's best not to leave anything unattended.

It is said that the mirror in front of the entrance reflects the energy that originally comes in and emits it, so let's remove it as much as possible.

If this is not possible, please try to prevent the light from reflecting, such as by covering it with a cloth. It is said that if you put stuffed animals and other dead animals in the entrance hall, it will absorb your energy and prevent good energy from flowing into your house.

A wet umbrella will increase the energy behind the entrance and make it unstable, so let's dry it outside before placing it.

On the other hand, items that can be placed at the entrance include shoes, dry umbrellas, mirrors on the side of the entrance, repair tools, outdoor goods, foliage plants, and lucky charms.

2. The smell is strong

The shoe cupboard may be the source of the odor. Let's take out all the contents at once and separate what you need from what you don't. After you take out your things, wipe the shoe cupboard clean and put back only what you need, and be prepared to get rid of the rest.

If possible, it is important to be conscious of not putting up to about 80% of the storage capacity. And let's say "thank you" and let go of the shoes you don't wear.

Also, be aware of pet odors. Surprisingly, people often don't realize it, and some people think that it can't be helped because they have pets, but that's NG.

There is a big difference between a foyer that smells good or smells good. Visitors are sensitive to odors, and the odor at the entrance can significantly change the impression of the house, so be especially careful. Smell it with incense or aromatherapy. Try using it every day until the scent settles.

3. The entrance has become a storeroom

There is no room in the room to store things, so there is no choice but to put things in the entrance, and as a result, the entrance has become a storeroom. Houses with such entrances are often seen in auction properties, so please be careful if the entrance of the house is a storeroom.

4. Battered Front Doors

A battered front door is really not good. There are houses where the entrance door is dirty or peeling off, but the entrance door is one of the symbols of the house.

Please improve this entrance as it is discouraging. If you live in a rental property, ask the management company or landlord to repair the door. If it is a property that does not give you permission to repair or repair, I think you should leave. The entrance door has the greatest influence on your fortune, so please take care of it.

5. Take care of the first impression of the entrance!

The rich and successful people around me value the sense of "once-in-a-lifetime encounter" very much. In other words, we are conscious that everything is determined by the first impression.

What does the front door (first impression) of your home look like? What kind of first impression does the atmosphere near the front door give? Make the first impression of your front door as important as your own first impression.

Profile of Keizo Yanou

First-class architect. CEO of G Proportion Architects Inc. His books include “Feng Shui, a strategy for surviving after COVID-19, that builders with less than 20 buildings a year want to use as weapons” (Kindle), and “Why top-notch people are particular about their rooms? (KADOKAWA), “The room you live in determines your fate! "How to make your mind and space refreshing" (Mikasa Shobo), "How to make a house that makes people happy" (Sunmark Publishing), and "A house that raises your child to be a genius" (PHP Research Institute). On the YouTube channel “Lucky House Channel” that he manages, he delivers daily content that makes residents happy. “Lucky House Channel” URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEdcHQhfWM3Lyz-Lpt0_c4g/

Survey overview Survey period: February 4-5, 2022 Survey method: Internet survey Survey area: Nationwide People *According to G Proportion Architects Co., Ltd.

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