The owner reported that AirTag had found a stolen car

Reddit was informed that users who were stolen from Subaru Forrest in 2010 accidentally put the AirTag in the sunglass bracket of their car and found it about 10 minutes after setting the AirTag in lost mode. The stolen car was found at Wal-Mart in North Lake, about 30 minutes outside Chicago. Although the police were called, there was a contact that the car could not be found. The owner actually went to the scene to confirm that the stolen car had accidentally returned to Wal-Mart, and the tension before the police arrived was being spelled out in order to catch the thief. It is said that the owner has published the fact that AirTag works appropriately according to price and purpose, and although it cannot be trusted 100%, if you do not want to pay for the GPS module, it is recommended to use it for this purpose.

Continue to read the report that the owner found the car stolen due to AirTag.


Read the report at that time

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