Brushes are the basic measure against hair loss in cats!Explains precautions such as frequent times and illnesses

The soft and fluffy cat's hair is healed when you touch it. Depending on the type and time of year, daily brushing is essential for children who lose their hair. It may not be natural hair loss due to illness, so you have to be careful about how your cat loses hair. This time, I will explain how to prevent hair loss in cats.

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Cats have a lot of hair loss

Cats do not show the phenomenon of hair loss at the turn of the season, but the amount of hair loss is not small. I think there are many owners who have experienced the cat's hair coming off due to stress when they took the cat to the hospital. Cat hair is important to protect yourself from the heat, cold, and enemy attacks. Hair is important because it does not have hair when attacked by fangs or nails, and if it hits the skin directly, it will injure you.

Reasons for cat hair to fall out

There is always hair loss, as old hair will fall off and re-grow in order to fully fulfill the role of the coat. In addition, the cat's hair may come off.

There is a season when hair is easy to come off

Cats also have a moulting period, during which time a lot of hair comes off. Generally, the moulting season is spring and autumn. By the time it gets hotter towards summer, winter hair is dropped and summer hair grows. When it gets colder towards winter, a lot of winter hair grows to keep warmth by dropping summer hair. Hair loss during the moulting period occurs in most cats and is not unusual.

Double coat

Cats are roughly divided into double-coated and single-coated cats. The double coat has hair on the surface that repels dirt and moisture, and soft hair on the inside. The single coat has only one type of hair. Both single coats and double coats have hair loss during the moulting period, but double coats remove a lot of undercoats at the turn of the season, so hair loss increases. There are double coats and single coats depending on the breed, but most of the hybrid cats that are common in Japan are double coats.


It is normal for cats to lose their hair during the molting period, but illness can also cause them to fall out. If you have a skin disease, your coat may fall off. As skin diseases that cats are susceptible to, there are many dermatitis caused by fungi and "cat zaso", commonly known as "cat acne". Cats may also develop allergies, fleas and allergies, and in rare cases, allergies to mosquitoes may cause hair loss. Be sure to go to the hospital without leaving any dermatitis or allergies. When it gets worse, it may become inflamed and bleed.Related Articles Cat Acne | Dermatologist Veterinarian Explains Causes and Mild / Severe Treatments


Cats are stress-sensitive animals. I am not good at changing places and environments that I do not know, and I may feel stressed and lose my hair due to poor living environment. When a cat feels stress such as being taken to a hospital, it is easy for the cat to lose its hair naturally, but due to a lot of stress, excessive grooming may occur and hair loss may occur. You may bite into your coat and pull it out, or you may lose it by licking it too much. Do not leave it unattended, as it can sometimes lead to inflammation and injury as well as hair loss. Related article What is cat wool sucking?Behavioral clinical veterinarians explain symptoms, coping strategies, treatments, etc.

Hair loss can cause illness

A pill is formed

If the hair is left as it is, pills may be formed. Brushing is essential for long-haired species to prevent pilling. Short-haired breeds are less likely to form pills, but even short-haired breeds may form pills, especially when grooming is not good on their own, such as old cats. If you do not remove the hair loss, the cat will swallow a lot of hair and vomiting will increase, and the hair will accumulate in the body and cause illness.Related articles What do cat long-haired breeds have in common !? Introducing typical breeds, their charms, and how to care for them.

Hairball disease

Hairball disease is a condition in which the hair swallowed by a cat when grooming becomes a lump, causing problems with the digestive system. When hairball disease develops, symptoms such as loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea appear. In addition, if it becomes severe, it may cause intestinal obstruction and peritonitis, which may be fatal, so caution is required. Related article What are the symptoms of cat hairball disease?A dermatologist explains measures, prevention and treatment methods

How to deal with hair loss


Brushing is the most important measure against hair loss in cats. Brushing removes hair loss, prevents hairballs and vomiting, and prevents diseases such as hairball disease. Brush long-haired cats about once a day, and short-haired cats once or twice a week. For cats who are not good at brushing with a brush, you can use a glove-shaped one to brush by extending the stroke. Related articles Cat brushing | From how to choose brushes such as gloves to frequency and effects [Professional commentary]

Use a pill remover

Cats inevitably swallow their hair when grooming themselves. For children who swallow a lot of hairballs, who are prone to vomiting, and who have had hairball disease in the past, you may want to use a hairball remover. Feeding the pill remover makes it easier to expel the pills that have accumulated in the body. Hairball removers are delicious and most cats are happy to eat them.

How to clean cat hair loss

Cleaning the floor

Cats have light hair, so sweeping them will cause them to fly and cannot be removed properly. After all, a vacuum cleaner is convenient, but there are many cats who are not good at vacuum cleaners, and it can be troublesome to take out the vacuum cleaner many times a day. In such a case, a cleaning sheet for cleaning the floor is convenient. You can quickly clean the areas you care about, and it will not stress your cat. An alternative to the cleaning sheet is to tear off the damp newspaper, sprinkle it on the floor, and sweep it with a broom. The cat's hair sticks to the damp newspaper, so you can clean the floor without flying up. You can clean it in the same way by sprinkling tea leaves. Oolong tea with wrapped leaves is recommended because the leaves spread after drinking as tea, so it is easy to get hair, so it is easy to clean and it smells even better.

Rubber gloves on sofas and carpets

The standard for removing hair that has stuck to the sofa is a roller (adhesive cleaner). However, it is difficult to remove the hair that has entered the corner of the sofa. In that case, you can use rubber gloves to scrape out the hair well. If you put on rubber gloves and rub the place where you want to remove the hair, the hair will not be scattered and will be gathered and removed. You can collect and remove hair in the same way for carpets.

Baking soda + non-woven fabric

Cat towers are often pasted with fluffy materials that cats like, and hair tends to get entangled. You can remove the hair from the cat tower with rubber gloves. The recommended method is cleaning using baking soda and non-woven fabric. Put the baking soda solution with a concentration of 5% or less in a spray bottle and spray it on the place you care about. If you clean it with a non-woven fabric after a while, the cat's hair will get entangled with the non-woven fabric and it will be easier to remove it. The item to be wiped does not have to be a non-woven fabric such as an old piece of cloth, but it is easier to remove the hair if you use a non-woven fabric for cleaning that has a little unevenness.

Air cleaner

In the season of hair loss, you may be worried about the hair flying in the air. In such a case, it is effective to use an air purifier. Since it is an excellent Japanese air purifier, it also helps reduce odors. If you live with a cat, you can feel the effect by changing the filter of the air purifier diligently, so it is recommended to choose a model that is not very expensive.

Cat with less hair loss

Single-coated cats have less hair loss than double-coated cats. The following cat breeds are listed for the single coat. It is native to relatively hot regions and has many short-haired species, but there are also long-haired species such as Maine Coon from the northern regions. These cats have less hair loss than double-coated pups, but they are not completely free, so they still need to be cared for and prevent hair loss.

Living with a cat is a good way to deal with hair loss

To live with a cat, you have to deal with hair loss. Care for the cat itself and cleaning the house are essential. If you leave the hair loss unattended, it will be difficult for the cat to develop an illness and the cleaning will be large-scale. Once you get used to it, it won't be too much trouble, and if you use convenient goods, cleaning will not be difficult. Make sure you understand that cats have hair loss before welcoming them to your family. Share!
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I volunteer to protect animals, and dogs and cats are my top priority every day. I'm really happy to be with Wan Nyan and to be happy even if only one of the protected children is saved. I would be very happy if the article I wrote would help the animals' happiness.

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I volunteer to protect animals, and dogs and cats are my top priority every day. I'm really happy to be with Wan Nyan and to be happy even if only one of the protected children is saved. I would be very happy if the article I wrote would help the animals' happiness.

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