Are you "cleaning" the air conditioner?Daikin explains the tips for care

A full -fledged winter has arrived, and many people use air conditioning heating.Although it is known that air conditioning care is important for maintaining power saving and comfort, the frequency of cleaning and the basics of cleaning methods are not well known.

Therefore, Daikin Kogyo released a special page and video of "Good Air Conditioner Cleaning" on the website "Lab of the Air".Mr. Shigeyuki Shigemasa of Daikin Kogyo Corporate Communication Room Shuyuki Shigemasa, "Air Evangelist", explains the timing of cleaning and care.

The air conditioner is cleaned throughout the year

The air conditioner has a frequent period (summer / winter) and a period that is not used very much (spring / autumn) alternately, and has a characteristic that the frequency of use changes in the year.

Many people may say, "Cleaning the air conditioner only during the year -end cleaning," but to maintain the comfort of the air conditioner and reduce the useless electricity bill, it depends on the frequency of use of the air conditioner.Regular cleaning and care are important.

According to Daikin's "Survey on the Use of the Summer Air Conditioner in Corona Worlds" conducted by Daikin in October, less than 10 % of those who clean the filter on a sufficiently frequency (8).About 30%of those who stay in 9%) and increase air conditioning time compared to before Corona..3%), it turns out that the time to spend about 6 hours on average per person per person is long.Therefore, it is expected that dust accumulation on the filter inside the indoor unit and the adhesion of dirt on the heat exchanger inside the indoor unit are increasing than usual.

Basically, the use of "Clean cleaning" and "firmly cleaning"

The air conditioner cleaning is based on "Kumame Cleaning" held in the summer and winter air conditioner season (around July to September, around December to February), and "clean cleaning", which is performed before the season (around May, around November).

Also, if you do a "trial run" of the air conditioner along with "firm cleaning" in May, even if there is a problem with the air conditioner, the air conditioner has a margin and maintenance and maintenance with plenty of room before the summer performance.It is safe because you can do it.


1: Filter cleaning

エアコンを「大掃除」していませんか? お手入れのコツをダイキンが解説

Cleaning the filter during the season is recommended once every two weeks.Open the panel on the front of the air conditioner, remove the filter, suck the dust on the filter with a vacuum cleaner, and return it to the indoor unit.

If the air conditioner inhales oil smoke from the kitchen, if the filter is so dirty, wash it with lukewarm water that melts a neutral detergent for the kitchen, drying it sufficiently and then returned to the indoor unit.

2: Cleaning around the outdoor unit

Make sure that the outdoor unit can absorb the surrounding air firmly and blow it out, so that the ventilation is improved without placing things around the outdoor unit.If the air is bad, the efficiency of the air conditioner may decrease and it may lead to unnecessary electricity bills.

3: Dry operation inside the interior unit in summer (internal clean operation)

Internal clean operation is a function that dries condensation generated in the indoor unit by cooling and dehumidifying in summer.Set it to drive automatically after air conditioning or dehumidifying driving in summer, so be sure to not delete it when driving starts.


"Cleaning firmly" is basically a filter cleaning and cleaning around the outdoor unit, just like "Kummate Cleaning".In addition to this, check the dirt on the heat exchanger, remove fallen leaves and flying items that have accumulated around the outdoor unit, and also do a “test run” before the summer season.

1: Filter cleaning(熱交換器が汚れていないかよく確認)

In "Cleaning firmly", make sure that the "heat exchangers", which have a lot of thin aluminum boards behind the filter, are not dirty.If dirt is accumulated in the heat exchanger, it may cause mold or unpleasant odor.However, since the aluminum plate may bend or lead to a failure of electric parts, it is recommended that you request a specialist to clean it when the heat exchanger is dirty.

2: Cleaning around the outdoor unit

During the typhoon season from summer to autumn and fallen leaves, fallen leaves, garbage, and unexpected flying items may enter around the outdoor unit.Also, since the luggage may be placed while the air conditioner is not used, make sure to check before the air conditioner season starts.

3: "Test run" before the summer season

In the test run, "1.Set to the lowest temperature in cooling operation, drive for about 10 minutes ".Check if there is a cold air or the driving lamp blinking "," 3.After that, drive for about 30 minutes and do not leak the indoor unit? "," 4.Let's check the point such as "whether there is an unusual or strange noise".

Please refer to the corresponding page of "Air Trouble Lab" for the entire care method and video of the illustration.