Actress Natsuko cuts! Home appliances recommended for Christmas gifts

Christmas is coming soon.The city becomes colorful and rich in illuminations, and it is somehow exciting.However, it is also a time when you have to think about a Christmas gift to give to your lover or your marriage partner.

In the case of men, many people say they give accessories every year after worrying about gifts to women.

Therefore, I want to propose "home appliances".My Navi News asked 717 women in their 20s and 40s, and when they asked for a Christmas gift from her lover and spouse, more than 90 % of home appliances were ants or pears, and more than 90 % answered "Ali".

This time, I asked Natsuko, an actress and a home appliance advisor (GOLD grade), about the recommended home appliances for Christmas gifts.

■ Interviewer

Seo (24 years old), edited by My Navi News Digital.She always gives her a necklace and earrings to Christmas, but she has hardly seen her wearing it.This year, I'm going to give a practical thing like home appliances.

Home appliances for Christmas, ants?

Seo: As you ask, Natsuko has an ant as a crispyzend an ant?

Natsuko: It's a big ants

Seo: Then, even if you give a home appliance, you don't think you don't think you are this man, right?

Natsuko: I think it's okay.We expect many people who can use home appliances that can be used for beauty and cooking are more happy than to get figurines that are not used or accessories that are not their own.

Seo: Are you thinking too much?

Natsuko: The life itself is brushed up, and if you give a cooking appliance and use it at home, you will be part of a date.Is there an attraction element?

Surprise is not a day

Seo: From a man's point of view, there is an image of gifting accessories such as necklaces and earrings in an event like Christmas ...Isn't women expecting it too?

Natsuko: It's sweet

Natsuko: I want accessories like necklaces and rings on ordinary days, not Christmas or Valentine.In a sense, Christmas and Valentine can be predicted from the person you are dating ...

Seo: Does weekdays mean that surprise production is more effective?

Natsuko: "Surprise should be a day when nothing is done."At the time of the event, I like a present that I want

Seo: For example, is it okay for a person who has a necklace every year to give a home appliance this year?

Natsuko: Is a casual questionnaire talk required?I think people who give accessories every time are people who are confident in their sense, but that is actually dangerous.If the other woman is true, she may not be satisfied.If you try a casual questionnaire talk and feel like "I really like more practical things", I think home appliances will also be a candidate for gifts.

Seo: By the way, how do you ask a questionnaire talk?

Natsuko: I wonder if I can listen directly, like "Do you want a home appliance?"

女優・奈津子が斬る! クリスマスプレゼントにおすすめの家電

Christmas, iron plate is Dyson's dryer

Seo: In the questionnaire of Mynavi News members, the most popular was "beauty appliances."Please let me know if there is a beauty appliance especially suitable for gifts.

Natsuko: The iron plate is Dyson's dryer "Dyson Supersonic"

Seo: I think there are many high -end dryers besides Dyson, but is there a reason to push Dyson?

Natsuko: The design is fashionable, and the luxury of the dedicated case is not in other manufacturers.Nobody is not happy

Seo: By the way, the dedicated case is fashionable, but should I take it out of the box and wrap it only for the dedicated case?

Natsuko: Eh? Do men think about that?

Seo: The product feeling that bleeds from the package is somehow unpleasant ...I want to give it with a ribbon to a dedicated case!

Natsuko: It's too sharp (laughs).For example, it would be fine if you could give Dyson SuperSonic as a set in a luxury champagne and rose bouquet.

Seo: What do you do?

Natsuko: If you give only Dyson Supersonic, it would be enough to wrap it with the package normally.Please do that

Seo: I thought it was a good idea ...

Natsuko: I wonder if it's used

Seo: Used ...Well, is there any other point of Dyson Supersonic?

Natsuko: It's like a typhoon.I apply the technology of "Dyson Air Multiplier" familiar with Dyson's featherless fan.Anyone with long hair, medium hair, and short hair can dry quickly.

Seo: Even short hair people are okay!

Natsuko: It's ants at all, shiny.A highly dryer for girls wants to get it rather than buying it yourself.

I'm happy to get it, I'm happy to be beautiful

Seo: Is there any other recommendation for beauty appliances?

Natsuko: Panasonic's Aeon Effector (EH-ST86) is insanely good.It has just come out recently, but by shaking the lamella structure behind the skin, the beauty ingredients are penetrated.

Seo: The skin seems to be very beautiful

Natsuko: The price on Amazon is not cheap at 29,000 yen (tax included), but I'm happy to get it and it's beautiful.I'm happy but twice the product.

Seo: When you suddenly give a present, do you feel like a woman seems to be dirty.

Natsuko: If you give a present, I think it's a good idea to ask in advance, "Do you want a beauty appliance like Aeon effector?"

Seo: On the day of Christmas, it might be fun to go to select a mass retailer, saying, "I'll give you a favorite gift with beauty appliances."

Natsuko: Also, what I like recently is the Yarman's wearable facial device "Medrift" (direct sales price is 25,000 yen).

Seo: It looks amazing ... it looks like Tokyo Guru

Natsuko: It's an EMS technology applied to a silicon mask, but it's recommended because the face is small just by attaching it to the face.It will be attractive that both hands are empty

Seo: It may be nice for women to be able to take care of the face without using both hands.If you want to choose a present with a woman, I will introduce it with a face, "There is something like this."