A kitten dragged his hind legs and sneaked up, "Would you like to take me home?" The husband contacted his wife who was allergic to cats.

A kitten that came by while it was raining

Karashi-chan (6 years old, male) was in the parking lot of a tavern on September 1, 2015. It was about 7:30 at night. About four months after his birth, his eyes were stiff and his eyelids were not open, and he was dragging his hind legs. Mr. Nagasawa, who lives in Shizuoka prefecture, used to work at the izakaya, but when he went to the parking lot, Karashi-chan came close to his feet.

Besides being weak, it was raining lightly that day, so it was soaked in the rain that I was reluctant to leave it as it was. However, the couple had three Shiba Inu at the time, and his wife was allergic to cats. She said she was wondering whether to protect her. Mr. Nagasawa contacted his wife, "Would you like to take me home?" "My husband and I both like cats, so we couldn't leave the rainy kittens alone and decided to protect them."

子猫が後ろ脚を引きずりながらすり寄って来た 「連れて帰っていいか?」夫は猫アレルギーの妻に連絡を入れた

To be a member of the Shiba Inu family

The Shiba Inu at his home are 20-year-old Kotaro, 7-year-old Urara and Koitaro. Kotaro was bedridden and needed long-term care. Karashi-chan was a small and very cute kitten, but she was allergic to cats, so she initially thought about finding her foster parent. However, after living with her for a few days, she became attached to her and she couldn't let go. Her name was "Karashi" because the tavern was a restaurant serving chili dishes.

For some reason, Karashi always stayed close to Kotaro and spent most of her day with Kotaro. Perhaps because Kotaro was suffering from dementia, he didn't mind being in the circle with Karashi-chan. "Kotaro was originally a protected dog that had been left in the mountains, so I may have thought about it. Four months after protecting the mustard, Kotaro crossed the Rainbow Bridge. , I have only words of gratitude for being close to me all the time. " Eventually, Karashi-chan became friends with Kotaro's daughter Urara-chan, who she hated at first, like a parent and child.

I met something

She is 6 years old. She has a certain temperament as a king, probably because she was spoiled by Urara-chan. She said, "She talks calmly and often because she has a lot of love for her. She probably thinks she's a dog (laughs)." When she was protected, she sneaked up at her feet, but now she is quite shy. He says he stays away from anyone other than his family. Even if she has met several times, she hides when she sees her face. At the time of protection, it was crunchy, but now it is a big cat weighing 6 kg. He seems to be the greatest at home.

Her wife's cat allergies didn't go away, and she went from bronchial asthma to pneumonia, had her prescribed a stronger allergy drug at the hospital, and bought an air purifier. I take medicine every day. But he doesn't want to let go of Karashi-chan. "I thought I would never touch a cat, so it's very strange to live with my family now. For some reason, my husband's feet are in the parking lot where many people come and go. I think I grabbed it. "