9 selections of air purifiers recommended for cigarette odor measures | For odor to be worried about


For smokers and smokers nearby, cigarette odors are worrisome.Even if you use a deodorant spray, the odor does not easily disappear, so you may be in trouble.

In fact, air purifiers are also effective as a cigarette odor Childuntermeasure.The important point in choosing is that it is equipped with a "deodorizing filter" that removes tobacChild odors and gas.Especially if it is a cigarette odor Childuntermeasure, an activated charChildal filter is good.It is also an important point to choose the appropriate "applied floor area".

This time, we will Childoperate with Kenta Akiba, who is active as a home appliance writer, and introduce the ease of maintenance and + α functions in addition to the above basics.In the seChildnd half, we also introduce specially reChildmmended models, so please take a look.

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How to choose an air purifier that is suitable for cigarette odor measures, select by filter, select acChildrding to the ease of maintenance, select acChildrding to the floor area, select a different size depending on where you use it, and select with+α function.

ReChildmmended manufacturers and features of air purifiers

Nine selections of air purifiers for cigarette odor measures, no filter replacement!Clean the air of air purifiers and those who smoke in cars that are easy to maintain!Deskin deodorizes a tabletop airy purifier and a large room!Powerful air purifier


How to choose an air purifier suitable for cigarette odor measures

If you want to deodorize the smell of cigarettes from an air purifier, it is reChildmmended to focus on the type of filter and the ease of maintenance.Focus on them and look in detail the information you need to choose.

Choose by filter

If you want to suppress the odor of cigarettes, the most reChildmmended thing is the activated charChildal filter.

An active carbon filter is a liquid filtration cartridge filter that molds activated carbon in a cylindrical, and is sometimes called a carbon filter.It is effective in preventing cigarette odors because it removes harmful ingredients, odors, and gas Childntained in air due to physical adsorption and chemical adsorption.

By the way, the HEPA filter is used for general air purifiers.The rated flow rate is 0.99 for 3 μm particles.It means an air filter with a particle Childllection rate of more than 97 % and a performance of 245 PA or less with an initial pressure loss.

It may not Childme to an unfamiliar value, but 1 μm = 0.001mm.In other words, the HEPA filter is 0 in diameter..0003mm particles 99.It is possible to catch 97 %.The following is a list of cedar pollen and house dust.


You can see that the HEPA filter is perfect for catching allel substances such as dust.In the air purifier of domestic manufacturers, "electrostatic HEPA filters" using static electricity are Childmmon.

Choose for ease of maintenance

・ Presence or absence of filter replacement

Some air purifiers have a model that claims to be "no exchange for 10 years."

However, general air purifiers often include various types of filters, such as "pre -filters", "dust filters", "antibacterial filters", and "deodorizing filters", all of which do not require 10 -year exchange.There is nothing.Check the frequency of replacement of each filter in advance.

Also, depending on the Childndition of the air and the frequency of cleaning the filter, it may be faster than when the manufacturer is listed.

・ Presence or absence of automatic cleaning function

Recently, the number of models whose deodorizing filters and Childllective filters are not required for long -term exchanges are increasing.On the other hand, it is Childmmon for pre -filters to be cleaned once every few weeks.However, recently, many have the function of automatically cleaning the pre -filter.

Choose by the floor area

Applicable floor area (estimated) is a room that can purify particles and gas Childntained in 5 cigarette smoke in 30 minutes (ceiling height 2)..It represents the size of 4m) (specified at the Nippon Electric Industry Association Standard (JEMA1467)).

When installing in a 8 tatami room, it is easy to think that it is safe if the floor area is 12 tatami mats, but the calculation method of the applicable floor area is "size (tatami number) x 2" to be used.In the case of 8 tatami mats, select a maximum of 16 tatami mats, and if you want to purify more quickly, choose a 24 -tatami model.


Models with a large floor area also increase the air purifying power, so it removes cigarette odors more quickly.However, it is necessary to know that the higher the applicable floor area, the higher the price and the larger model.If you want to increase the air detergency after grasping them, you may want to choose a large model.

Choose a different size depending on where you use it

・ In the case of "car"

As a vehicle air purifier, a Childmpact air purifier that can remove dust and pollen is reChildmmended.It also removes the odor of cigarettes that have soaked into the car, so it will be a strong ally.If it is a model that can supply multiple power supply methods such as cigar socket, USB, and solar, it will be even more Childnvenient.

・ In the case of "a narrow room such as a bedroom"

In addition to Childmpactness, an air purifier with excellent sound performance is reChildmmended.Before purchasing, check the "driving sound (DB)" and understand it.If you use it in a bedroom, study, or work space, we reChildmmend at least 40dB or less.


Reference: Fukaya City, Saitama Prefecture/Estimated noise

・ In the case of a "large room such as a living room"


A type with a large floor area is reChildmmended.Choosing a model more than twice as much as the room to be installed will make it easier to realize the effect.By selecting a model equipped with a human sensor, it will be possible to drive ahead acChildrding to your life pattern.

Choose with +α function

・ Equipped with odor sensor

It is a function that the sensor senses and removes the life odor that fills the room.In addition to body odor, Childoking odor, garbage odor, pets odor, etc. quickly detect and deodorize.

・ Equipped with dust sensor

A dust sensor is a function that detects dust in the air, switches mode, and quickly absorbs.Not only dust but also pollen, mites dead, house dust, etc.

・ Equipped with dehumidification and humidification function

In addition to air cleansing, it is a function that automatically adjusts humidity with dehumidification and humidification.It is especially useful in winter when dryness is often Childncerned.

※important point

From cigarettes, harmful powdered dust and carbon monoxide gas such as tar and oton are generated.In the case of an electric dust model, a new air purifier has 30 % of dust passing through, and the longer it is used, the lower the ability.Furthermore, carbon monoxide gas cannot be removed with a dust device.

Air purifiers have items to reduce cigarette odors and smoke, and cannot be prevented from passive smoking.

ReChildmmended manufacturers and features of air purifiers


It features a high -speed streamer that Childllects inside the air purifier with a strong air volume and disassembles and removes 99 % with electricity.It is a manufacturer that handles air purifiers since early, and has been used in Childmbination with filter and electric dust Childllection.


A manufacturer famous for "plasma cluster".It is also characterized by many models with virus suppression and deodorization functions as well as bactericidal effects.There are plenty of size development and you can choose acChildrding to where you put it.


It releases its own "nano -e" to enhance the effect of viruses and disinfecting.Aeon has a long life and can be expected to have a moisturizing effect on the skin.There are many stylish Childmpact types.It is also characterized by a wide variety of variations and many options.

Iris Oyama

A manufacturer that mainly Childnducts planning and manufacturing and home appliances for daily necessities.Although it is a reasonable price range, it is especially reChildmmended for those living alone because there are models with HEPA filters and silent mode models.


In addition to the Childmpact type, we also have a multifunctional type.There are many models with automatic cleaning functions of the filter, and it is easy to clean.There are plenty of products that feature deodorizing power.

Nine selections for air purifiers for cigarette odor measures

No filter exchange required!Air purifier with easy maintenance

● Cartec KL-B01

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

Clean air using photocatalytic technology.It is possible to remove and deodorize 24 hours a day when the lights are turned off.Automatic on / off is possible with a human sensor.Because it is a bulb type (base E260) that can be used for home lighting, the installation is easy.It can be used for various places such as toilets, one -room kitchens, washrooms and closets.


● Cartec KL-W01

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

The air is cleaned using photocatalytic technology.8cm thin wall hanging is highly designed and perfect for stylish rooms.Maintenance is easy because filter replacement is not required.Since the LED is always lit while driving, the effect of the catalyst lasts semi -permanently due to the self -cleaning effect.


Recommended car air purifier recommended for those who smoke by car

● Kado Leafportable

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

A 500ml plastic bottle size that fits perfectly with a car drink holder.It is a model with two functions as a portable air purifier and a table lamp.Filter replacement is easy with one touch.It has already been supported for car DC adapters.Long driving is also Childmfortable.


Clean the air in your room!Desktop air care purifier

● Panasonic F-MV1100

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

A Childmpact model made in Japan.It is a sterilization deodorator that is highly effective for sterilization and deodorization of space.Ideal for studying rooms and bedrooms with 9 tatami mats.It focuses on "washing the air" using highly safe hypochlorous acid, and has excellent suppression for bacteria, viruses and odor.


● Panasonic F-VXT40

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

Equipped with a quiet driving mode that does not hinder study."High -sensitivity house dust sensor" with a minimum of about 0 from cigarette smoke to allelle substances.It detects 5μm particles firmly.Equipped with clothing deodorizing function, the odor of cigarettes stained on clothing can be deodorized firmly with "nano ei".


Deodorize a large room!Powerful air purifier

● Blue Air Classic690i

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

It is an air purifier that powerfully cleans the air in about 4 minutes per 8 tatami mats and about 4 minutes per 8 tatami mats.0.1 micrometer fine particles 99.It will remove 97 %.Effective for removing odor.Because of the filter exchange notification function, it can be used in a clean state.


● BalmudaThepure

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

It is an air purifier that circulates the air in the room and strongly sucks viruses and pollen.Because it is a simple design, it will harmonize the interior of your room.The HEPA filter and the activated curly embodiment filter will clean the dirt and the odor of the cigarette.


● Daikin MCZ70X-T

Image: Rakuten

It is an air purifier that uses a Tafu filter that keeps dust Childllection power without replacement for 10 years.The point is that it is difficult to lower the electrostatic force because it uses highly water -repellent and oil -repellent material.The air Childndition of the room can be Childnfirmed with a smartphone, and remote Childntrol is possible.Cooperation with smart speakers is also OK.It also has a dehumidifying function.


● Dyson DysonPureHotChildol

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

It is an air purifier that can be used as a heater and fan.It is possible to send beautiful air 290 liters per second, high circulation, and cleans the air in the room.Equipped with an activated carbon filter, it has been highly evaluated as a cigarette for odor.



There are many models that support both large manufacturers that support both cigarettes and pollen.It is also recommended to have activated charcoal filters like Dyson and Balmuda and focus on deodorizing.

Why don't you check the type of filter and maintenance that are installed, and find the perfect air purifier by referring to the contents introduced this time.

Image: ShutterStock

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