[2022] 12 recommended dehumidifiers | Introducing popular products by professional selection and type


An item that helps prevent moisture in the rainy season and to prevent dew condensation in winter, and dehumidifier.Recently, it has been used as a dry dehumidifier that dries laundry.However, when purchasing, many manufacturers such as Panasonic and Sharp have released many products, and many people are worried about what to choose based on.

When choosing a dehumidifier, first decide the "compressor type", "decicant type", and "hybrid type" according to the season and purpose of use.Then pay attention to the ease of portability and tank capacity.

This time, Mr. Kazumi Ishii, a home appliance professional reviewer, explained how to choose a dehumidifier.We will introduce recommended dehumidifiers by type by referring to the points of how to choose Mr. Ishii, such as "The low electricity bill is a compressor type" and "If you use it at bedtime, the capacity is 2L or more".

Kazumi Ishii A home appliance promen.She specializes in product reviews, mainly white goods and daily necessities.She has been reviewing for over 15 years.She has opened a detached house "home appliance lab" to review home appliances in Moriya City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and also tests large home appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines.


What is a dehumidifier?Differences from clothing dry dehumidifiers and air purifiers

How to select a dehumidifier-Type-Tank capacity-Easy to carry-Easy care-function

Characteristics of standard manufacturers

12 Recommended dehumidifiers | Introduced by type-Recommended dehumidifier with compressor type-Recommended dehumidifier with deskant type-Recommended dehumidifier with hybrid type

Precautions when using ・ Those who are not used

What is a dehumidifier?Differences from clothing dry dehumidifiers and air purifiers

"The dehumidifier is a home appliance that takes the moisture in the room to adjust the humidity. Recently, the number of people in the room has increased, and the" clothing drying dehumidifier ", which has the function of drying the wind and drying the clothes, is the mainstream. Among them.Some people use it for closets that do not reach the air conditioner and for dehumidification for the bathroom.

An air purifier is a home appliance that purifies air, and is completely different from a dehumidifier for dehumidification.Some of the dehumidifiers have a function to remove pollen, but it is better to use them as an auxiliary function. "


"The optimal humidity is said to be 40-60 %. If the humidity is too high, mold on the wallpaper, and the number of mites will increase on carpets and sofas. Conversely, if it is less than 40 %, the skin will dry out., The virus may become active and make it easier to catch a cold. "

▼ Average humidity every 2020 ■ Tokyo


■ Okinawa (Ishigaki Island)


(Quoted: Official HP)

How to choose a dehumidifier

There are six important points when choosing a dehumidifier: "type", "dehumidifying ability", "tank capacity", "easy to carry", "easy to care" and "function".


There are three types of dehumidifiers: compressor type, decicant type, and hybrid type.It is a good idea to choose in consideration of the season you use.

Compressor type


「湿った空気を冷やして水滴にかえて除去する、Compressor type。

The dehumidifying ability rises when the indoor temperature is high and low when the room temperature is low.Recommended for moisture measures in the rainy season and use in summer, but not suitable for winter dehumidification.

The advantage is that the electricity bill of a general product is about 6 yen per hour. "

【関連】Compressor type除湿機の詳しい解説はこちら

Decicant style


「乾燥材に空気中の水分を吸着させて部屋の水分をとる、Decicant style。コンパクトで持ち運びしやすく、稼働音が小さいのがメリット。

When removing the adsorbed water, the heater is used, so the electricity bill increases.The electricity bill for a general model is 17 yen per hour.

Depending on the size of the room, the room temperature rises by 3 to 8 ° C when used.Recommended for applications such as preventing condensation in winter. "

Hybrid type


"Hybrid is a product that combines the good parts of a compressor and decicant. The price is expensive, but if you want to use it all year, a hybrid is recommended."

【コラム】通年使いたいならHybrid type1択?

"Depending on the conditions, compressors and decicant can be used all year round.

Compressor typeは5℃以下になるとDehumidification capacityが落ちるので、マンションの中層階など室温が5℃以下になりにくい環境なら使えるでしょう。また、暖房で部屋が温かければDehumidification capacityが下がることはありません。

Decicant styleは室温が上がるので、夏場に使うと暑いです。人がいない部屋で使うのであれば、夏場の利用も問題ありません」

Dehumidification capacity

The dehumidifying ability is represented in a form like "1 day/L".This is the amount of water that can be dehumidified per day, and is described in the product description along with the number of adaptable tatami mats.

"If dehumidification is the purpose, match the size of your room and the number of adaptable tatami mats.

If you use clothing drying for the main purpose, you will need more than the number of adaptive tatami mats.

Therefore, it is a good idea to focus on the description of "for 4 families", "Wide Winding 165cm", and "75 minutes of clothes drying time" according to the amount of laundry than the number of laundry. "

▼ Estimated adaptable number of tatami mats corresponding to dehumidification capacity

Dehumidification capacity適応畳数

"Small dehumidifiers, such as 4L or less, are suitable for the use of narrow kitchens and dressing rooms. It is dangerous to rise in a small place such as closet, so we recommend using the wind from outside.Some of them are

▼ Popular products with small dehumidifiers

tank capacity

"If the tank capacity is 2L or more, it is sufficient to use it all night at bedtime.

If you want to reduce the trouble of throwing away, we recommend a model that can be drained continuously.You can use it while draining it in the bathroom with a hose without a tank. "

Easy to carry

"The dehumidifier is not left out, but most of the uses are used from the closet, etc. In addition, it may move to a position where the laundry is hit, so it is important to carry it. It is about 6 kg for women.It is easy to do.

Models with high dehumidifying power are over 10kg and are difficult to carry.It is a good idea to check the specifications such as the casters moving not only on the left and right but also back and forth, and whether the handle is attached.

Decicant styleは軽量ですが、Compressor typeとHybrid typeは重量があるので、とくに注意が必要」

Ease of care

"Cleaning the dehumidifier is not so difficult, but when you throw away the drainage, it is easy to carry with a handle on the tank.


If the shape of the tank is complicated, it is a little troublesome to wash it, so it is a good idea to check it.

Regardless of the model, if garbage adheres to the filter, an extra load will be applied and the electricity bill will increase.It is better to inhale regularly with a vacuum cleaner. "


You should choose the function according to your purpose.

・ Recommended functions for those who value moisture countermeasures "40 %, 50 % -55 %, and those that can set the moisture in detail. With the function of drying the dehumidifier, the main body is irresistible because the body is irresistible.You can prevent the smell of mold when you take it out. "

・ Recommended functions for those who want to dry the room "If the main is clothes drying, the better the blaze mode, such as" Wide Wind "and" Pinpoint Wind ", it is recommended to use it according to the laundry.If the angle can be changed, it will be easier to apply the wind to the clothes and let it dry quickly. "

・ Recommended functions for mold against the dressing room and closet “Because the dehumidifier is not waterproof, when using it in a dressing room, the main use is to use the wind from the outside.In addition, it is necessary to move the wind direction up and down. Therefore, a model that can change the angle of the wind is recommended. "

▼ List of useful functions


Characteristics of standard manufacturers

メーカーごとにCompressor type・Decicant style・Hybrid typeの取り扱っているラインナップが異なります。

シャープ軽いものが多く、気軽に使いたい方におすすめ。「プラズマクラスター」搭載で部屋の臭いを除去。Compressor typeの製品が多い。
アイリスオーヤマDehumidification capacityが高く、価格が安いのが特徴。Compressor type・Decicant styleの製品が多い。
三菱Dehumidification capacity重視の方におすすめ。冬モード搭載など高性能なCompressor typeが多いが高価な傾向。
パナソニックルーバーがよく動くため、衣類乾燥におすすめ。「ナノイーX」搭載で部屋干しの臭いを抑制。Hybrid typeの製品が多い。
コロナシンプルで使いやすい。Compressor typeのコンパクトなモデルも人気。

"Cheaper Chinese brands of several thousand yen may lose their dehumidification ability, so be careful when purchasing. The five manufacturers introduced here are safe."

12 recommended dehumidifiers | Introduced by type

Compressor typeでおすすめの除湿機

ここで人気のコンプレッサー除湿機を4つ紹介します。Compressor type除湿機について、より詳しく知りたい方は以下の記事より。

▼Compressor type除湿器の詳しい解説、おすすめ商品はこちら

・ Sharp clothing dry dehumidifier CV-L180

One that has a powerful dehumidifying ability and has an excellent odor control function for drying the room.

The plasma cluster ions are released while drying the clothing, and the odor of dry dry is suppressed.In the "odor return measures mode", the plasma cluster ions are released after drying to suppress the odor return.

Because it is wide with a wide wind width of 165 cm, it is ideal for drying a large amount of clothing at once.Dry the upper and lower gym clothes in about 40 minutes.It is a nice point that the inside of the main unit can be dried, so that it can prevent the smell of mold when it is taken out of the closet.

tank capacity4.5L

・ Corona clothing Dry dehumidifier H series CD-H1820

One recommended for those who value cospa.Not only is the main unit price reasonable, but the power consumption is about 6 yen per hour with a "DC blast motor".

It is also attractive that it has a rich useful function.Equipped with a variety of modes, such as "standard mode" that can be dried quickly, "night dried mode" that can be used quietly, and "ECO mode" that can save electricity bills.The touch panel is easy to see and intuitively operated.

夏場の湿気対策にはぴったり。冬モード搭載なのでCompressor typeを通年利用したい方にもおすすめ。

tank capacity4.5L

・ Mitsubishi clothing drying dehumidifier SARARI MJ-M120RX

The "SARARI" series is one recommended for those who are worried about the drying of laundry.

Equipped with a "3D move eye", it is determined to determine the wet laundry and pinpoint blast at the target location.It also prevents the remains of the cuffs and aside from the side.With a 180cm wide blower, a large amount of laundry is dried at once.Because you can blow down, you can also dry a double size futon.

Dehumidification is also distinguished by moving eyes in areas where moisture tend to be.Perfect for moisture countermeasures on windows and walls and mold against bathrooms.

tank capacity3L

・ Kado rootDH-C7100

A stylish dehumidifier with a chic form.One of the charms is easy to use.

With an aluminum handle and a 360 ° spinning caster, you can move the room smoothly.It is easy to use in various places such as dressing room, bedroom, and living room.

Simultaneously spray high -performance electrolyte ionic water "Purio" and disinfecting and utterly "peas guard".99 % of the causative bacteria of the smell of drying rooms on clothes can be removed by 99 %.

Up to 7 per day.On 5/day, the dehumidification ability is also powerful.Since it can be drained directly by connecting a hose, you can dehumidify without worrying about the capacity.

tank capacity3.5L

Decicant styleでおすすめの除湿機

・アイリスオーヤマサーキュレーターfunction付Decicant styleIJD-I50

A dehumidifier with a circulator, drying the laundry quickly with W power.It is attractive to dry about 5 times faster than natural drying.

The quieter 29dB quiet design than the library is perfect for bedtime use.The tank is easy to pull out, and all the lids do not need to be opened, so only the end part is opened, so drainage is easy.

It is a nice point that it has a safety function that automatically stops even when falling.It is a reasonable price and is recommended for the first one.

tank capacity2.5L

・ Panasonic clothing Dry dehumidifier decicant type F-YZM60-W

It is attractive that the blower mode is diverse and easy to use according to the amount of laundry.

"Wide mode" when you want to dry a lot of laundry, "spot mode" when drying a small laundry.It is convenient when drying shoes because the wind can be sent to "downward".

Recommended for a wide range of applications, such as dehumidification of the living room, moisture countermeasures in dressing rooms, and preventing windows and walls.It is lightweight and easy to carry, and its size is compact, so it is easy to place any place.

A product that is popular to purchase because it is popular and has excellent performance.

tank capacity約2L

・アイリスオーヤマ衣類乾燥除湿機Decicant styleIJD-H20-A

価格は1万円ほどのコスパに優れるコンパクトなDecicant style除湿機。

It is easy to install in a small space and is recommended for living alone.Four.4kg and lightweight!Because it has a handle, it is easy to use in various places to carry.

It is easy to use during work or studying with a 34db quiet design.The angle can be adjusted manually, so you can dry the laundry on the spy dee with the wind on the target.

The operation panel is also simple and easy to use.This one is perfect for moisture control and winter condensation prevention.

tank capacity約2L

・ Hitachi Clothing Dry dehumidifier Desicant method HJS-D771

Weight 5.5kg, dehumidification ability 7 a day.7L!It is compact, but it can be dehumidified powerfully.

Dry a wide range of 150 °.With spot blast, you can intensively dry a small amount of laundry.You can put it around the water area around the dressing room and around the shoe closet at the entrance.The tank has a large handle and is easy to drain.

Equipped with "quiet mode" and "10 hours after driving activity stop function".You can also set the timer in 2, 4, 8 hours.One of the best usability.

tank capacity2L

・ Daikinkinko JKT10VS-W

A type of dehumidifier that is attached to the wall.If the humidity exceeds 60 %, automatic driving will start.The power is automatically turned off when the optimal humidity becomes.

Remote monitoring is possible from a smartphone without watering.Recommended for mold countermeasures due to moisture from vacant houses and villas while away.The electricity bill is cheaper than the air conditioner.

Perfect for used in storerows, garages, library, etc.It can be used conveniently when you leave home for a long time with transfer.To install, a hole is required on the wall and a power supply near the installation location.

tank capacity10L

Hybrid typeでおすすめの除湿機

・ Panasonic clothing Dry dehumidifier Hybrid type F-YHTX120

Hybrid typeの定番メーカー、パナソニック。Compressor typeの製品に比べると高価ですが、1年通して使えるのが魅力の一台。

12.With the dehumidifying ability of 5L/day, the jersey upper and lower can be dried in about 35 minutes and two T -shirts can be dried in about 20 minutes.The blowing width is 165cm, and a large amount of laundry is dried at once.Equipped with an "econavi", it is convenient because the amount of laundry is automatically determined to adjust the air volume, so it is also convenient for power saving when washing a small amount.

With "nano -X", it prevents the unpleasant smell of drying the room.In "clothing care mode", it also deodorizes tobacco, yakiniku, and pets.

tank capacity3.2L

・ Panasonic clothing Dry dehumidifier Hybrid type F-YHTX200-S

Hybrid typeのなかで、Dehumidification capacityが高いものがほしい方におすすめの一台。

It supports up to 43 tatamiules, and dries about 2 kg of laundry in about 58 minutes.4 times 4.Laundry for 5 people is possible.Perfect for large families.

If you use "Room Care Mode", "NanoE X" will be released throughout the room.The large living room is removed and deodorized throughout the year.The size is large, but you can move sideways smoothly with a 4 -wheel caster.

tank capacity20L

・ Panasonic clothing Dry dehumidifier Hybrid type F-YHTX90-H

四角いボディが印象的なHybrid type。洗濯物を真下から乾かせるので、スペースを取らないのが大きな魅力。

About 2kg of laundry is dried in about 97 minutes.It is also convenient when you want to dry your child's gym clothes in a hurry.Equipped with "bedding care mode", the futon odor and moisture are removed firmly.

Recommended for those who live in an apartment that cannot dry the veranda or live alone.It can be used all year round without being affected by the weather.

tank capacity約2.4L

Precautions when using ・ Those who are not used

"If you open the door and use it, another moisture will come in, so it is a major premise to use it in a closed space. In order to create a flow of air, it is basically used for about 40 cm away from the wall.

When not in use, wipe off the water and dry it so that mold does not grow when it is taken out.

The dehumidifier has a loud sound regardless of the product and the temperature of the room rises.Therefore, it is recommended to use it when there are no people. "

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