11 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake

 It has been 11 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake.Where and what were you doing at that time?

 I happened to work from the evening because I happened to be affected at home.The cupboard door was opened and the plates and cups broke in large quantities, but fortunately the damage was small.The work was recorded by Nippon Broadcasting, but I couldn't make any calls at all to check whether to do it, postpone it, and this had no choice but to do something.All trains stop, and the Metropolitan Expressway is closed.Many people evacuated from the building and gathered on roads and parks, and went to Nippon Broadcasting in Yurakucho for the time being while watching the aftershocks continued to be anxious.

 The sight I saw on the way was unforgettable.The manhole rises to the height of the eye due to the liquefaction phenomenon, the water overflows, the road is like a river, and the telephone pole falls down and the roof of the house is dented.A few weeks later, when I went to Miyagi to volunteer, I was appalled by the scene that I could not imagine in this world.

 A disaster that does not know when and where it will occur.Don't forget that you may be damaged while driving a car.Therefore, my car has always had a "safety + disaster prevention set" that includes a mobile toilet, water, light meal, whistle, and cold poncho that can be stored for 7 years, but this time newly added disaster prevention goods.There is.


 That is, "cushion -type multifunctional sleeping bag", which can be used as a cushion and becomes a sleeping bag in case of emergency.I was happy when I found this.A professional in a car or a person who has been evacuated by car is listed in one of the "better things to keep on board", but just load a normal sleeping bag in a car.I just wanted to take up space, so I wanted something useful on a regular basis.

 For a long time, I wanted a cushion that would become a pillow when I took a little nap with SA during a long -drive break time, so this is perfect!I bought it immediately.Immediately, when I put it in the rear seat of my car's Levorg, it feels pretty good.And I defeated the rear seat flat and finally used it as a sleeping bag.

 To make a sleeping bag from a cushion, just open the chuck connecting the three sides, remove the three hooks and spread it.It feels a little thin, but it looks good on the head, even a small pillow.When I actually entered the sleeping bag, the luggage compartment of Levorg was not as high as the minivan, so I needed to peel my head a little, but when I put it from my feet, I am still 165cm tall and still to my toe.I can afford it.It seems that my husband is okay.

 And as well as the tent, I am not good at folding (laughs).This was the most worried point whether this sleeping bag could be returned to the original cushion properly.First, fold both ends, fold the upper one and twice, then remain the three hooks and close the chuck.Because the air is in, I pushed it in and folded it while pulling it out, and I returned to the cushion in a few minutes!It was good.

 Those to be prepared at home and those in the car.3.With 11, why don't you review it once again?