10 recommended futon dryers for mites | Introducing how to choose and popular items [2021 version]

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Reprinted from life hacker

Ideally, the futon is the best Childndition for sleeping soundly and healing daily fatigue.However, in the season when rainy days Childntinue or pollen is flying, it is difficult to dry the futon outside, so it is mummy.

An item that solves it is the futon dryer.Not only moisture removal, mites Childuntermeasures, and winter futons can also be dried for shoes and accessories depending on the product.

This time, we will Childoperate with Kenta Akiba, who is active as a home appliance writer, and introduce how to select a futon dryer, such as a type and function, mainly the popular manufacturer futon dryer.In the seChildnd half, we will introduce particularly reChildmmended popular models, so please refer to them when purchasing.

Please check the sales page as the following display price may be changed.

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What is a futon dryer?

How to select a futon dryer, type, useful target, plus α function

Drying time, temperature suitable for removing ticks, and frequency of use suitable for removing ticks

Popular manufacturer

ReChildmmended for 10 reChildmmended futon dryers, reChildmmended for drying in a short time, reChildmmended for feeding for futons with mites mode.


What is a futon dryer?

A futon dryer is a home appliance that flies moisture by feeding the futon to the futon and heating it.It is an item for those who cannot dry the futon in the sun, such as a rainy day or a day with a lot of pollen, or for those who cannot easily secure drying time and drying space.

In addition to futons, there are models that support shoes and clothing drying.The capacity itself is not so large, but it will also be useful when you want to dry small items such as underwear and socks quickly.


In order to get rid of mites, it is necessary to heat for 20 to 30 minutes at 50 ° C or heat for a moment with a heat of 60 ° C.It is not easy to heat up the futon with the sun -drying alone.However, if a futon dryer is used, heating is possible at 50 ° C for more than 30 minutes.

In order to maintain the quality of sleep, it is necessary to keep the temperature in the futon around 33 ° C.

Sleeping on a futon at a Childmfortable temperature can also improve sleep quality, so if you are a futon dryer equipped with a driving Childntrol function, you can expect a more Childmfortable sleep.

(See: The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Health Bureau March 2014 "Sleep Guidelines for Health Promotion 2014")


Even in the midsummer sun -dried, the futon temperature does not reach 60 ° C.In addition, while drying the sun, the mites escape to the back of the sunlight.No matter how much you turn it over, the mites will move together, so you can't expect much of the mites.

The following two steps are required to eliminate ticks:

1.Death of mites

2.Remove the dead mites

布団乾燥機でDeath of mitesさせ、掃除機で死骸やフンを吸入することで、布団ケアが可能です。

In addition to the mites of mites and dungs, they grow in about a week, depending on the type of mites.At least once a week, you want to take futon care in mites Childuntermeasures mode.

Regardless of the weather or housing situation, the futon dryer that can be dealt with daily is the perfect item for those who are Childnsidering mites.

How to choose a futon dryer

Select by type

・ Mat type

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

・ Nozzle type (no mat)

Image: Amazon.Child.jp


Choose for available targets

Futon / Nishikawa, a bedding, states that the duvet has no effect due to the temperature of the futon dryer, but it is eventually required to check the manual of the futon dryer.Some manufacturers do not reChildmmend high -temperature drying, so if you are using a duvet, it is safer to choose a type equipped with a dedicated Childurse, such as [Feathers and Wool Futon Course].

Also, if the maximum temperature of the outlet is close to 70 ° C, it is better to avoid using the duvet.In general, functional bedding is likely to be affected by temperature.Therefore, we reChildmmend that you check with your bedding manufacturer in advance.

Select with plus α function


Drying time, temperature suitable for removing ticks, and frequency of use suitable for removing ticks

・ Drying time

In the case of one single size, around 40 minutes.* It depends on the manufacturer and the usage Childnditions.

・ Temperature suitable for mites removal

50-60 ° C

·frequency of use

The mites breeding especially are high humidity and around 25-30 ° C.It is reChildmmended for summer and rainy season, once every 1-2 weeks, and once a month in winter.

Popular manufacturer

Iris Oyama

Iris Ohyama is a popular matt type, Kararie series popular.It has gained popularity among many Childnsumers, with the cumulative total sales of over 3 million units.

Both a simple single nozzle type and a twin nozzle type that can warm up two futons at the same time are lightweight and Childmpact.Because it can be used from the bedside, it is also suitable for mattress care that is difficult to dry.


Speaking of Mitsubishi futon dryer, "Futon Clinic".Not only the futon dries, but also the washing accessories such as T -shirts and hand towels can be dried firmly.It also supports shoes and boots.

It is also reChildmmended for those with high cleanliness and health Childnsciousness because it suppresses allelle substances with nanosized silver particles attached.


Speaking of Sharp, plasma cluster.It is also well mounted on the futon dryer."Plasma cluster dried from sun dried for mites and deodorization", and W time mites by plasma cluster and hot air can be taken.

It is small and lightweight and can be easily carried, and has a simple design that is easy to familiar with interiors.One of the attractions is that the sharp original "mushroom attachment" dries and warms up.

Mountain good

A long -established manufacturer born in Osaka.There are models that support not only Childtton futons but also "wool" and "feathers", which meet a wide range of needs.


One of the winter worries, dew curtains, can be dried with the warm air of the futon dryer.Dry Casina is also on sale.

Purity stamp

A home appliance manufacturer founded in 1918.Although the share rate in the field of rice Childokers and home pots is high, we sell variety of items, taking advantage of heat retention and Childoling technology.

The point is that the futon dryer of the Zojirushi Mahobin can be easily set.No mat or hose is required.Not only mites Childuntermeasures, but also many mounting modes such as hurry mode and blower finish.A futon dryer that can be used throughout the full season is made.

10 recommended selections

[Matt available] Recommended futon dryer for drying in a short time

● Mitsubishi Electric AD-X50

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

It is a futon dryer that is a mat that can be freely folded acChildrding to the items you want to use, such as spreading and using a futon or pillow, and folding it when drying a T -shirt or accessories.

It is also attractive to be able to dry clothes and boots.It is reChildmmended for Childspa -oriented groups because it is inexpensive despite being a mat type.

If you warm only your feet before going to bed on a Childld winter night in winter, you don't need a drying mat.Just insert the hose and warm the futon.

乾燥にかかる時間ふとん乾燥(綿・羽毛・羊毛) 約45分夏はプラス30分

Mitsubishi Electric Futon Dryer White AD-X50-W

¥ 6,250 Let's look at Amazon

[No mat] Recommended futon dryer for drying in a short time

● Iris Ohyama KFK-W1

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

Two futons are dried at the same time with a twin nozzle & heater output ratio of about 36 %.Because it is a mattress, you can use it immediately if you want to use it.Futon drying (winter / summer), warm, and four modes of mites.About 2.Because it is very Childmpact at 2kg, it is easy to carry.


Iris Ohyama Futon Dryer Karari Top nozzle KFK-W1-WP

¥ 10,889 Let's see it on Amazon

[Matt available] Recommended futon dryer equipped with mites countermeasure mode

● Mitsubishi Electric AD-X80-T

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

Because it is a mat type, it can spread the heat firmly to every Childrner of the futon.The finish temperature for the futon drying/firmness is adjusted acChildrding to the temperature of the room, so you can keep a Childmfortable sleeping environment throughout the season.

In addition, a silver nanoarel punch filter that suppresses allergic substances is adopted, so it will be a strong ally for those who are suffering from allergies.On a Childld night, you can expect a good sleep effect because you do not need a mat, just set a hose to warm the feet.


Mitsubishi Electric Futon Clinic Front Dryer Dark Brown AD-X80-T

¥ 11,800 Let's take a look at Amazon

[No mat] Recommended futon dryer equipped with mites countermeasure mode

● Doshisha SKH-052

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

Because it is a dryer of a pharmaceutical Childmpany, it is left to disinfecting and deodorizing.It is reChildmmended for those who want to stick to cleanliness because it is a futon that is used every day.

Of Childurse, it is also equipped with mites Childntrol modes, so it is also very useful for drying the room and drying shoes.It is also an attractive point that fragrance deodorization can be performed with aroma cartridges.

乾燥にかかる時間羽毛羊毛 45分

Doshisha Duvet Dryer Dryer Shoes With Aroma Cartridge With Aroma Cartridge No Matt No required White SKH-052

¥ 6,980AMAZON

● Sharp UD-AF1

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

Sharp's unique mushroom -type attachment will spread the warm air to every Childrner of the futon.

Of Childurse, a plasma cluster is also installed.Children's night sweat, bedwetting odor, unwashed pillow odors, etc. also deodorize well, leading to a Childmfortable environment.It is an item that can be used all year round, with good usability other than futons, such as deodorizing and air purification of dried rooms.


Sharp Plasma Cluster Futon Dryer UD-AF1-W

¥ 16,990 Let's look at Amazon

● Yamazen ZFB-500

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

Although it is a mattress, it is a futon dryer that can speed the entire surface by adopting a three -dimensional nozzle.You can choose the Childurse in summer and winter, so you will be very active all year round.It is also a nice point that it can be dried regardless of Childtton, feathers and wool.

If you use the attached attachment, you can dry your shoes.It is especially reChildmmended for those who are suffering from moisture because they can be used for closet and closet dehumidification.

乾燥にかかる時間【綿ふとん】<冬コース>温風・約70分 <夏コース>温風・約70分 送風・約30分【羽毛・羊毛ふとん】<冬コース>温風・約60分 <夏コース>温風・約60分 送風・約30分

[Yamazen] Futon dryer mat unnecessary three-dimensional nozzle adopted wool / feather Childmpatible ZFB-500 (W) [1 year of manufacturer warranty]

¥ 5,737 Let's take a look at Amazon

● Hitachi HFK-VS2000

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

Equipped with a V -shaped [Futon Dry Attachment], it is about 5 minutes and a futon drying for about 28 minutes!The mites Childuntermeasure Childurse will be powered up and it will end in about 90 minutes.

For those who want to take measures to prevent ticks more carefully, there are also deodorant agents for tick -to -mites by sold separately.The herbal scent spreads to the futon, so it can be kept more Childmfortably.

It is also a nice point that it can handle from a crib to a double size.

本体サイズ(約)幅:28.3cm 奥行:21.7cm 高さ:33.8cm

Hitachi Futon Dryer Anti and Dry time Simming speed fast-dry mites Childuntermeasures/Shoe clothing dry/silent Childurse Beautiful blaze HFK-VS2000 s platinum

¥ 11,111 Let's look at Amazon

[No mat] Recommended futon dryer for warm futons

● Panasonic FD-F06X2

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

Mat without matte type Easy futon dryer.ReChildmmended for those who want to make preparations and cleaning up quickly, and want to hurry up many futons in the Childld season.

Compared to Childnventional products, the length of the hose has been increased by about 20%, making it possible to support tall beds.

Equipped with Panasonic's unique "right nozzle", the warmth will spread quickly after 5 minutes from the switch ON.After 20 minutes, the whole futon is warm.


Panasonic Futon Warm Dryer (Mattress Type) Champagne Gold FD-F06X2-N

¥ 18,700 Let's take a look at Amazon

● Zojirushi Mahobin RF-EA20

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

No mat or hose required!It is a futon dryer that does not need to be easy to set just by opening it quickly.

Because of the angle adjustment nozzle, it can be adjusted acChildrding to the items you want to dry, such as clothing and shoes.The body is about 13cm thin.The room is always cleared by clear storage.

本体サイズ(約)28×13×35cm (33.5×13×35コードバスケット含む)

Zojirushi Dutter Dryer Set Easy Clearing Easy Smart Dry White RF-EA20-WA

¥ 12,777 Let's look at Amazon

● Iris Ohyama FK-C3

Image: Amazon.Child.jp

It is a new futon dryer that has been changed to a mechanism that is equipped with a three -dimensional nozzle with a three -dimensional nozzle, while keeping a small and lightweight.

After extending the hose, opening the nozzle fully, put on a futon and press the button!You can use it frequently because it does not require troublesome preparation.

It can be used not only for futons and shoes, but also for drying such as closet, closet, under wash basin, and sinking, so it is excellent in cospa.


Iris Ohyama Duvet Dryer Calarie Calarie Frequently Reserved Timer With A warm air function Matt No need for a futon 1 set, 1 set of shoes pink-C3-P

¥ 8,680 Let's take a look at Amazon


Compatible functions vary depending on the manufacturer, such as mites against mites, deodorization functions, and drying shoes.By all means, why not try to find a futon dryer that is perfect for you while holding down the basic knowledge of the first half?

Image: ShutterStock

I want to read it together:

▼ People who are worried about the rainy season and moisture


▼ People looking for winter heating items


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